SCP: Chronicles ► https://clck.ru/gbJ6X
#MindWarehouse #IncredibleMoments #CaughtOnCamera #interestingfacts
Today, CCTV cameras have captured Magneto’s antics, the amazing behavior of animals and the ridiculous stuff people do – join in now!
For copyright matters please contact us at: copymanager.mn@gmail.com
Don people leave their houses open?
Hay !
Thanks 🙏
The German Shepherd who saved the Lady from the tree falling on her! She owes him a BIG hug & a STEAK Dinner with all the trimmings 🙂 ALL PETS ARE AWESOME 🙂
No need to talk over the videos.
Ogni volta che vedo lo schifo della tecnologia cinese, mi chiedo perchè noi la compriamo
The dog somehow knew the lady would get hurt…what do you all think?
8:05 …the dog goes from a naughty one to a saviour in a second 👏😁
I'm sorry but these comments are just bad 😑
Good stuff! 😀
Yeaaaa whole screen
Meet God on His terms. "Ask Jesus/Yeshua to Forgive your sins, and come into your life from your heart while U still have breath!" Reject Hell! John 14:6-7 Revelation 1:18, reads, "I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I AM ALIVE! for evermore Amen; and have the Keys of hell and of death". Is He your Savior or your Judge?
The clip beginning at 5:41 makes me think I need a pet like that to help me fold bedsheets. And I loved the guy spitting out his drink when he saw the snake. It reminded me of the scene in the animated movie "Incredibles 2" when the young girl in the restaurant, after taking a drink of water, unexpectedly sees their waiter is a boy at her school she is interested in and shoots the water out her nose! That was hilarious; I burst out laughing every time I see that scene.
the guy leaving his wife in the isle when the quake hit. there you go ladies, you choose well
I saw this footages on <50 most "dangerous" moments caught on CCTV cameras > 📷 😳 😅
tie a rope to one gate, then hold the rope and go grab the other gate. pull rope in to grab hold of the first gate.
Please share the Love of the Son of God, He spoke Truth Forever. Please write His Words in your Heart, and share them. Please Forgive, and Pray for everyone. Immanuel, God with us…
MindWarehouse has blown my mind…again
John 14:6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Drunk elephants,claiming to have seen an angry pink dog….
They definitely broke that scale on purpose. They put a pipe under it so it would snap in half.
Aku rasa gudang gudang pabrik gede itu ga mikirin keselamatan,banyak banget kejadian rak ambrol,minimalis banget bahanya kaya nya
That bear in the kitchen just took a week worth of grocery haha.
Always enjoy watching your videos
To the guy who dropped a full crate of Bud light. thats what happens when you buy Bud light
4:54 Dominos pizza was a good dad joke.
4:13 Why someone has a cam in his bedroom? Weirdo!
Why are you showing your clips twice? Are you trying to make your video longer?
5:00 he holds his wrist <3
7:07 funniest bad luck xD
Lots of funny things here and thank you
what's with the guy in the bear suit @ 3:50