Ouija Board at Devil's Tree (Insane Activity) Paranormal Caught on camera

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Ouija board at Devils tree (Something strange caught on camera)
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Hunting Purgatory Season 5 Episode 6: Devils Tree

We decided to run some tests at the famous devil’s tree, a location still worshipped and claimed to be haunted to this day for the brutal activity that happened at this location. The results are shocking

If you are thinking of making youtube videos or just recording videos similar to the ones that I am making you will find a list of all the equipment I am using down below:

Main Camera Body: https://amzn.to/3faCDPW
Main Lens: https://amzn.to/3cZpVBG
Camera 2: https://amzn.to/39S05OB
Go Pro: https://amzn.to/2SLLZIS
Lens 2: https://amzn.to/2T6usKi
Lens 3: https://amzn.to/2SWVcgo
Studio Light: https://amzn.to/37LBjhI
Dome Light: https://amzn.to/2VfWLbQ
UV Lights: https://amzn.to/2SK7FoB
iRig Mic to DSLR adapter: http://geni.us/BqxL (amazon)
Microphone : https://amzn.to/38LhVTt

Whether or not you believe in ghosts, paranormal activity or demons the things we caught on camera during this ghost hunt are completely unexplainable and creepy. Unexplained terrifying paranormal activity goes wrong. This investigation challenge felt like living through a horror movie but we captured it all on tape. It was very scary! Some our findings are the scariest videos ever on youtube! Do not try to talk to the dead at 3AM

Join us as we stake out and try to communicate with the afterlife.

All background music was used from the youtube audio library, epidemic sounds, artlist and audio jungle. All music is leased, licensed or is royalty free to use.

Also I am a participant in the Amazon Associates Programs, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking directly to amazon.com in order to help the channel Grow! Let’s make 2022 kick @ss!

Email us: Mindseedtv@gmail.com


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About the Author: MindSeed TV


  1. You guys dont really post any new content anymore. I really miss it. Please try some new content again and maybe some mystery unboxing. That was some of your coolest videos. Oh mannn and the haunted house videos. Damnnn

  2. This is why I have my patreon also. To teach how to do these things properly. Including demonology. You have so much bad energy around you. You will need to have the church intervene at some point. I can tell you also, that your going to experience some very very bad activity at your own home and I don’t mean like before. Much of what you get activity wise is from your own bad energy around you. You’ve constantly invited the demonic into your lives through the ouija board and other direct invitations. Just a heads up.

  3. Watched quite a few of ya vids, very creepy stuff guys. Just subscribed 👍 love ya content love from England

  4. This is a long shot but I’ve stumbled across you guys some time back and heavily enjoy your videos. I wish you would bring back the blind test, always thought that was unique and odd test since you normally don’t see it in a lot of paranormal shows, I don’t recall at all really. Anyways, I’ve come across on the history channel a house called the Willows Weep House in Cayuga, Indiana. The woman who currently owns it says it was built in 1890’s. The man that built it, decided to build it like an inverted cross. Apparently a lot of things went down in that house before she owned it, the man who built it killed himself in the bath tub, his wife overdosed in the living room, kids unknown. others who lived there have seemed to kill themselves etc, the last owner was poisoned and died in a chair, hangings before him etc. The now owner apparently bought it, despite the rumors to renovate it and hasn’t succeeded. Workers won’t come and help, she had one plumber attacked in a craw space under the house when he came across what he thought was human remains. She took them to a doctor and he validated they were. Sheriffs were involved. I guess they were so old it wouldn’t matter and told her to discard them. She ended up putting them back. She tried to get her son involved on repairs and they both have been attacked. She hung a cross inside to see if it would help but it left a burn mark. I’m more intrigued on finding out more about it and I feel like it would be right up your alley. I would love to see you guys investigate it and get your perspective. Everything I’ve seem to find video wise. Is always so cheesy and typical tv paranormal investigations. The woman has experience family and friends being bite etc. I think you guys would enjoy doing your own spin on an investigation. I don’t know if she still owns it, she wanted to get rid of it but no one has bought it. One investigator said he wanted to buy it from her but I don’t know if he really did or if it was for show. Either way it might be worth looking into. The house alone looks creepy, especially since nothing really has been changed since the previous owner. The chair the owner died in is still there. Nothings been to tampered with so if it’s all real, it would probably have some very crazy activity. Not in a good way though.

