Is 2021 going to be worse then 2020?
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From things under the water, to the earths surface to our galaxy and solar system, there are so many things that really could go wrong for us that we have little to no control over. On todays Most Amazing Top 10 list, I’ll be covering just a few of the most Extreme natural disasters that we could see in 2021.
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Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh- https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/
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Hosted By:
Olivia Kosolofski: https://www.instagram.com/okosolofski/
Video Edited By:
Paul Dzioba: https://www.instagram.com/pashka_to
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10 Natural Disasters That Could Happen At Any Minute And Really Ruin Your Day
Which Disaster Scares You The Most?
I remember watching one of your videos on natural disasters that might happen in 2020 either it was December of 2019 or January of 2020. I made a comment saying that I thought there would be an earthquake in NJ. April of 2020 there was a minor earthquake reported in Ocean County NJ.
Idk, but I have this strange feeling that this might not happen. 😐
Glad that it’s only December left.
Well I guess the heat wave kinda was predicted
The subduction zone between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate (not the Pacific Plate) mentioned at #3 produced the most powerful known earthquake in history. It happened in 1960 and measured between 9.4 and 9.6 on the moment magnitude scale. The area has a history of earthquakes and has had several other quakes of similar magnitude.
Omg. Please tell me the image at 1:09 is photoshopped. I honestly can't imagine that they would put the road that close to that colossal vent. Can you imaging if the road were to collapse and people started sliding in there? Although, this does make me want to visit Yellowstone just to see this for myself.
You are one hilarious host
Ok the earthquake happened but not that much happened
everything will be okay
if you ignore the news.
Next time something like this happens I’ll be at Mars playing with Elon musk
I live no where near a ocean:]
The asteroid will not hit earth it will miss by about 30 thousand miles
A HEATWAVE HAPPEND IN 2021 also who watching this in 2021
At some point, there WILL be a catastrophic earthquake that hits the western coast and sinks half.of California into the ocean.
Maybe tomorrow, maybe 200 years from now, nobody knows.
But it will happen.
It will also likely start the cycle that results in the eruption of Yellowstone.
And white whole nera 😂😂
The sun is the center of our universe 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Maby H.A.A.R.P.Alaska weather control
Why not build a huge rocket and explode the astroid over 10000 billion miles away from earth or something like that??
People in the mini ice age:We're all gonna die!!!!
Russian people:This is normal
I'm chill with that
Im scared now I know want to move to mars 😰
The heat waves things are really kinda happening
Thank you for this lie 😂😂😂
Yellowstone won’t erupt. Heat waves happen every year. Big one could happen anytime and I’m glad I don’t live anywhere near la
I pray for my internet 😭😭😭😭
I really hope they can send us to Mars because I won’t even be 22 when it hits I think I am 15
You i scred metroid because it start diseaters
6:23 and the asteroid was supposed to hit on march 21 2021 but it missed earth
yellowstone might errupt on august 19th this year.
Ok i got it…surviving from all this chaos we going through and about to come are very slim…
Advanced RIP to me 💐😩
100,000 years ago ROTF LOL‼ The earth is only about 6000 years old give or take a few hundred years.
Guys don’t worry god is here to protect and save us amen 🙏
Everything will be okay with God
Wow.. tbh this is really depressing
none of these are gonna happen, the chances yellowstone explodes are extremely low, and there is no chance it can wipe out humanity
Guys, this can happen any year, we don’t really have much evidence that it can happen. But it can actually happen any year, so don’t be to scared of it. Most even happen in Rome so I don’t think many places will get destroyed.
So are we in danger of some of this happening?
Me in 2021 “everything’s gonna be alright”
Let's get past the pandemic first🙃
you know the only one that realy sacred me was the astroid
I really tought that there would be tornadoes in this video.
I have a question, I noticed Scientist's stopped using the term, "Global Warming", & now using the term, "Climate Change", Why?
It didnt happend!
If something like this happens I’m going to kms before it kills me
NASA has DART for astreoid