Everyone is familiar with traditional pets such as cats and dogs, parrots, and gerbils, but whatabout less traditional ones. Have you ever heard of the Bengal cat? What about the Sugar glider? If you want to see some amazing new pets you’ve never heard of, keep watching as we countdown 15 cutest pets you can legally own
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Watch our “15 Rarest Cats That Exist”
video here: https://youtu.be/UjpsUh16THc
Watch our “15 Pets That Almost Gave Their Owners A Heart Attack”
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Watch our “15 Cute Exotic Animals You Can Own as Pets”
video here:https://youtu.be/ZJT6Lrone2o
The Domestic Goat
Goats are excellent pets, despite their conventional status as a farm animal. Their curious and amiable attitude makes them fun companions in petting zoos, where they are a perennial favourite. Dwarf and pygmy goats are the most popular as pets. Pet goats appreciate being pettedby their owners and will even eat out of one’s hand because they are social creatures. Goats need a lot of room to run around in and a robust surrounding fence to prevent them from demolishingthe barricade and fleeing. Goats are gregarious animals that require at least one other goat’s companionship, but they also get along with cows, sheep, horses, and donkeys. They get along with most cats and dogs. Keep in mind that a hunting dog may mistake goats for prey on rare occasions.These goats are spending some time outside, munching on some goodies and enjoying their day. These two young goats play outside and already begin to mimic banging heads. A mother goat stays with her newborn in the barn.These goats are making some noise along with their handler.
Domestic Pigeon
Kings, Fantails, Tumblers, and Homers are intelligent, beautiful, and gentle pigeons. They’ve been carefully raised and domesticated, and while they won’t survive in the wild, they make excellent pets. Because pigeons are sociable animals, keeping one is only recommended if you’re confident you’ll be able to provide enough time and companionship to keep your pigeon happy. You should, however, be able to devote some time each day to socialising your pigeon. In conclusion, they are far from foolish. Pigeons are also devoted, caring companions who canshow affection just like any other pet. Pigeons appreciate being brought out of their enclosure and handled and petted or ridden on the shoulder or head of a favourite human.This pigeon seems so attached to his owner and just keeps cuddling up to his arm and even fallsasleep. How confident is that for a pigeon?This pigeon loves being petted, just like your cat does. It even makes a funny purring soundwhen his owner scratches him on the head. This pigeon hangs out on his owner’s leg. You can see how calm and confident this pigeon is because it knows it’s safe. Another pigeon that loves being caressed and pampered by a caring owner. He even performs a dance afterwards to show his gratitude. This three-year-old pigeon loves his owner, and the feeling is mutual. I love this pigeon’s red claws
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Background Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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Artani is hoohimb himY you eg
Goat glider fox and maybe the pig am a animal lover😍
11:24 real life Pokemon right there.
What is life like living with a wild, hardly domesticated grey fox in your house? A fox that in not confined to a cage at any time? It can be best described as living in a Warner Brothers cartoon. The book, To Catch a Fox, by D. Michael Policelli, describes it all in vivid, hilarious detail and is available on Amazon
Probably the bengal cat =)
Im 2 hours late
Very good I like it 👍❤️
Happy Tuesday my friend. hope u are having a great week so far!!!!wanted to stop by and show support to you and your channel. see u soon!! love the turtle at 3:17
So lovely❤❤