Rescue two poor dogs who lost their mothers struggling to survive in an abandoned factory
Donate For Animal : https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/locvanmai79
Hello friends.
We are from the animal rescue team. We have been in the business for many years, specializing in rescuing homeless or abandoned animals. Surely you are also an animal lover when watching this video of us. We’ve all owned a beloved animal, and we all understand the pain of an abandoned animal, now our rescue area is overrun with poor animals. The bad thing about this is that we are currently unable to provide enough or food is in short supply, we hope everyone can do a small part to support the animals in need.
thanks everyone!
Donate For Animal : https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/locvanmai79
We are from the animal rescue team. We have been in the business for many years, specializing in rescuing homeless or abandoned animals. Surely you are also an animal lover when watching this video of us. We've all owned a beloved animal, and we all understand the pain of an abandoned animal, now our rescue area is overrun with poor animals. The bad thing about this is that we are currently unable to provide enough or food is in short supply, we hope everyone can do a small part to support the animals in need
Thank you so much for rescuing the puppy ❤️❤️❤️❤️👍
So ein Unsinn! Wenn in diesem Land jemand Hunde nicht will, dann macht sich niemand die Arbeit, um die Hunde irgendwo zu verstecken. Jedes Mal das gleiche Schema. Wer glaubt ihm das noch???? Unfassbar, dass es diesen Kanal noch gibt. Er verdient mit dem Mitleid Geld und missbraucht dafür diese kleinen unschuldigen Wesen!
Gesto lindo deus ti abencoe sempri
Someone’s been feeding them. They look kinda healthy
Que Deus abençoe estas pessoas do resgate que arriscam a sua vida para salvar os bichinhos e uma dor muito grande de ver eles sofrendo. Ursula ♥️
Thank you so much for saving them .poor things they could have died living rough .shame their mum died .
The dogs can not eat chocolate, it is very dangerous for them.
God bless God bless
Abençoado são as pessoas que arrisca a vida para ajudar essas criaturas indefesos o amor 💘os move a agirem
I can't believe all the different places you go and help dogs.Amazing.Your the best Jody….
No entiendo cómo puede ser la gente tan cruel y dejar tirados seres tan indefensos, y aún más estando cachorros. Que los perdone Dios porque no saben lo que hacen.
Đừng chó uống chocola milk vì chôclate co chất độc cho chó, thức ăn có toi và hành cũng vậy ,cần thận nha ban Thanks
Tắm cẩn thận bằng sabon, chu đừng lau qua loa,!
Chocolate is not good for dogs in any form.
Deus os abençoe 🙏🙏🙏
Спасибо огромно
А кушать дать слабо?
كم هما جروان جميلان اتمنى لهما الصحة والحياة الامنة والخير والسعادة شكرا لمساعدتهم 💜🤍💙🐕💋🌻👍🌷
Thank you for rescuing them, you’re great to provide such care and love, May god bless you with good health and prosperity !
Vous es te formidable avec les petits chiots ou autres des grands merci pour eux ils ont trouvé un ange et vous faîtes les soins les bains je le répète encore vs êtes un ange
Notice the same dogs are used for many ph0ny rescues. Scamm3r.
We need to, SEE FOR OURSELVES, > *CONFIRMED, *LONG TERM PERMANENT CARE, & , *ONGOING *UPDATES on *ALL the *SAME DOGS, for EACH of your videos!!! Thank you.
Drama lagi dia yang meletak kan dia juga yang pura2 menyelamatkan nya. Penipu,penipu
God bless them please be there for them as they lost their mother👩👩
One.day.your.show.mum.with.her pups