NATURAL DISASTERS from 23.07 – 29.07. 2022 сlimate changе! flood
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable.
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Be prepared Jesus is coming soon
This video is designed to scare people with utter lies. It's just fearmongering propaganda. Wildfires hae decreased 95% since 1890.
Deaths from natural disasters have decreased 90% since 1900. This video should be banned.
There were many more natural distasters in the early 1900's.
For the past two decades, much of the hysteria about global warming — later re-labeled “climate change” — has been based on the so-called “hockey stick” graph produced by Michael Mann. The graph, shown below, has been used by the IPCC, the media and governments to push global warming hysteria to the point of mass mental illness, where Democrat presidential candidates claim humanity only has 12 years remaining before a climate apocalypse will somehow destroy the planet.
But the hockey stick graph is a fraud. A man-made computer software algorithm generated it, and the algorithm is rigged to produce a hockey stick shape no matter what data were entered. Like everything else found in the rigged world of “climate science,” the hockey stick graph was a fraud the day it was generated.
Michael Mann didn’t like being called a fraud by his critics, so he sued them for defamation. And late last week, one of those lawsuits was concluded by the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, which threw out Mann’s lawsuit against Dr. Tim Ball. But there’s more. According to
I think you should just leave Russia off your list. They get what they deserve
Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
The climate's been changing, since the dawn of time.
It is written, the earth and everything in it will pass away. How do you suppose you can stop this from happening? With Science? No, that won't work.
Why is the earth dying? It's because of sin. Sin leads to destruction and eternal death. It is written, the wages of sin is death.
It is written, a new earth will descend from the heavens. But, only those who belong to God, through Christ, will inherit this new earth, in a resurrected and transformed body.
It is written, only the meek shall inherit the earth.
You'll see, the earth is dying, and it's death is unstoppable, and irreversible. The more you destroy life, especially human life, and the more you destroy what is good, the faster the earth dies. The more you sin, the faster it dies. And no, you can't end the world on your terms.
Jesus is the Beginning and the End.
Imagine a new earth, where there is no sin, no politics, no elite ruling class, no peasant class, no rich vs. poor, no need for money, no envy, no hate, no pride, no hunger, no famine, no need for science, no injections, no sickness, no diseases, no wars, no dying, no death, no sorrow, no crying, no pain, no regrets, no memories of the old earth. Now that's a beautiful reset.
Hi , i was find search read to the bible it .
Job 28:5
The earth,from which food comes; is transformed below as by fire;
Job 22:16
They were carried off before their time, their foundations washed away by a flood.
Job 20:28
A flood will carry off his house,rushing waters on the day of God's wrath.
16=When darkened by thawing ice and swollen with melthing snow;
17= but that cease to flow in the dry season,and in the heat vanish from their channels.
Revelation 16:18
Then there came flashes of lightning ,rumblings , peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth,so tremendous was the quake.
Revelation 16: 21
From the sky huge hail -stones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.
The problems will be solved when population triples.
How about pole shifts! Have you "scientists" heard of that, or I am not qualified according to you, sacred scientists , to put down these few words,that could make a dent in your study plan!!!! Answer, please. Or you don't deal with arogance!!!!!😀👍❤🤗
Good luck to all us, and we've got to be prepared as best we can. Some of this disaster happened not far from my life here in north Italy. A big Hub.
10:14 dude driving too fast through flood waters making things much worse lol.
