SpaceX Starship Pressure Builds, Starlink Breaks Record, JWST, Relativity Space Terran 1 and more

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The steady stream of news continues. Where we had unexpected explosive things to dive into last week, this week a much more positive, planned and progressive run of testing at SpaceX’s Starbase. SpaceX Starship Pressure Builds, Starbase 2 also screaming forward. Starlink Breaks Record with Starlink with an almost relentless cadence of Falcon 9 hurling launch after launch into orbit. Loads more to talk about with the wonders coming from the JWST, a bunch of news with Relativity Space Terran 1 and much more. Welcome to yet another incredible week.

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The production crew:
Brenton Myers, Brendan Lewis, GameplayReviewUK, TiagoCruz, Aeneas, MrPleasant

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✨ Christian Debney –
✨ Evan Karen –
✨ 3D Daniel –

#SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk


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About the Author: Marcus House


  1. Very non bias reporting for a spaceX fan channel, most would've never pointed out the issues, just to gain fame with SpaceX, you even point out probability of changes. There is always room for improvement in a program, even though it it may require radical changes.

  2. ok, i forgot that the footage at 5:15 was real for like 5 seconds, then remembered i watched it. I thought it was a render for a minute, that move gets me every time

  3. With the Russians announcing they are pulling out of the ISS, what are the chances SpaceX will step up and do station reboost missions? Supposedly Falcon 9 is capable of launching Cygnus, which has reboost capability.

  4. I liked what you said about the importance of cooperation in space. I wish that would be extended to China as well.

  5. 1:50 между ногами табуретки поставить тяжелые шторы из железа и закачать под них пар, создав там концентрированную паровую атмосферу — это поглотит часть удара от двигателей, которая затратится на то чтобы сдвинуть пар и шторки. Так же водяную и паровую завесу можно создать вокруг, и сделать под табуреткой тоннели отвода газа метана. Метан тяжелее воздуха но если этого недостаточно там просто надо поставить вентилятор — чтобы засасывал излишки газа под установкой. Тоннели и система подземных камер связанных с ними могли бы вообще помогать в поглощении удара двигателей во время старта. Конечно рыть рядом с башней опасно — но несколько маленьких тоннелей, которые будут соединены с большой подземной камерой в стороне от корабля не должны причинить вреда. Та же система туннелей может помогать в отведении скоплений газа с помощью вентиляторов, чтобы исключить взрывы в будущем.

  6. To be honest, every decision of the russian government is one against international cooperation right now. Borissow was involved in reforms that help russias fight in Ukraine, so I'm wondering how you could expect him to improve international cooperation in the future. But nevertheless I like your coverage of space news.

  7. In the IR pictures of Jupiter, what are the little black specks, and big clump just to the left of Jupiter, they're much more visible in the shot with the 3.23 micron filter.
    Also why does Europa look the way it does? I'm guessing the middle is black just cus it's much colder at those filter levels but why is it hot around the edges? Is it just Infront of the sun and it's just the radiation from the sun going past?

  8. Has a research done or scheduled, for three D printing in space? I think a shield should be considered with FOD causing critical damage to any space ship.

  9. I was 3 when JFK decided to send men to the Moon, and 10 when A11 landed. I am so hanging out to see Starship in orbit, and hopefully the moon lander version touching down a few years later. It's been such a long wait.

  10. Not sure on removing the shielding on the engines. Would that lessen the protection between engines if one of them failed catastrophically? One of the great things about the Falcon 9 is that a failure of one engine doesn't automatically cascade into the rest of them because they are so well shielded.
    I just don't want Elon's "the best part is no part" theory to engineer into a N1-type disaster if a turbopump explodes….
    It sometimes seems like he is slowly shedding his conservatism, because he has gotten away with it for so long. NASA was like that in the 60's. They got a little overconfident. Then we got the fire in Apollo 1. Then they got overconfident again with the shuttle. Then came the Challenger disaster. Then they got overconfident again. Then we had the Columbia disaster.
    SpaceX has not had a disaster yet. I think it will be a very long time before NASA puts astronauts on the Starship. It has essentially NO abort modes, and the passengers are sitting INSIDE the second stage right above the fuel. Does anyone else see anything wrong with that picture? (Seems to me like it would be nice to have an extra bulkhead and a method of separating the passenger cabin from the "second stage". But then I guess you would need parachutes or something….)

  11. The short chopsticks are for lifting only.
    There will be no catching of boosters on 39A.

    Catching will be done on either SLC 40 or the proposed LC49. Most likely 49. SLC 40 is scheduled for human flight upgrade next year. Truth is none of this could have been done in Boca Chica. Pad 39A-B complex alone is bigger than B.C.

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