  5. I have seen every video y’all have ever made and y’all are amazing!!! I love everything y’all do and I’ve never been disappointed…keep up the great work and making videos!!! Be safe!!! 🎉❤🎉😊

  6. That looks like big cat to me. How remote is that place? Could be a panther or something and also could explain the scream you heard, they make terrible screaming noises. But the place seemed haunted as crap, your bets as good as mine.

  7. Hello from the UK, I love your videos and I am sure there are places over here that are really scary, going to send you some links soon! keep it up. Thanks Sue

  8. Everyone talking about the black shadow or creature or whatever it was. Meanwhile, I have already started waiting for the next episode to be out.

  9. this sound strongly resembles a high-pitched squeak that was heard in the sky for a time in the sky over much of the world, presumably these sounds originated from the earth.

  10. As someone whos been following the channel and loves all your content, Im glad to see you back. Ive read most of the comments and for the life of me cant figure out what the hell that might have been at the end, but my mind like everyone elses goes 50 directions at what it could be lol. Ive also never heard a cry like the one you captured but wonder like everyone else if it could be a fox. Amazing yes no prism evidence. Strong fast responses and seriously creepy ouija board session. Soon as you guys flipped your hands over the hair on my neck stood up. Hope to see more content soon. Cant wait for more. Stay safe.

  11. Not scary at all. You both need to leave the city and live in small towns. Maybe you'd have better content lol. Oui board session … that's all for a video lol. Keep Nickleback in Vegas or where ever you buy ur Bedazzled jeans at lol

  12. Tbh love see y'all back missed y'all omg love hair like better and can't wait see it I've heard not touch tree either be careful guys

  13. Absolutely fabulous ep! I think my favourite of all the season. That bastard was going off the board to break the connection of the board so it could feed off you. Casey and Colt, fast thinking saying goodbye before it got worse!
    I hope you both did a cleansing after that lot.
    Continue the amazing work,
    Love from Australia

  14. I've always checked for your new videos. I hope to see more everyday. More power to you guys. I really love your content.

  15. You guys are awesome love your show. for some reason that thing you caught reminded me of a hellhound. I just couldn't get it out of my head when I saw that over and over again it just reminded me of what a hellhound would look like.obviously I couldn't see it very clear but it just gave me that hellhound vibe.

  16. I saw it immediately, the moment it appeared on film, as I have the ability to see them. It’s what’s known in our language as a Hellhound. You’re at a gate and it’s one of the demonic protecting this gate. You’re fortunate it was more curious; as they have the ability to cause serious physical, as well as spiritual/emotional damage. I would recommend a good cleansing if you’ve been experiencing any problems since then, since they also have the ability to tag themselves to people. Just curious, did either of you have any type of markings on your body after you left this location? Scratches, etc? If so, I’d get cleansed whether you’ve experienced problems or not. God bless. ❤

  17. you guys are great your investigation was very interesting your investigations are always full of activity i always look forward to watching you guys keep up the good work stay safe guys

  18. guys u didnt see the monster behind you? in12:05 what i can see from my PC a monster with 3 eyes and long arm . Please tell me that im not only see it or its illusion ?

  19. Human spirits can not be left to roam on earth after passing your talking to a fallen angel aka demonic beings in high place and you just left your self wide open by saying you can use your energy you two unknowingly just gave the evil spirit to do what ever to you no figured you woulda learned your lesson in Louisiana when you throw up black Tar fucking with a demon again no human spirit is capable of roaming earth there being held ina sort of after life jail cell till judgement day then all will be judged humans and the fallin angels also the watchers who left there heavily post as watching over humanity you’ve been warned brotha

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