Demons, disappearances, aliens, ghosts, and MORE in Slapped Ham’s CREEPIEST THINGS CAUGHT ON LIVE TV – Perfect for this Halloween season! Here’s our REACTION!
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You two should go out more and the guy laughs like a troll, thumbs down.
8:41 creepy
Yeah, I'm sure the boobs weren't the focal point of that intro. Stupid.
This guy commentator is irritating. Laughing and acting like a topical silly kid.
If she is single its by choice, cuz shes pretty hot tbh…. and no, im not tryna get the kitty, im tryna give her the love muscle, cuz im not selfish like that
most of these have been debunked !
The demonic clip from Thailand was definitely acting.. that was beyond overacting 😂
First video is exact moment than Thanos snaped
Is it me or are they annoying they gave me a headache talking
Don’t need there comments
the sexual tension in that room could be cut with a knife
She really want you to notice her you know what's both of them
Oi idiots… Why don't you make ya own vids instead if riding on other people backs and hard work…. Lazy and ignorent… Seriously get ya own stuff…. Will never watch again….
Reptilians are real
The first one seems like proof that they edit their videos so they can control what happens within the view of the camera.
Fuckin sheep
"I'm usually major skeptic but that was like legit."
Well that settles it then, ghosts are real.
Somewhere his gf is watching this thinking,"Keigel?! Bitch, put on a shirt!"
that wasn't a demon, she was merely trying to pronounce her own name
If you don't know about reptilians now…your I.Q may be lower than you think..get off the tv and look around
2:11 to skip the intro
No way…. Shut up. Wow
You guys are so incredibly lazy. Make your own videos. Don’t steal other people’s videos. 🙄
I love the fact that don’t believe anything of these things that you see. Just remember stay fast asleep and don’t question anything there’s nothing to see here just go about your business. 😈🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸
Whatever happened to the kid from Jamaica?
For the first one they are just replaying footage on the background
Slapped Ham, really? Thats your research? Lol, no comment…..
You should feel grateful if you encounter a 'shadow person'. Theyre support against the 'reptiles'
Kat seems to have a bit of come get me attitude, Flirty. ( talking about hooking up, her love life, her date life, her Ex. (And the info that her nipples don't get hard during a chill.) This was to be a creepy video, she was too much.
calls bob larson