A lorry driver who caused a collision which killed three people has spoken out from his prison cell on the dangers of using a mobile phone at the wheel as part of a hard-hitting film by Durham Constabulary.
Ion Onut was using the internet on his phone when he crashed his Scania truck into slow moving traffic on the northbound carriageway of the A1(M) last July, killing three people and injuring several others.
Forensic examinations of his mobile phone found that Onut, of Galashiels, in Scotland, had been repeatedly using the device’s web browser throughout his journey from Cambridgeshire right up until the time of the collision, which happened at 6.18pm at Bowburn on July 15.
Now, in a bid to prevent further tragedies, the 42-year-old has spoken out from his prison cell as part of a film highlighting the dangers of using a mobile phone at the wheel.
Created by Durham Constabulary’s media team, the film features moving interviews with Onut, several witnesses, police officers who attended the scene, and Junior Sullivan, whose parents, Elaine Sullivan and David Daglish, died in the collision.
“I have to live with this for the rest of my life,” said Onut. “I never had a chance to apologise, to say sorry for what I had done to those who lost their loved ones, the people who were injured, the ones who suffer from flashbacks.
“By being on my phone for a long period of time and then realising the traffic ahead of me had stopped, I had absolutely zero chance to act and pull my brakes on.
“It shows you how quickly it happens, and how quickly your life changes from being normal to now being in prison, having a sentence of eight years. I have never been involved in anything with the police before, and then for using your mobile phone at the wheel you are here, away from the real world and friends and family.
“When I saw the videos of what happened it was unimaginable and hard to see. It was so disturbing knowing that was me in that lorry ploughing through the cars.”
Onut’s vehicle was travelling at 58mph when it struck another HGV and four cars before coming to rest at the central reservation and bursting into flames.
He was rescued from his burning cab by members of the public and later arrested by police at the scene.
He was charged with three counts of causing death by dangerous driving, which he admitted, and was jailed for eight years and ten months. He was also disqualified from driving for more than 14 years.
Detective Constable Natalie Horner, from Durham Constabulary’s Collision Investigation Unit, said: “Ion’s actions from that day caused far-reaching and heart-breaking consequences for all of those involved – the families and friends of those who tragically lost their lives, the people who witnessed the collision, and the emergency services who attended the horrific scene that day.
“Ion himself also has to live with the horror of knowing that two families have been ripped apart and will never be the same again as a result of his actions.
“We hope this film highlights just how devastating using a mobile phone or other device at the wheel of a vehicle can be – in one split second, your life and other innocent people’s lives might never be the same again.
“Please, put the phone down while driving.”
I would not do that, but bloody hell that hit home.
Very sad for all concerned
behind the wheel or an 18 wheeler of all things smh
Most collisions are not accidents, as they are totally avoidable. This was one of these.
The amount of people i see using their phones whilst driving is insane, and i live in a rural area!! Such a shocking incident, yet, one so easily avoided.
From his comments, that driver just feels sorry for himself. All vehicle should be fitted with a faraday cage to block phone signal.
There is fail very much everyone who drive so fast and close each other. No one could broke fysics. This is one fastest video what I have seen. Truck like that usually took even second to brakin when you hit pedal to bottom. Using phone in motion when you drive is most baddest safety hazards in everyday life.
Heart breaking, this film should be shown to any driver caught using a mobile phone at the wheel as well as a very heavy punishment.
This is a tragic example of what not do when you drive, my heart breaks watching this as so many lives have been affected and changed forever. I am so sick of seeing people on their mobiles when they drive. The law needs to be more rigorous now and instantly ban people who are caught. There is absolutely no excuse in this world for using it when driving 🥺💔
Very very sad
Very hard to watch this but a very powerful message got across stay off ur phone you can see for one idiot driver who thought he could do both 2 family's love ones gone and the affect it had on other drivers aswell as emergency crews who have to pick up the pieces of your actions rip to 3 people gone to soon
So many people still think it's acceptable to use a mobile while driving, a very moving documentary…thanks to all involved for sharing a very moving and sad story..
People lifting their phone whilst driving have a brain worm.
Stunning film, almost literally. So powerful. We can all learn not to be casual about the safety of others, and ourselves. Thank you 🙏
Do we know how long he got?
I have to say from experience and I bet truckers can back me up that coach drivers are the worst of the worst. They have the world's most priceless things on board and drive like lunatics
He should be made to go and speak to haulage companies and their drivers. You can't educate people. We are truck drivers who are constantly being educated about using your phone. We have to do a CPC course every few years. It's super boring and pointless but they should be showing this video at the start of every course.
Shocking no winners everyone involved infected for the rest of their life's there should be a device that your phone stops working soon as you get in a vehicle watch auditing Britain #sutton he shows you the police using a phone when in charge of her vehicle and trys to deny it
He will never be behind the wheel of a truck again.
Actual fact.
Happens load of times. As a trucker myself driving 50 hrs a week on the roads I see it everyday. Car drivers and truckers. It's an epidemic. If you are a person who uses phone whilst driving you are scum. And ask yourself can high afford the prison time? Happened on A34 near Oxford. Exactly same scenario trucker wiped out 3 kids and his dash cab camera showed him on his phone for 10 seconds without looking up doing 56 mph. You can find the video here I think.
I wish totally forbidden for vechicles over 3500 kg on the road. Only automatic brake system, self driving function with automatic stop should be allowed. No more manual driving!
His prison sentence is disgraceful thanks to a dysfunctional justice system hes so sorry. This is a real prison sentence and some justice for the victims.
