Yes, I agree But the purpose is to spread awareness during choking The maneuver is called Heimlich (make a fist and place it just above your naval, thumb side in)
Fake as fuck.
could have got better actors and a dramatization warning beforehabd
Fake as f%$k!!!!
This was horribly fake! And you shouldn’t be fucking showing somebody doing the Heimlich maneuver after slapping somebody on the back to dislodge something from their throat! The most important thing you never do to somebody choking is slap them on the back! That could lodge whatever stuck in their throat even further so it will not come out! Fuck you assholes for putting this on the Internet in the first place with your fake shit that would actually kill someone because she did it wrong in the first place!
La ce il mai tineti pe you tube daca nu lasati lumea sa vada?!
I like how she's smiling while helping him
I love how he waits until his wife notices lol
Once, I couldn't swallow cereal and I was choking. My family started to notice while I was dieing, but luckly I managed to swallow it because my family helped me
Worst acting ever ,this video deserve million dislikes
Don’t even realise he is chockin
Worst wife ever
The fact that the bartender was just standing they're while the customers themselves had to help him out
fake 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
What a staged video
1:13 Wife: "Hey you okay?" Husband: "cough cough n-no" "Wife: "Oh okay!" WIFE PROCEEDS DANCING pats him husband still on the floor and his wife still hitting those grub hub moves notices are helps her man SMACKS BACK AGGRESIVELY HUMPS CONSTANTLY
it works Seriously tho we gotta give the man credit for holding his breath for so long
Pathetic to stage something like this.
Fake video
Huh he didnt choke that long
You can tell it was fake too by the way he spit it out of his mouth
first i hate her eventually love her
Good acting
Don't get married nor have a girlfriend men. She will be too busy flirting for validation from the other nerd beside her to ask if you're alright. She only wants your life insurance
Lol wtf is this channel
I will never chew gum again
It’s fake
Stop. Delete ur account and think about what cringe you post.
terrible acting
this so fake..nobody can live without breathing for 2 hours..not even after minutes
Yes, I agree
But the purpose is to spread awareness during choking
The maneuver is called Heimlich
(make a fist and place it just above your naval, thumb side in)
Fake as fuck.
could have got better actors and a dramatization warning beforehabd
Fake as f%$k!!!!
This was horribly fake! And you shouldn’t be fucking showing somebody doing the Heimlich maneuver after slapping somebody on the back to dislodge something from their throat! The most important thing you never do to somebody choking is slap them on the back! That could lodge whatever stuck in their throat even further so it will not come out! Fuck you assholes for putting this on the Internet in the first place with your fake shit that would actually kill someone because she did it wrong in the first place!
La ce il mai tineti pe you tube daca nu lasati lumea sa vada?!
I like how she's smiling while helping him
I love how he waits until his wife notices lol
Once, I couldn't swallow cereal and I was choking. My family started to notice while I was dieing, but luckly I managed to swallow it because my family helped me
Worst acting ever ,this video deserve million dislikes
Don’t even realise he is chockin
Worst wife ever
The fact that the bartender was just standing they're while the customers themselves had to help him out
fake 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
What a staged video
Wife: "Hey you okay?"
Husband: "cough cough n-no"
"Wife: "Oh okay!"
pats him
husband still on the floor and his wife still hitting those grub hub moves
notices are helps her man
it works
Seriously tho we gotta give the man credit for holding his breath for so long
Pathetic to stage something like this.
Fake video
Huh he didnt choke that long
You can tell it was fake too by the way he spit it out of his mouth
first i hate her eventually love her
Good acting
Don't get married nor have a girlfriend men. She will be too busy flirting for validation from the other nerd beside her to ask if you're alright. She only wants your life insurance
Lol wtf is this channel
I will never chew gum again
It’s fake
Stop. Delete ur account and think about what cringe you post.
terrible acting
this so fake..nobody can live without breathing for 2 hours..not even after minutes