#animal #animalrescue #dogrescue @Pets In Love
Rescue poor dog was through in black plastic bag under the storm
Thanks to rescue team:Guardians of all voiceless
Support them at: Guardians of All Voiceless
Our mission is to rescue abandoned and stray animals in India needing medical care and shelter while teaching others our methods to serve as Guardians
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Channel Content included: Animal rescue videos around the world! The meaningful story about animals and human!
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Como os cachorros sofrem nas mãos dos humanos!!! Isso me deixa muito infeliz! Mesmo existindo pessoas para cuidar deles, ainda assim, eu acho que os cães jamais deveriam sofrer.
Obrigada Deus pela a vida de todos os que amam os animais que Deus abençoe sempre suas vidas leder saúde paz amor condições financeiras para salvar os animais e muito livramentos parabéns pelo belo trabalho
Just beautiful innocent dogs baby's Amen thanks so much God Bless you all thanks Amen
Amen just Innocent baby puppy thanks so much God Bless you for saving that cute adorable puppy please keep the baby safe please thanks