Staring at Thugs & Gang Bangers in The Hood Gone Wrong! Part 2
I Can’t Believe How Many People Got Heated! (MUST WATCH)
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This looks like GTA 5 when you stand too close to people they react the same, so the game is well made and realistic
Love the videos bro 😂
Why do people get so angry when people start at them
Most of these thugs' biggest enemy is their pants
TNG 😂😂💪🏽
Buck at them lol 😂
This is stupid
😂 no one is scared of you
How he look again around the corner.. Dude.. Ur fix 🤣
Lots of blacks say that they are being racially profiled . . I want to show you a mirror of how you look in public if you haven't figured it out . ." LOOK ! . At white Karen's.. .I think it's a spiritual problem.. . White privilege, black hatred. . .jealousy, covetousness, pride, arrogance, vanity.. . REPENT !
This shit would’ve gotten you killed in my town … y’all need to find a better prank forreal
Second one isn’t a gang member…. He’s the whole gang
It's not real. Just cheap act. Better not to make any mess.
Bro a person got shot over putting too much mayo on a subway sandwich, y’all need to be careful out there 💀
So what makes them gangbangers? They look like minorities minding their own businesses. These are the type of pages kids watch and people from around the world watch. This is the image you’re going to paint in their heads when they see blacks and Hispanics. Your videos are trash.
I don’t feel bad at all for the pranksters that do this…go ahead and get hurt messing with the wrong person one day….for likes/views? 😂😂 sad
Stay tuned for their next upload: the funeral!
Just earned a new sub that's was funny af
Im not going to like or share this video or anything i don't condone this dude dont give kids these type of ideas man you or someone can get hurt or lose your life you got lucky you were able to upload without an incident you couldve got hurt bad.
Nggas will chase you down over staring
Gta npc
He won't last
Got be careful for real out here , watched a video the other day .2 Dude was face off out no where 1 just jabs the other in the neck it happened so fast. Be careful out here
Holy shit… gen Z. 🤦🏻
3:51 runnin and starring 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's hilarious man ahahahahahaha….
He actually scared the guy in blue lol that look 👀 was scary 😟
Yo, need da stop dogging. Stop fuck’n with my peoples cuz. You feel me?
Lmao that Led work not good tbh
This guy is so cocky! 2:07
I can throw this babe boy easily 🤣
Now do it again. Girl version
lekker pis gat
why are you doing this? You provoke people and at some point it will end badly! better leave it is not funny at all!
black dude on his phone: GANG MEMBER
also good job on this video really shows how paranoid people are lol
Hopefully he learns his lesson one day so I don't have to waste time seeing this
Welcome to California 🌴
Please do this again😂😭
This is just stupid. These guys on the street could be on a good one(drugs) and y'all wanna play staring games all for content on YouTube. Smh
this funny