Bodycam video shows an officer from the Lima Police Department in Ohio tasing a teenager during an incident in a Taco Bell parking lot on April 11, 2021. The incident began when a group of teenagers was causing a noise disturbance by blasting loud music from their car speakers. Officers began detaining one teen after they ignored requests to turn down the music. Another teen began shouting at officers as they detained the teen. In response, an officer placed him under arrest for obstructing official business and resisting arrest. A third teen approached officers and was tased after obstructing official business and resisting arrest. The man who was tased was found guilty of two counts of resisting arrest and one count of obstructing official business.
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The disrespect from these kids. Wow.
Mouthy little boys 😂
Those filthy savages belong in jail
i swear if my kid ever ends up in one of these videos im gonna be going to jail for whoopin my kid
Shoot the loudest kid in the head in front of them. You sacrifice one to educate the rest of them.
I weep for the future 😢😢😢😢
Taser them all
These kiddos think they are cool im dying 😭🤣
Haha that Taser ain't no joke 🤣
I remember in the 80s I got caught stealing in a department store stealing an outfit for the talent show…I was too scared to talk back I was placed in the front seat of a police car and the officer stopped at 7 eleven and brought me a coke and peanuts and took me home…end of story.
LOL, took out a whole crew of punks in just a 4:55 minute video
4:30 "you are acting ridiculous" that's what I was thinking and then he said it!
I like to know who is right in this case here …?
Absolutely beautiful to watch
Hanging out at Taco Bell? They deserved to be arrested. What a bunch of losers.
"You're not gonna put your hands on me"
Literally just got done striping you down and shoving you in that car…
You get what you deserve🤷♀️, living in a world with younger people who raised with social media, and this is the result.
Remember – these kids grow up into perfect members of society.
disrespectful little c*nts
Tasing this generation should be mandatory.
Sometimes laws are pointless these teens didn’t hurt anyone fiscally nor mentally. What’s the point of arresting some teens if they aren’t hurting anyone
Outside Taco Bell was the most vital info I guess
Why do they think they can respond to police like this? Victimization ? Was it their parents inability to teach them right from wrong? Its absolutely their poor friendships and a lack of direction. I see no solution here🤦🏻
Man I wanted to sock that dude square in the face through the screen who wouldn't stop yelling lmao. Gotta love teens, especially rebel teens who have something to prove lmao.
The disrespect that these, "minors" show is sickening! Learn to treat others with respect and stop believing you are above the law!
the dude recording oml
Cop can't be the complainant for disorderly conduct.. so I see a law suit I. This young man future. Also minor broke curfew. Can't arrest him need to call his parents
That cop has some amazing reflexes the way he shot and landed that taser so quickly and efficiently.
Youngsters acting all hard then get tied up by 12 then start screaming for justification smh we have to do better as a society, but can’t cause of this new woke generation
This is what happens when kids don’t have any respect for adults. Not always parents fault. But a lot of times unfortunately it is
ما هذه الشرطة السيئة تتكلم معهم وتضيع الكثير من الوقت
من الأفضل ألا تجادلهم لأن الإنسان يجادل كثيرا خاصة إن كان على خطأ
تعتقلهم وتنهي الموضوع
These cops are scum. I hope they lost there job definitely the one who was very aggressive.
Lol. I laugh every time at these wannabe tough guys every time.
It’s good to have the body cam on the cops…
So we can see who is doing what…Feeling bad for all the cops who have to dealing with the Bad mouths and no respect criminals. Thank you for all the bravery service policemen!! God bless all police officers be safe and healthy!💗💞💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍🙌🙌🙌
Gosh i hate People more and more everyday
When keeping it real goes wrong, lmfao! Kudos to the cop that had the kid with one hand and dropped biggie with the taser, hilarious!!
Another way for kids to get famous on media platforms. Blurr their whole bodies lol
F#$k these fuken loudmouth kids..grown enough to act tough …grown enough to see how tough they are !!!
Wow! Are we watching the same video??? The only people out of control are the cops!!! Kids have always been disrespectful… cops are public servants.. they are to remain professional at all times…. Not yell and scream and act like barbarians! Back the blue til it happens to you!!
This video is brought to you by the word:
What a pleasant young man.
bro tried to say just cuzhesblack 4:10
Nice shot officer.
Not defending these kids, but the officer let the situation slip threw his fingers. It was not a dangerous situation by any means, so to me, it was an example a bad officers.
Wow, totaly no respect.
I hope they will turn their lives arround.
Generation cringe
Wtf wow