Gav and Dan never fully grew up. I’d say about 90%. In this video they used the remaining 10% to poorly construct a lego city and then make a plane have a big accident on it.
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Lego Plane Crash in Slow Motion – The Slow Mo Guys
Filmed at 2500fps and 1000fps with the Phantom Flex and Phantom 4K
2022: Who’s watching?
As someone who loves lego, this just hurts really
Do a real plane crash
Why didn't you use the audio of the Plane that flew over in the SlowMo shots?
At least the couple on the top of the left building died happy
It sounds Like A Air Force Jet 🛩
I will always wonder why you absolutely will not put protective glass in front of your equipment.
dude the people on the left before the crash 🫠
I love the music
To be completely honest with you. Complete engine failure at 6ft off the ground would hardly be noticed by anyone. More like a slightly hard landing 😂
Can you give me that cockpit
2:25 the guy driving the forklift is trying to escape
There is something very unholy about lego pieces being blown up among fire and ash.
i dont know why but this video has like ur best thumbnail
9/11 vibes be like
This needs to be an episode of Black Box Down.
Could u plz explain the 2 on the roof🤨🧐
3:50 it looks like there's no gravity
the amount of 9/11 flashbacks i got from watching this video……
This was the first ever Slow Mo Guys video I have ever watched
“oh yeah” said the two lego figurines on the left at the top of the building at 0:01
btw what is the number of the lego plane set
Burning Legos got to give you a dislike for that.
Thanks for doing your part to f*** the environment I know you put it out almost immediately but still f*** you
I like how the fuselage was just wiggling back and forth as it moved forward
Almost 6 years after this got uploaded, how did I only just now noticed the two Lego figurines "doing it" on the left…
4:47 nooooooo why the Lego the Lego noo
I need to see this with 3D glasses
It is lego 9/11
1:52 that ain't a plane crash
thats MY landings!!!1
Jet fuel can melt steel girders, dont ya know?
Who is watching in 2021
Love it!!!! Here is our little one. https://youtu.be/TE8bYB3OGZc
Poor fella just died drinking a cup of water
You should add some sirens when you put the fire out!
This Gives Me Some 9/11 Vibes
Bro I seen some sus LEGO’s
This was recommend to me today, on September 11th. YouTube has a dark sense of humour.
anyone else watching this on the 20 year anniversary of 911?