We will be taking a look at a demonic grey man inside a woman’s new home, some terrifying poltergeist activity, a haunted abandoned school Scary TikTok ghost videos, scary ghost attack in a haunted house. These are all new ghost videos that I have yet to cover on the channel, top 5 scary ghost videos to watch alone in complete darkness!
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All Music: Kevin MacLeod & vivek abhishek & myuu
License: CC BY 3.0 (http://goo.gl/BlcHZR)
Download: http://incompetech.com/
➡ http://www.freesound.org/people/Tomlija/
➡ Music provided by “Vivek Abhishek”
➡ myuu – Underworld https://soundcloud.com/myuu
Music promoted by Just No Copyright ツ https://youtu.be/sh5at6yUJ7Y
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➡ CO.ag Music –
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#scary #creepyvideos #top5
Hey guys, I hope you are ready to enjoy today's scary videos and as always subtitles are available in multiple languages 💯
Of all the Paranormal Video Channels that I subscribed to, Depths of Despair is just on another level when it comes to pure scary content. One time I was watching his videos with the headphones on, while riding the public transportation such as a bus. I jumped out of my seat and screamed. I terrified half of the passengers for my behavior, and I apologized to everybody and even the bus driver who was mad for creating unnecessary fear. Keep up the good work and have a nice day! Best regards from Los Angeles!
تحية طيبة .. أنا أتابعك واستمتع بمقاطعك المرعبة حقاً … ومماأستغربه هو كيف تحصل على هذه المقاطع المرعبة
وأريد أن أعرض عليك حلاً نهائياً وجذرياً لأي أرواح شريرة واشباح مرعبة يعاني منها الناس في بيوتهم
وهذا الحل مجرّب ومعروف عندنا ومنذ مئات السنيين
وسيجربون هذا العلاج بأنفسهم في بيوتهم وترى نفعه!!!!
هل أنت مستعد وتريد هذا الحل ؟؟؟
أرجو أن ترد علي !!! انتظر ردك!!!
Please !! Are we supposed to take this serious ? Im making this comment at the end of the first clip, and it obviously is a prank. Firstly, who enters a new home alone, sees a figure in top window, still goes in house alone, hears z door bang very loud and a jacket blow up and says "its a gust of wind" ??? Oml, i hope the rest are not rubbish jump scares like this waste of time.
1st clip was a complete fake! Someone dressed up as Frakenstein!
Dawg it's 2022. Everyone footage is crap. My early 2000s childhood hood videos have more pixels. Just know that all of these are fake. So you don't fall under the dummy spell. It's just fun entertainment
6:22 the footage is grainy and looks like my old Sidekick Tony hawk edition 2007 cellphone footage so that you cannot see all the string. "I'm so scared" why does he keep repeating that?
More fake videos let's goooo
So, the idea is that all those paranormal footages are fake and we have to appreciate to feel fear, right?
Sorry but all seems to be fake!
Fake ….👎👎👎👎
This first video is 100% fake
The kitchen clip things aren't falling on their own they are being tossed around just saying.
Are these supposed to be real… the first one, she just bought a new house that was fully furnished?
Hey Depths.. omw .. goosebumps straight away from the first clip.. great stuff..
number 4 was obviously fake and that dude needs some acting lessons lol
That first video with the lady going upstairs, she must of gotten of how freaked out by how fake her video was and screamed and then ran out of the house to re-think things.
Yeah, right. Blonde young girl buying a too cheap house with a resident ghost immediately showing itself in a doorway with a hand looking suspiciously much like a glove. Right…
Sorry but first 2 are fake af,and very poor efforts in trying to make em look convincing IMO.
La figura en el primero era espeluznante, no me importaría comprar una de esas casas embrujadas baratas
Def gonna stop watching this channel if he's this ignorant to posting clearly fake videos.. damn, I really liked this channel too smh
The first two where painfully fake and it was very obvious by the "acting" lol 😆 …..
The rest of them looked legit though. Maybe because no one tried to act! 🤣
Thank you Depths of Despair! Loven the channel here in the panhandle of Florida 👻 🌞 😎 👻
Hello, I love your channel, you are doing great!!!! I haven't see the contact details of the boy in part 2 (poltergeist activity) and I would like to know it please.A channel name or any other I would be able to contact him …I don't know if it is real but just in case…thank you so much for your scaryyyyyyy wok, take care.
That girl was actually laying in her bed eating Oreos then what you just showed happened and the one before that did you notice the woman moving the girls hair from her face was smiling with such happiness and satisfaction? I think that one was fake.
whats your opinion?
3:57 dude was smacking his lips so much it was hard to take him seriously 😂😱
Vid 1 & 2 were both so fake!! 🙄
That one with the girl & door closing, that's exactly what happens! It holds you down in an attempt to enter you! There's 4 stages of it, oppression comes before possession!.
That was real
The waterfall one was mysterious no clue wha that was, thanks for a great video
These are all fake!The second video was by far the worst acting I ever seen
Anybody else annoyed by the guy who was being so ignorant and faking being scared.
1st video looked staged, I'm sorry ✌️😁
Can the guy in the second video smack any LOUDER into the video?! Like my dude don’t put the audio in your mouth while you record thing please! Lol
The first two are fake as hell. You can tell by the way the people are talking (acting). Worse than "B" movie acting.
Not sure about the figure standing in the waterfall. The way in which he seemed to dive into the water and vanish though, makes me think it was fake. The water there is shallow and flowing over solid rocks so the figure could not have dove into a pool of deep water. It would had to have literally dematerialized into thin air. It looks like CGI to be honest, but then again, what would dematerializing actually look like?
