Funny Videos 2022 | Instant Regret | Fails Of The Week | Fail Compilation 2022 | Fails | RandomFails
Welcome to Fun Time I make meme videos and funny fail videos as well as comp s of twitch clips. This video in particular is a girl fails compilation video, that I found in 2022. When I look for videos I try my best to find the most entertaining ones. I hope you enjoy this video. Subscribe if you like my videos 😀
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This video is for entertainment purposes only. My videos are not intended to bully/harass or offend anyone. The clips shown are funny, silly, they relieve stress and anxiety, create good vibes and make viewers laugh.
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This video is inspired by, Failarmy
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what worries me is what these sociopaths are going to be doing when there grown and dealing with the shit of life … 7:09
so swat found nothing and they just left it like that wtf.
Well, to be fair… That driveway is white.
9:10 "yOu PuNchEd Me"
AS SHE SHOULD YOU PRICK. You're likely the one who dropped the window and if not, it's your responsibility as the driver to raise them all before entering the carwash.
5:40 If you have trouble going up a hill… Switch your gear box to 1 or L. Even on automatic cars, you have PRND followed by 2 1 (or L instead of 1).
The 1 / L will limit the speed to up to 15km/h, but also provide a lot more torks (power without spinning the wheels) to go up hills. Also highly useful to get out of the snow. Lots of people don't know that and simply put their cars on D(rive) and they spin out without moving because the car tries to go really fast without much power behind it.
@2:31 god I felt my body crawl
10:05 Person in the hot air balloon equipment van: "Holy Falk!!!"
I cringe when I see a guy dancing around like a fairy princess.
My favorite ones are the ones where they get to really injured those are the best ones
5:10 lol, he basically made Soap shoes that we had about 25 years ago
6:35 weirdly I feel like she wanted it to drop, but it wouldn't. You holding the cake, hold the cake.
What's with all the reused/old clips in this vid
The part with the 3 kids and that stupid mom who's laughing the whole time is the baddest mom every why you let your kids so suffering it's child abuse
3:00 She's so ridiculous ! She wants to share her "sadness" with us ? But we don't care !!!
Sitting on the floor and filming herself in a mirror… Why ? So useless !
Actually, I think she just wanted to show us her new ridiculous tattoo !
Am I the only one who thinks the "sprinkling" episode is both disgusting and disturbing? In my book, it's child cruelty.
8:15 That Vette held up 😳
5:33 🤔 maybe some new tires 🛞
The kids crying at the door while mom laughs is some funny shit. Lol
@ 7:09 enjoy all the therapy bills MOM!!!!! Side note, that was FAF!!!
Dude @ 10:09 is totally falked!!
The truth is that people aren't funny just stupid
That's not what happens when you leave your keys on the table that's what happens when your kids don't fear you
do american fireworks not have any instructions on them ? the amount of times ive seen them lit in the middle of the road with nothing stopping them from falling over or even lit pointing sideways
3:22 "apart of family dinner"? Yeah he will be "apart" seeing how he's passed on, shame he will no longer be "a part" of family dinner.
DJ Valentino!!!The best!!!! Α ρε Ελλαδάρα!!!
After years of watching various fail/instant regret videos i can safely conclude that at least 80% of humans are as thick as pig shit.
So hilarious 😂😂
9:06 Holy …. she is acting like she is being attacked and its just the car wash starting. LOL Edit: i first didnt see the windows was opened.
Only a Handful of "New Clips" but 3/4 of this video was recycled Bullshit we have seen 1,000's of times and some, you didn't even play the whole F'n Clip….
0:17 that's a very good way of getting hurt by a surprised sleeper.
0:20 I felt bad for ol' boy 💯🤣💀💀💀🤣💀🤣
9:06 did she punch him in the face?
now did she mean he is a part or apart at the family dinner ?
Dude many of those clips were copies of copies of copies the quality was so very poor, I've seen many of those clips of higher quality . . Look for the original copy and stop taking youtube copies it get degraded even more.:)
Man, I've seen so many fuckin' fireworks videos where that shit just tips over and starts sprayin' all over the neightborhood, and I'ma be honest… I think that shit probably shouldn't be legal. I think MOST people can probably set it up just fine, but MOST isn't really enough, cause it sure as shit seems like ENOUGH people don't know wtf they're doin', to the point that it's just not worth it, man. Go to a show or something. Require a license or some kind of training. I don't know, but CLEARLY these things should not be available to just any idiot off the street o_o
2:02….did he say this is what SWAT does to your house? Holy Cow! I would love to hear the story behind that one