Filming these rescues can be challenging, but Katie and Alex did a good job showing most of it. The priority is the rescue itself, and if we get to bring you the story on a video, for us it’s a bonus 💝
Please watch Lucy, Lila, Liberty, and Linus being rescued, and be on the lookout for our next video where my whole #HopeForPaws team rescued EIGHT DOGS in one day!
Also, if you would like to have your own Lucky Leash, please become a member today and we will send it your way right away: https://www.HopeForPaws.org/Lucky_Leash
Thank you #KittyBungalow for your help with this project. They have so many beautiful kittens for adoption, so please check them out and consider adopting a cute little #kitten to your family: https://www.KittyBungalow.org
Thank you so much!
What's TNR'd?
We’re the parents neutered?
Where is the mother and father of the kittens?
Why didn’t Mom and Dad go with the kittens ?? You just stole her children ! Mom and Dad have to be spayed and kept indoors, not highway.
What a sweet and beautiful family🖤🖤🙏🏼🙏🏼 thank you angels for saving them!
Thank you from the bottom of my HEART!
cute rescue ty
Bravo to unnamed hero!💜💜💜
don't seperate family – can't they all live together with neighbors caring for them?
Why weren't they united with mom and dad? Why break up the family?
These videos are way too short. Where are the adult cats?
Dr. O jamo sent me herbal product which I use and I got cured after 21 days. Wow his product works very effectively Dr. Ojamo
Oh the OUTRAGE! 😀
How many black kittens do you have hope for paws?
What happened to mom and dad? Did you separate them from their babies?
The mom & dad’s bond is adorable , their tails held high and the headbutts 😭❤️
so happy you saved cute kittens i know than are going to have a blessed life and day be blessed you all are so awesome have a blessed day in christ love Terry 💒🤩🛐✝️👼😇👣🐈🐈🐈
I am happy that the nice man called you and agreed to care for mom and dad cats but isn't it dangerous for them to be close to that busy road?
So happy the kittens were rescued and now living a happy life. 🐱🐱
Happy the kittens been adopted bt I worry the adult cats will stress over the loss they will be wondering where their babies are. Time is a good healer though, and if that kind guy says to the cat her babies been adopted in loving homes, on some level she WILL understand and not worry 😇
The adult cats weren't feral and I hate it when people say that. They are afraid and with time they learn how to show their emotion.
Beautiful black kitties. So glad mom and dad stay together.
Did you take the kittens from their mum and dad.
Junior House Panthers (I have a Grand-Kitty who is a House Panther). Thank you for TNRing the parents (and the Vet probably vaccinated them too). Very happy they have a supporter who will look after them. Bless him. Glad the Kittens are headed to furever homes. The Streets are very tough on Cats and often deadly for Kittens. Thanks HFP.
Really unfortunate the family was split up like that, very unkind to them, no empathy whatsoever in that regard. Adult feral cats can be socialized and live wonderful happy lives off the streets and enjoy a great quality of life. I know that because I do it and I also know that socialized, previously feral adult cats make great pets – they're extremely grateful. Shame Hope For Paws took the easy way out and dumped the parents back in the streets. Very disappointed.
Little baby panthers 🖤🖤
Thank you
what happent to their parents :)?
And gosh they looks like our cat 😀
C'est en se photo
Ils sont jolies tout plein
C'est leurs de la douche 🚿
C'est quoi leurs noms
C'est des mal ou des femmel
Les chatons sont ou
Ils sont tros jolies toute la petite famille
C'est quand leurs anniversaires 🎂
Ilou elle mérite de vivre et de être soignée et heureuse 😁
Ilou elle mérite d'avoir une famille qui l'aime vraiment très fort et de la tendresse et de lafectiont et des câlin d'amour
They're so dang CUTE! 😺💞😺💞😺
We had a lovely young boy show up in our yard a few months ago. We thought he had to belong to someone because he was so friendly and sweet, but the more we got to know him we realized he was wild, maybe a farm cat or a community cat. We feed him, he likes our dogs finally and sometimes will come into the house if he knows he can leave if he wants. Scheduled an appointment to get him neutered, chipped and vaccinations next month. He has now also adopted our neighbor, who is an older lady, recently widowed. He visits with her now more than us, but that’s great, she loves the company. I would prefer he live in the house, because I worry (he seems to get beat up a lot which the neutering should help with) but it’s his choice and we are here if he needs us.
Perhaps you can try blow the smell of the food or treats towards them and maybe they can smell it better… 😉
Oooh the sound I made when I saw that one white whisker!!!
My heart melts for the black ones. 🖤🖤🖤
Are they in adoption?;
two Black Beautiful Cuties.
Black cats are awesome 🖤
What happened to the feral parents of th kottens?