قناتي الثانية : قصص الجن مع المغامر عبدالله العنبري
لاتنسى الإشتراك إذا منت مشترك
ولاتنسى اللايك إذا عجبك المقطع والمحتوى
وأنشر لإصدقائك عشان يشوفوا المغامرة
لدعم قناة المغامر عبدالله العنبري على البي بال :
حساباتي الشخصية الرسمية :
سناب المغامر عبدالله العنبري / https://snapchat.com/add/al3nbari
انستقرام المغامر عبدالله العنبري / https://www.instagram.com/al3nbari
تويتر المغامر عبدالله العنبري / https://twitter.com/al3nbari
فيس بوك المغامر عبدالله العنبري / https://facebook.com/al3nbari
He doesn't fear the ghosts the ghosts fear him
??? Backrooms basement
I'm scared while only watching, this man has balls fr
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم مالك يوم الدين إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين اهدنا الصراط المستقيم الصراط الذين انعمت عليهم وغير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين آمين
Basically Ghost Hunters: oh shit, its a ghost. Run for you life!
This guy: Me bully ghosts!
Tbh, places like this abandoned houses or basements crazy sounds happen if u stay there and keep silent.
Always Here For My Brother
Love From California
I don't know why why….when i visit this kind of place alone at midnight…why i can't see or heard anything….brother i want to join you on my risk…. ❤️
bro got allah on his side
Steel balls
I don't care if this is fake or not, even going to such a place needs guts, so this man has my respect. If we had English subtitles it would have been way better as many like me would have subscribed to this channel.
Vector que me hiciste buscar,este video tiene L de ¿Lo viste?😲👉⭕
Amazing video :👍
Its a request to add English subtitles Salam from Pakistan 💖
What y’all niggas sayin
Normal people when they see a ghost: screams and runs away
Arabic people:starts praying to god and making dua and chasing the ghost 👻
0.00 shadow figure..
Bro try Ayatul kursi shout it out loud
This place looks like the Back Rooms but this guy is like not scared at all hes gonna fight them
i downloaded minecraft for freee almost shit my pant s 🙁
I well say help
"The only thing they fear, is you."
OMG this is in my city sh1t
Even though its FAKE…still scary to go there all alone bcuz their might be bad people doing drugs
هذه كلها لعبة إخوان الغربيين
Such black ghosts or cloudy shapes have harming negative effects on you if you get closer to them. Usually you find them at caves and abandoned houses. They are imprisoned souls carrying hate., sorrows, suffering, negativities which will infect your body protection and can infect you with negative entities.. Stay away of them
That fact I’m mus
هذه الكتابات الزرقاأ كتاباته لك رموز
I feel like saying something random
Imagine addressing a female dog and your pet sanctuary gets cancelled
As the title implies. This is how you actually hunt. You run towards your prey.
Backrooms ☹️