"California drunk driver, 23, cries as she listens to heartbreaking victim impact statements of three young girls whose parents she killed when she ran red light and hit their car as they admired Christmas decorations: Judge jails her for 21 years"
Did the pink lady have her baby? How long did the driver get? I feel I need closure – such a horrible incident, thanks for making the film and sharing
Every constabulary in the country should post this.
How long is the man gonna be in jail? And how to the cops know he was in phone?
Driving a 40 Tonne HGV whilst surfing an internet dating web site is beyond belief, my Mum was side swiped by an HGV on the motorway and the Driver was found to be twice over the legal alcohol limit. The Police said she would have been killed if she wasn’t driving (my Dad’s) large Rover which was in any case crushed in half. He got a 3 year driving ban back then (1990’s), it’s good to see that this kind of reckless behaviour is taken more seriously by the courts.
Automatic emergency braking should be mandatory in all lorries driving in the uk. Fitted to all new cars also.
Saw two coach drivers from the same firm clearly on their phone on two consecutive days. Phoned the coach firm and they couldn’t have been nicer about having a word with their drivers. Not sure why the drivers had had it drilled into them from the get go, and been provided with proper cradles on the coaches. By contrast I saw a guy on the A19 texting away, swerving and clearly distracted in a van. Emailed his firm to tell them and they basically told me to F Off. Some people have a really awful attitude to it, just don’t get it at all, and that’s reflected in the amount of people you see driving obviously looking down at their phones
I got rear-ended on my motorcycle by a woman texting on her phone. Fortunately it wasn't high speed, I was turning into a gas station after a red light, my turn signal was on, and she tried to blame ME, saying I slammed on my brakes.
Of course, also, she didn't have insurance, and the car wasn't registered.
this Is my fear when I'm on the motorway how dare anyone drive so recklessly. obviously he did not intend for this to happen and he has to live with this now but we all have to take responsibility for our own actions.
We see it every single day. Speeding, using mobile phones, fingers stuck up and abuse shouted. Some people would slit your throat rather than let you in to a line of traffic. To be driving a vehicle this size while playing on the bloody phone is beyond belief. I feel for the families and everyone who witnessed this.
They should be a signal blocker fitted to all cars and trucks that when you turn the key on it blocks the phone signal that accident has changed so many peoples lives for ever
Too many distractions in modern vehicles now. You could put your phone in the glove box but still you’ve got a giant ‘iPad’ mounted to your dashboard with all the same distractions on that just isn’t necessary. Much less chance of an accident like this 20-30 years ago. So so sad
It's so scary how many hgv drivers still use mobiles, I do around 40k miles and you can see from a long way off if the driver is distracted
This is absolutely horrific. What makes me even more mad, he only got 8 years and 10 months. What a laughable sentence. 3 people lost their life's, many changed forever in an unimaginable ways, and he got less then 10 years. And what makes me even more mad, he was scrolling for porn, dating sites… I don't think there is a right length of sentence but if any of these victims were my family I would be offended. I hope he will never ever be allowed to drive a car ever again!!! I feel sorry for his daughter and family… RIP Paul Mullen, Elaine Sullivan and David Daglish.
Despise people who use their phones whilst driving or sat at the lights. The punishment is nowhere severe enough.
if this doesn't hit home, nothing will…….
Even after seeing this people will still use their phones
He wasn’t remorseful (only for himself), he was putting it on, even at the scene he was chilled, he should have got life in prison or better still, the death penalty, I am so FXXXXXG angry for those people and their families
Tough stuff
Let's hope people learn from this tragic video … RIP to all involved 🙏
Fife Council employees are often seen driving around the roads of Fife using mobil phones as the drive.
Good to see Durham Constabulary remind people of the consequences of bad driving. Perhaps those who kill on the roads should be given the same sentences as people who murder and kill in other ways?
My partner lost his ex gf to a car crash shes went into the back of a waggon aand died instanly and she was 8montjs preegent at the time and die to be marrid within months. I have her enganged ring on a chain in memory of the pair.
As a former semi-truck (80,000 pound tractor-trailer) driver in U.S., I learned very early to allow for no distraction. Over here, the truck is the reason for the road, so truck drivers are supposed to be masters of the road. Many have failed that responsibility. I have a conservative attitude in general, so please take my comment with a grain of salt. I am of the opinion that all motor vehicles should be considered at least as dangerous as guns, and that their misuse, intentional or not, fatal or not, should warrant capital consequences. With all due respect to those who suffer, I must say that I truly believe that a modified application of Draconian Law (as enforced by Archon Draco of Athens) would improve the safety of motor travel worldwide.
Do HGV's not have auto brake systems, that instantly apply the brakes when the vehicle senses a rapid rate of closure to the vehicle in front? Coupled with an audible warning this would give "inattentive" drivers the necessary alert and potentially the time to react?
I realise this does not address the "root cause" of this accident (i.e. illegal use of a mobile phone), but surely a warning system would be beneficial? Even my basic Skoda has auto brake functionality.
My condolences to all involved.
I see people on their mobiles phones all the time whilst driving, you can see them behind you through your rear view mirror, eyes constantly looking down towards their lap. I've even seen someone taking a selfie whilst driving. Selfish people
Durham Police, my phone I's stuck to the dashboard while driving. I would sometimes jump to the slow lane so I can and change my playlist while driving about 60ish or less. Would this still be illegal, I'm only switching music, the rest I do from the steering wheel, but I don't text or call or use web browsers until I get to the service station. 🤔
There is a reason the police are so hard on mobile phone users. HGVs are weapons and must be treated with respect. RIP to those who lost their lives.
So sad