66.8k subs Mr Dispair. 👍🎉👍🎉👍🎉 Sorry late again but there's no way in Hell I'll miss your awesome videos. The shadow creepy in the water was the spookiest imo. Thanks again my friend. You started my day off with a big 😀😀♥👻😎👻😎👍👍👻👻👀
Fourth Video – Okay … there have been so many low rez potato vids that I had to check my YouTube settings to make sure my resolution wasn't auto-kicked down to 360p. To get such a close-up of a possible cryptid or paranormal entity – only for it to be in such low resolution – no … fake. It's fake. Because as I keep saying, why are there so many people running around with video technology that is actually worse than those early camcorders from the late 70s or early 80s. I have some old vids I made back in the mid to late 80s of my friends and I back in high school – and those old vids have a much better resolution than these modern vids do. Why? How convenient that, with almost everything being HD these days, there seem to be thousands of people opting to use these exceedingly low rez capture devices. What gives? It's getting to the point now that if you're filming with such abysmal resolutions, you're doing it on purpose. Which means you have something to hide. Do these people actually film their weddings and graduations and Christmas mornings and family vacations with such god-awful technology and ridiuclously low resolutions? No? Ya think? Somehow when something paranormal happens, everyone breaks out their old Sony from 1975 because, yeah, that would be a great idea.
The first one is blatant Fugazi.
Video 3.5 – same as the third video – except filmed with another potato.
That second one had to be acting XD
The third video – I'm HIGHLY skeptical of possession vids. Almost every single one involves a group of people in some remote location in some village in Central or South America – or somewhere in Indonesia. Usually highly superstitous and very religious countries. You never see someone get possessed in Peoria or in some suburb of Dallas. Never in Tokyo or London – nope. I'm also suspicious of the fact that every possession seems to be that of a teenage girl. Why. You never see that balding 50 year-old male steel worker get possessed for some bizarre reason. Nope. It's always a young girl. Sus. Sus. Sus. And to make matters worse, I don't believe in demons anyway. At least, I don't believe in the "fallen angel" right out of the Bible type of demon. There are probably strong evil entities out there that don't wish us a lot of good fortune, sure, but they have nothing to do with Hell or God or any of that nonsense. Sometimes I think these kinds of vids are another form of proselytization because religion is featured prominently in these vids – even if you can't always understand the language.
The second video was much more fake and contrived than the first. The way he all but whined about how scared he was. And he kept smacking his lips which I find annoying – but I've noticed when people talk normally they don't do that. But I just thought the acting was pretty sub-par. Yeah, a few deep breaths to make it seem legit, but saying, "I'm so scared. I'm so scared" made him sound a lot less scared. Especially after the door slammed shut, the way he said it … yeah. And c'mon. Why do people still film with these Potatocorders? The resolution is even worse than an old 1980s vintage VCR, so what gives with that? It was like watching someone play an Atari 2600 game. Who uses such obsolete tech? And how convenient that he cleaned up all the glass before he started filming. Why would you do that? Wouldn't you start filming right away – in case something else happened? And not spend time cleaning and then film? Kind of weird if you ask me. "This is scary." "Did you see that?" He's talking like he's on one of those paranormal shows. No one under attack by a real ghost asks the "audience" if they saw or heard something – especially something as obvious as a cupboard door opening and slamming closed. One moment, he's as calm as a spring day when he says, "I should call a paranormal investigation team" then all the sudden he's hyperventilating when the stool falls over. His emotions are all over the place – i.e. bad acting. And with a nice, low resolution, we can't see the strings and springs that he's probably using to make things move and bounce. Convenient, huh?
It's even more laughable when the door slams – he goes from scared out of his mind to angry and defiant in a literal nanosecond, bursting through the door, "I'm going to find out what this is!!!!" And no one, ever, that I've seen so far, touched an object moved by a ghost and commented on how freezing cold it was. So I thought that was a bit odd. "mmm so scared!" he says after touching the stool. He should've said "mmm so tired" instead because that's how he sounded. Falling asleep during a violent haunting. Yep. That's what I would do!! DoD asks, "What could he have done to cause such a thing?" Oh oh, me me, pick me, I know! This guy literally took us on a tour of his house where he had certain things pre-rigged to move and jump, his camera always focused convenientonly on the next thing that moved. And like I said, he used a ridiculously low resolution for today's technology that any props and strings and whatnot would be obscured by extreme pixelation. Who the hell uses phones, cameras, or camcorders these days with a resolution lower than a standard VCR on the fastest speed? It makes no sense.
The first video definitely a fake. Before you purchased a house, for sure you went for viewing, don't tell me you didn't know the front door make those creeping sound. And when she went upstairs, she didn't even checked the other room where supposedly the other person is hiding.
The first video – yeah, nice acting I guess. But the "ghost" or whatever that was supposed to be was obviously a costume. Something about it just doesn't look right. Plus, a couple of details didn't sit well with me. Like how the girl kept talking into the mic – not to an audience, but to herself. The people who are genuinely afraid never seem to do that. They talk to the entity more than anything or anyone else, trying to bargain or reason with it. Otherwise they just breathe heavy. I also thought that the girl was awfully young to be buying a house that large and that nice. Not saying it's impossible, mind you, but most people that age are hobbled by student loan debt and aren't buying nice homes. Especially if she's single. A couple might be able to swing it, but even then, doubtful. She was barely old enough to be out of college – and, sorry, but she just didn't look like the type that would be in the trades. So where is all this cash comng from? Rich parents?