SCP: Chronicles ▻ https://clck.ru/gbJ6X An unmanned scooter, a tester dog and some crazy fish. The best CCTV videos are …
SCP: Chronicles ▻ https://clck.ru/gbJ6X An unmanned scooter, a tester dog and some crazy fish. The best CCTV videos are …
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They should ban glass doors, walls, and tables
She hot the vacuum like it was a bad dog
D get gvngt do cvbbcg5g
I cant stop laughing
How stupid can people be? Just watch these videos. 😮💨
Carlo Cipolla was so right, it almost stops my heart.
Idk what this narrator is watching but it isn't this.
That last one is funny
7:52 – don`t sleep at your workplace, my friend! 😀
Add Dysart! And wield reviews Rio allot÷÷each to recoverfrom the*last run by title or of words artery the title shook$ran as a Bogota soon. We go
Fun fact: you hit the like button before watching this
What did he put in the fish tank?
I just don’t understand why anyone would use glass doors and glass walls. It’s an accident just waiting to happen. Dumb! Dumb! Dumb!
Your usual greatness is much appreciated.
Is that first clip one sushi restaurant's answer to rising gasoline and home delivery costs? Can't beat the freshness.
Great videos and comments guys, here, have my like
The Cow that took the human for a run😂😂
Some are recycled here.
Like the way those guy's at the gym pretend
The kids with the flower pot that feel over after he hit it.They put it back, God bless..you're a rare breed. Your parents should be proud!
11:00 He put it back how it was. many people would have left it where it fell.
That was sad, whatever he put in to the tank to torture those fish!
1:19 only in Philippines 🤣🤣🤣
7:30 What is wrong with that Guy.
3:20 Chicken.
So much random stuff we gotta deal with
God loves you please give him a chance if you haven't yet by repenting from your sins and accepting Jesus christ as your lord and savior by believing in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord over your life
brillant tyfs
Some people are as thick as shit
Will you give copyright for using your videos??
great video guys
Regard8mg the TV stomp in what looked like a store, his team just lost a soccer match.
Gotta love it when that lady gets angry at the roomba LOL
When will we as a species finally learn: GLASS DOORS DON'T WORK!!! Glass inside of the door is fine though, just not the whole thing.
Im early i guess
Pls do more stuff like that! Never miss the new uploads
The cow runny away was the funny
13:44 A.I. rise of the machine has begun😳
Are the YouTube channels
brain Time,
be amazed and mind Warehouse
all the same person uploading multiple times just mixing them up. I like you videos although I've seen them if not before about 5 minutes later on the other channels!!
Ma davvero questa picchiava il robot?? ahahah 14:11