Andrew Tate is the most viral person on the internet. The multi millionaire seemingly appeared out of nowhere. With his rise came a very efficient strategy of flooding social media algorithms with clips of his controversial opinions, a bunch of questionable business practices, and a secret society he is building called “Hustlers University” which is generating him almost $100M per year..
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This is the most fair coverage of Cobra Tate I have ever seen.
This made me respect the Top G more.
18:12 you loved talking with ya mother didnt you?
Who cares about him if u listen to Andrew tate im sorry but that don't make u a alfa male he's very self centered and is cocky and puts people down and its bc he's hiding his own demons and insecurities im sorry if u like him but the tell tell signs are there he's a lost insecure man who is getting to much attention spewing that mouth he talks to much when he should be listening I personally don't care for him to much ergoance a person with his mentality shouldve never got 1/2 the attention he's getting now
16:25 might be the only tate saying i agree with
9:16 Victims of sexual assault, kidnappings and stuff usually are threatened that if they call the police something would happen to them. Or another common incident is that they're just too scared to snitch
I know everyone thinks this guy is a joke, but this man , while being a total knobhead, is intelligent and might pose a problem soon. Even this video is all playing into his ultimate desire.
6:12 im the best in my town at judo
His mother had a shot at raising him not to be a sex trafficking raper. Why mother
You say that opening and then show the one human being… Jordan Peterson, who is extremely educated and caring. I tell you this dude, after my divorce (my choice) my life was tough, not seeing my kids every day. I did Dr Petersons online writing courses. They were inexpensive and a one time payment. That plus reading his books( which I did for free) changed my life. I have a much better life work balance. I spend the entire summer and every weekend with my children. I choose to be single until my 7 year old daughter is older because I believe every child needs their dad's full attention . Do us all a favor, don't put Peterson in the same collage as these scamming ASSHATs
Looks like he has a weak chin
So people taking advice from a pimp with anger issues 😂😂😂 DISGUSTING
@Patrick cc where is the H.U link 🤣
The problem is that people need to simply stop searching him. He's already been exposed to also use bots to help his view count too along with buying people out to spread his content and make fan pages
This is a crazy mf. Great video as usual!
I am Romanian and can guarantee this guy is 100% still involved in chat girls as this is massive business in Romania he probably uses this to boom his social media influence to fund this cult and live off passive income and a troll in general, just take this guy with a pinch of salt and have a laugh he's just another Dan Brazilian a few months and will be forgotten.
17:17 Andrew Tate is literally black like wtf 😂
he right about wearing headphones in public tho
He's not satisfied with food, money, power. Everything he's ever passionate about he eventually gets bored of…
Is it just me or does this guy sound incredibly depressed. Like low key that's just being depressed. Not a doctor this isn't a diagnosis, but he should definitely talk to someone.
I can't stand this guy's arrogance and self entitlement. Good video though just can't stand the guy
Very disappointed in you, you have made assumptions and defamed someones character for money without knowing the full story. It is not War room guys promoting him, there are men with actual money or business ventures in there that want to grow their legacy and none of them want to spend time doing that. You know, if you just paid the money to be in and assessed what was going on, then you would not have to do this.
I cannot stomach this guy. He is evil and probably sacrificed his father.
…we weren’t told to drink water. Holy shit.
Here via CLR Bruce Rivers.
OUTSTANDING documentary!
Just WOW!
video so serious he didn't even remind us to hydrate.
Putting Jordan Peterson on the same screen as those guys is so disrespectful lol
Aren't you giving him more clout as well by covering this? Haha
The matrix is a systematic government . Everyone is stuck in the matrix wether u want to believe or not .the only way out is death.
He’s literally repeating what rate has said about himself lmao this isn’t new info.
Bro we need the rise of Yeat vid