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Layla, a 14 year old Arabian (breed) was rescued from a kill pen in Texas. Today she get her 2nd chiropractic adjustment from Dr. Doug Willen the Animal Cracker!


The Arabian or Arab horse is a breed of horse that originated on the Arabian Peninsula. With a distinctive head shape and high tail carriage, the Arabian is one of the most easily recognizable horse breeds in the world. It is also one of the oldest breeds, with archaeological evidence of horses in the Middle East that resemble modern Arabians dating back 4,500 years. Throughout history, Arabian horses have spread around the world by both war and trade, used to improve other breeds by adding speed, refinement, endurance, and strong bone. Today, Arabian bloodlines are found in almost every modern breed of riding horse.

The Arabian developed in a desert climate and was prized by the nomadic Bedouin people, often being brought inside the family tent for shelter and protection from theft. Selective breeding for traits, including an ability to form a cooperative relationship with humans, created a horse breed that is good-natured, quick to learn, and willing to please. The Arabian also developed the high spirit and alertness needed in a horse used for raiding and war. This combination of willingness and sensitivity requires modern Arabian horse owners to handle their horses with competence and respect.

The Arabian is a versatile breed. Arabians dominate the discipline of endurance riding, and compete today in many other fields of equestrian sport. They are one of the top ten most popular horse breeds in the world. They are now found worldwide, including the United States and Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, continental Europe, South America (especially Brazil), and their land of origin, the Middle East. (Curtesy of Wikipedia)

A kill pen is where people and breeders dump horses that they no longer want.

RISING STARR HORSE RESCUE saves, rehabilitates, retrains and rehomes abandoned, neglected or abused horses and educate about at-risk horses and the importance of protecting them.

By giving America’s horses a second chance at life we give the community the chance to experience the love, patience and compassion horses have for humans.

When Kelly Stackpole decided to open her barn to teach noncompetitive horse lessons in 2005, her goal was to bring her passion and love for these incredible animals to others and guide them toward finding a similar love and connection to horses. She did not expect, while looking for horses to fill her barn, to discover that young, sound and healthy horses as well as older horses were being disregarded and often sent off to slaughter. As soon as she became aware that any of the animals beloved to her were not treated in a humane way, she found another mission, and Rising Starr Horse Rescue was born.

Rising Starr relies on a group of talented and specialized veterinarians, chiropractors, staff, and volunteers who work together to approach each horse’s rehabilitation. This team of dedicated individuals ensures that every horse becomes healthy, happy, and confident before moving on to its new home.

Beyond restoring comfort and care to these horses, our purpose at Rising Starr is to inform others about the cruelty of horse slaughter while providing guidance on how to decrease the number of unwanted horses in the United States.

Every member of our program treats all of our horses with the love and respect they deserve – it’s their passion. Our volunteers include many teens and children, as we hope that by raising children that are thoughtful and caring about the treatment of horses, we will have the biggest impact on the future of America’s horses.  Not only does RSHR have a Dedicated board but we are developing a Youth board to continue our work in the future.

Rising Starr Horse Rescue (Help a horse!):

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#drdougwillen #NYCChiropractor

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Dr. Doug Willen, is a NYC Chiropractor, and Clinical Nutritionist. He’s been practicing full-time in midtown Manhattan for 22 years.

DR. DOUG’S BOOK: “Quantum Paleo”, (21 DAY DIET TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST) was a Silver Medalist, in the Indy Book Awards. You can find it on Amazon/Kindle :

If you want to come in for an appointment in NYC:


Dr. Doug Willen
928 Broadway, suite 1200
NY, NY 10010

Filmed by MADS ENGLE and



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  1. This is one of the most interesting things I have ever seen in my life. And I've seen a lot. Your tender touch and ability to heal is a gift from God. You are truly blessed Sir. Thank you for these videos. Amazing!

  2. What a travesty what happens to these beautiful animals . A pox on the humans who dispose of them with utmost disregard after treating them like commodities to be used up and thrown away.

  3. Rescued from a kill pen… I have tears! How can there be such a place for such a beautiful being? It is uplifting to know that there are people who are able and willing to use resources to save the most innocent of God's creations., Thank you to the owner and to this amazing doctor!

  4. Doctor Doug is so loving… such a giving person. I watched him adjust this very heavy pig that was just in so much pain and was squeeling in agony. He adjusted his spine and tmj and you could see that sweet baby relax and finally go to sleep and rest. This is the type of guy you marry! So much love in his heart to give & goes out of his way? Total keeper🥰

  5. So Soul-Soaring to see a Human doing wat we were Charged with, GUARDIAN'S OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 😁💞🙏🏻🕊🇬🇧
    new subscriber-fan 😊

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