Reaction and review of strange apparitions and paranormal phenomena. The footage tonight comes from San Diego California and is known as the Pantry Ghost. Having found their pantry door open in the middle of the night this family decided to set up a camera and see what was happening. After capturing much activity they put out their videos. it was not long before they got the attention of Paranormal Investigator John. The presented here is what he captured one night at 3 AM while filming the pantry on a static camera. What do you think?
The original uploader is here https://www.youtube.com/user/saremy127/featured
The second piece is a supposed Haunted Clinic in Mexico City. A nurse team spending the night at the hospital accidentally captured a strange shadow man walking by. What do you see?
Be sure to visit 2 Spooky 4 U Channel at
Check out Episode one, I cover Veronica Shannon Ghost
Check out Episode two. I cover Ghost Of Carmel Maine. An ongoing haunting and he managed to capture some really strange shadow figures on video.
Check out Epidsode three for the Essex Ghost and Haunted Mirror
This is my reaction and commentary to their footage. You can visit their channels at the links below.
The music in this video is from the Youtube Audio Library free to use section The song is Casual Desire by Ugonna Onyekwe
About Artemorbid
I’m a photographer and musician from the midwest. The gear I use include Canon T3i, Sony A6300, Yi 4k action camera, Panasonic GH2, Ricoh Theta V, Sony lapel mic, AKG condenser mic, Line 6 UX1, PreSonus pre Amp, Schecter Guitars, Marshall Amps, I also film with my Samsung J3. My main choice editor for photos is Lightroom 6. My main choice editor for video is PowerDirector 15.
For editing on the go, I use Powerdirector mobile. For my 360 videos and photos I usu Ricoh Theta V plus App for Android.
The majority of the content you will find on my channel is music concerts and live performances. There’s also unboxings and reviews and included are how to videos for various things pertaining to video and audio. My weekly stream are Wednesday at 8AM and random stream for Friday night between 5pm to 11pm depending on if I’m available. Follow me on all the other socials including FB, IG, and Twitter.
#artemorbid #tinyfrank #paranormal #apparition #commentary #review
Can anyone like j me to the actual video and not this dude narrating
Where did this take place.
Debunked 12 years ago by Captain Disillusion
The hands move down especially the left hand.
Ah yeah, making its rounds again. The pantry ghost. I watched enough ghost and paranormal videos to make your head spin. I can honestly say that most of these videos are genuinely scarry,, and quite possibly real. Some……here are to many inconsistancies that stike me as being fake.. or hoax.. This is one of them. The original videos don't exist online anymore. Everything seen now, are copies. It seems although its well scripted,, and badly acted.. John, or whatever reason, seems to hide his dentity, while the rest of the rest of the family oes not. Odd…
Also care to mention the "new" family in that house, has experienced NOTHING!
This is. Nether worldly shit I'm a big skeptic,I don't believe in spirits but this shook me to my core .the only thing I can think of is projection from the outside but tht wouldn't work,it would have to take a genius to do video manipulation.it could be done but I hardly doubt anyone could be smart enough to make this up🙂
Or the real explanation:
The pantry 1 seems fishy to me… We lived in a truly haunted house n never had a encounter its something wrong about how clear it is…. And the entity we lived with was very strong but was never that clear spirits are usually dark
So many UFOS films from Mexico have been debunked it almost seems to be a hobby there to hoax.
I don’t consider that scary at all, at least compared to some of the stuff I have seen, believe me!
I hardly call 2007 old people!!! It must have to be 2019 or newer not to be considered old!! Ridiculous
No…what? If ghosts aren't real, why hunt for them?? I lived in a house that was haunted.
Ghosts are real.
I looked very closely at the face pressed against the pantry door glass… it's a little girl! I first saw your documentary on Tubi. So, immediately, I went to YouTube when you said you needed to put the film online. I had lived in a haunted house myself when I was 12… 1976. My family & I weren't hurt, but, the lights would sometimes go on & off, doors or windows would slam, & once, my mother told me she heard a man's footsteps going up the stairs. She thought it was my dad, but, came out & realized he still wasn't home.
next time just try to block the door
what the ghost did is meaningless
The pantry ghost footage was throughly debunked and exposed as be a hoax 11 years ago.
the pantry ghost trick is accomplished by sliding the shelved inner door to the side on its tracks behind which is a larger storage space…either that or the inner door is on hinges and just swung open by the ghostly assistant behind the door, who then presses his/her hands and face up against the glass of the outer door…., the surgery room apparition is the accomplice walking to the right then when the cameraman enters and pans the camera to the left the “ghost” exits the room from the right walking behind and past the cameraman while pulling on the fishing line or whatever attached to the cart as he strolls out
Ghosts are totally real. If you talk to someone with a ghost experience, that's how you can tell if it's a hoax or not.
From Maury show
I have been taking tons of ghost faces in my mirroe?!?! What's going on with me??
when they invite the dude who puts his hands on the glass of the pantry.. in the documentary.. they say.. so we opened the door.. but they diddnt.. it flung open by itself.. they fucked up.. hoax
One, two, three, four
There is a ghost behind the pantry door. 👻
She was not a bad spirit .That woman had no idea what she was doing and should not of came up with that rubbish.To many frauds.
The one other thing about the pantry ghost, and I don't mean to pick on someone else's kid…..but the daughter's tonality, demeanor, and body language looks very, ummmm…rehearsed. As in 'not genuine' at all.
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING about this case smacks of fraud. They bought a home with (existing) false doors and exploited it. That is a suspiciously shallow pantry.
Why dont he shot it with a gun