Em Far Cry 4 os animais predadores se enfrentam na porrada como por exemplo urso contra tigre. Sensacional! Também os predadores caçam suas presas de maneira épica. Obrigado por assistir.
Música After Dark by Machinimasound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udy812nq4NM
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– Gabinete Commander Thermaltake
– AMD FX-4300 Quad Core 3.80 GHz
– RAM 8GB DDR3 1600 MHz
– AMD Radeon R7 265 2GB GDDR5 256 bit
– HD 500GB
– Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits
I wish they added a lion in any of their games
It's not necessary that one certain animal will win
It's like one will win the most of the time and will lose some times
só luta fera
Poderia ter uma parte 2 dessa luta incrível
3:54 o cachorro preferiu fugir do leopardo das neves do que lutar com ele
Kkkkkk 👍👍
Sabia que o me sobre nome e dudu
Why are black bears so op in this game???
Alguém aq em 2022
There Ubisoft did all right, respect for Far Cry 4
4:19 Human Is Faster 😱
Music Name ?
Как в эту игру скачали подняли блять
Quero ver o ursso decha o oca nos outros
I think the Bear animations and sounds are really cool!
Anh ơi sao để tải cái game này game này tên gì
Cómo se llama el juego
I remember watching this video when i was younger, 7 years ago
Far cry primal: I am going to throw a bait to tamm that beast and have a pet.
Far cry 4: i going to throw this piece of meat to feed that beast and have a pet. WTF I cant do nothing, the game has been bugged.
Macho peludo
This video is nostalgic to me