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Jesus is coming very soon 🙏💞
@Nah Nottoday brother al im telling you , îs that neither person on this world can quit being a siner or quit adictions or whatever el nigros chains a person May struggle, but thats rhe thing, all you hqve to do îs want to change youre life, pray faithfully and believe, and îs not you who changes îs The holy spirit that works în youre favor by jesuses blood true gods grace, it îs very late, thats a good news and a bad one, all at once, good being thqt god calls everyone by name to escape satans trap, bad , that us people born în a sinfull nature, and satans abilty to trick people în being blind îs not small, but god îs god after all, all we have to do îs accept his offer to redemption, wich îs free, not because we desrve it! As satans wrath increases as he knows hes Time îs over soon, s-o îs The work of The holy spirit, we have free will to chose, god îs not a tiran! But el nigros candys besides being pure poison, look like something just because people still have Time do decide, after The holy spirit îs retracted, he leaves The man all alone, and man thats something undescribably awfull…! Besides faithfull prayers, God let us the biggest jolly joker, that the Biblie! The bible îs not just a book îs gods Word, literaly, everything meaningful and worthy îs there,: faith, love, hope, forgiveness, shelter, wisdom guidance, and much much more..!! You May think, oh îs this big book wich im nevr gonna finish, that a wtong aproach! You know when the damn music lies some crap, and youre like wow, well imagine God talking to you reaviling you and asuring you!! The bible îs literally a sword and a shield a against evil! A few pointers : the bible îs not a nivel, s-o get the idea that you have to read much, not at all, read less and slow while meditating at what you read, let God speak to you as thats what bible îs! Always pray before you read, s-o the holy spirit reavel you what you need! Last thing, under the verses, youl find a small writing, those are sendings, s-o if you dont understand something, GO to a sendings or even 2 3, thats how you should read the bible, dive with în gods Word! If youre total unfamiliar with the Biblie i sugest you start with the New testamnt from Matthew, but you can start with genesis aswell, theres not a right or wrong way to read the bible, only remeber to pray before and dont rush IT, let God speak to you! Keep you în my prayers, do aswell, a piece of wood Has no power, but praying one for eachoters, îs gods asking from us, see before the ten comandnts theres this, "love God with all youre heart, and youre felow people as yourself, you can keep all 10 comandnts perfectly, the sabath, no idolatry (exodus 20) teaching everyone that, dead people sleep, as this will be a full blown decive by vatican! Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man After he died no longer knows anything, he Has no idea what hapens under the sun, even his memory îs forgotten" s-o you can know all this, and do good deeds, if you haven't had a goodheart, it will be în vain! S-o if youre a kindhearted person, wait no longer, get youre Biblie asap, and start youre personal conection to Jesus! Îl keep you în my prayers do aswell, and have faith!
Good afternoon now hi but before i was dream what see great you are right check fire important tree other same to world . Be too late now end . But please you must use prayer other forgiven help friend and family for save belong ready go home to heaven of God in , now the last day .
These are all warnings from My God 🙏🔜🔜 Jesus is taking his world back
"Butterfly County…"
I love it.
Looks like the BRICS nations will have to wait a bit before dethroning the US. Gee, what a coinkydee.
it is like the great food before 10000 years is comming again to wash away all the trash form earth.a bad and scary future will reach us… .no body can stop it.
It is necessary to always remember God, for he is the law and if we forget the law then we will make mistakes and then judgment comes.
If the world listened to scientists and based policies on scientific facts, humanity's progress will be leaps, not one step front and two steps back.
We will avoid a lot of waste if scientists are employed in policy positions with politicians as their helpers to turn scientific facts into policy implementation.
The climate changes everyday. So what???? It's getting hotter because nature is killing off evil people who have mistreated the indigenous ppl all over the planet. They know who they are…WHITES!!!!!
Had some videos to send to you but as it's been weeks with no response I'll send them to another channel instead and use on my own.
Still love your channel though.
Judgement Day has began..
Luke 21:25-28
King James Version
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Jesus Christ is coming soon, soon this world will be no more. Today if you hear His voice harden not your hearts. Repent from your sins and accept Jesus today!!
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
Revelation 22:12
¿Cuando comenzaremos a curar nuestro planeta? Hay que dejar de quemas gasolinas gasóleos y carbón, los automóviles deben desaparecer de las ciudades y solo usar el transporte público. O hacemos algo ya o no habrá remedio.
Este verano en mi país hemos pasado unas olas de calor muy extremas y largas con temperaturas de 43º y 44 º celsius y por las noches 27º celsius,hace meses que no llueve y estamos esperando la 3ª ola de calor extremo,habrá mas incendios y mas grandes.
Me duele muy profundamente que por nuestra culpa el planeta este gritando auxilio y los poderosos,los gobiernos no hagan nada.
The physical existence is coming for us, unless we wake up to HERE.
Physical manifestation will continue to be visible for ALL physical Eyes 👀 to SEE!
Mind has no eyes but imaginative images and likeness of the physical but not in any way physical, pixelization by pixels.
There's a whole lot of people who needs to see this.
Dont stop 🛑
Just wanted to tell you that you are doing a wonderful job compiling the widespread degenerating global climatic systems. Although dire, the reality of what is happening to us as a species will ultimately unify our purpose.
Survival has a way of getting down to basics. Chaos contains elements of new order not available when the hierarchies of power have control. Nature batts last, and the bases are loaded.
As an indigenous teacher suggested, "Keel in gratitude to the earth or be knocked to your knees in humility. Better on your knees if you surrender to the force of love that is emerging at our darkest hour."…☆♡☆
Thank you for your computation of events.
NWO deliberate fires. Starvation and death to the masses. Wake up you ignorant sheep.