Russian Mafia in South Carolina?

Russian Mafia in South Carolina?
Spread The Viralist

This episode I travel to the coastal island of Hilton Head to dive into the mysterious story of a wealthy couple who disappears without a trace.

Murdaugh Series:
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7:

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Copyright 2021 Eric Daume
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About the Author: Eric Alan


  1. I know Americans are not the cleverest of people so il inform you that the Russian mafia are all over America and have been for decade upon decade

  2. The Russian mob is heavy in the Upstate of South Carolina. It's a gross oversight at a minimum on the part of law enforcement. We're almost at war with these people now. Deport them finally already.

  3. my family has been vacationing on Hilton Head every summer for the past 25 years. I remember being on vacation when this happened. I’ve always thought of the island as a place where I feel safer than I do in my own town and it’s always bothered me that this has never been solved. It’s incredibly sad.

  4. 0:06
    l need to get my eyes checked!!! Looking at this, the bay appears to be elevated. LOL.
    l was thinking how the F do they get the boats down to the water way from that height. LOL.

  5. After watching most of these videos…i get an overall sense of evil, greedy people with no souls killing each other over money, drugs, and power. Hard to continue to feel empathy for these monsters. They all kind of deserve each other.

  6. I’m a tree hugger, 2. I live in an old neighborhood for the oaks, camellia, azaleas, aspidistras…so certain people are moving in and cutting down all of the beautiful nature. They don’t want bird poop on their 1977 cutlass with the huge boom box that wakes me up constantly. I’m praying for a miracle to get out of mobile, Al.

  7. Very interesting I live in sc bout 191 miles from the Public parking lot on isla of palms sc one my favorite beaches here. It’s stuck back in time no buildings over like 10 floors if that great family beach

  8. New subscriber here…this is the first video I've seen of yours & immediately subscribed!!!! It's sooo refreshing to see & hear TRUE journalism at work!!!! I quit watching or listening to MSM a few years ago because THEY DO NOT DO TRUE investigative OR journalism work AT ALL!!!!!! From just this one video, you've got me hooked!!!! Definitely going to watch ALL of your videos from this point forward!!!! Keep on keeping on!!!! Thank you for keeping it REAL & FACTUAL!!! OUTSTANDING!!!

  9. You are awesome at telling about these cases. You are dedicated to this and I love that!! Keep doing what you are doing you are the best true time YouTuber out there

  10. How about you didn’t want anybody to judge you because you were stealing peoples money and you’re a liar. Really you’re committing adultery with a stripper that’s gonna be last on the list

  11. Great stuff as always! The quality of your productions is outstanding, between the camera work, the research and the audio you are killing it (pun intended). I know audio is a weird thing to point out, but it really is difficult to master.

  12. Hey brother I love your work I make sure everyone subs to you! But for real if your even halfway serious you should be careful if they killed him then they could come for you for exposing shit. Maybe I’m paranoid idk but would hate if anything happened.

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