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❗️ INFO ❗️
These videos are solely used for education purposes on road safety and how better conduct yourself on the road.
This video is only for educational purposes and was done to document the traffic risk factors! We do not encourage the actions contained in this episode !!! Ride Safe!
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#roadrage, #bikersarenice, #motomoments
Why are all “street fights motorcycle videos 😂
I’m finished with these channels like moto fury that say street fights and it’s nothing more than pissed off bikers shouting at people in cars.
Where are the fucking fights?
arguments arent fights stop clickbaiting
where did u see a STREET FIGHT or HOOD FIGHT lmfao L
beside a bunch of crying bikers its nothing new
There aren't any fights in this video
"Idiots on cars and bikes" would be a better title
You spelled street altercations wrong.
It's a walrus with glasses
99% of motorcyclists are A-Holes… Rules seem to always work only for the others, or how you can use them yourself. If you fall on the muzzle, the others are to blame
What He Said !!!
Motorcycle people are some of the worst who don't follow the law. Then they are the most critical of others who do what they do.
Don't understand how these biker d*cks think the other guy is in the wrong when they're doing 2 x the speed limit on these crotch rockets. Bunch of goofs.
Guy on the motor cycle bitching about other people's driving is a jerk he thinks he owns the roads
Looked like a bunch of bikers acting like idiots
I find it amusing that bikers get mad at auto drivers for driving like they always do lol…they suck…it won't change…
Most of these videos BOTH people are at fault, speed around on their gay little scooters and then get mad when people almost hit them
You don’t need signs to know not to ride your bike on a side walk, ON TOP OF THAT
1. It’s a busy sidewalk
2. You are literally riding side by side with three bikes taking up the entire sidewalk
3. You are not little children you know better
That being said the “adults” way overreacted and looked childish
But you are ALL at fault and don’t act hard child you will say that shit to the wrong guy
Is everyone that rides a bitch bike an asshole? Basically every clip they were in the wrong then flipping on the cars. Settle down Beta
These Go-Pro bike kids are just trying to cause trouble. They should get a life. Useless, irritating pricks..
no fights
This is click bait bullshit
fights ? where ?
So brave with a camera..
Why are motorcycles even allowed on the highway let alone drive in between cars Im not surprised ppl get annoyed
Got bored after 3 mins and not seeing a single punch thrown.