![NEAR DEATH CAPTURED by GoPro and camera pt.114 [FailForceOne]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/NEAR-DEATH-CAPTURED-by-GoPro-and-camera-pt114-FailForceOne-818x490.jpg)
Near death experience videos and close calls captured by gopro and camera compilation. All people survive. Don’t forget to drop a like and subscribe. http://bit.ly/2m2Gsfl
Our channel is showing the dangers of common life situations and extreme activities to take it seriously and with respect. Take responsibility and don’t risk your life. It has a educational function and not intended to shock people or encourage dangerous activities.
I’m on facebook https://www.facebook.com/FailForceOne/
All stunts are performed by professionals, don’t try this at home.
Boy hope that f1 driver was ok. He hit that wall still hauling ass that blew my mind how hard he slammed after rolling and skidding.
3:31 dudes were laughing and screaming while this man was drowning
That wail of pure horror when the climber’s anchor snapped—bet he never went climbing again after that.
The plane – last resort. The truth is, if they had hurt or killed someone on the freeway, they could have been charged. I don't know, pick your poison. Do I want to crash and probably die, or do I want to live, kill someone else, and get 15 years for manslaughter?
4:45 Brazilian Real Hero.
I've seen many parachute twisting videos. Is there a reason why they don't instantly go for the safety chute? Maybe I don't know much about this, but it seems weird, it would be the obvious reaction to this situation.
"are you ok?, I'm not" 🤣🤣
What kind of a jackamonkey is that with the hyena-like laughing whilst the guy ALMOST DROWNS and his buddy tries desperately to get to him? What a pathetic weasel he is!
5:56 Sure interesting to read the death certificate in case it goes wrong…"Cause of Death: Rock in anus".
At least they all died doing what they love and thats the important thing
Good to see another video!
I hope the whale at the start was ok, I don't like seeing animals get hurt. 🙁
5:35 that guy is a legend formaking sure the other dude was fine before checking himself
4:50 I mean she probably wouldnt have died but that guy saving her is a legend
0:41 that was insane. He would've been so dead if that guy wasnt under him. So lucky
I sometimes think we’ll you know what to expect , especially when doing life threatening things. Life choices. I prefer shit on land 🇬🇧
Whale that was unexpected!… sorry
3:38 this was the silverstone gp from 2022 and the driver was Guanyu zhou in a Alfa Romeo
5:30 This one seems pretty stupid and unconscious. I don't do motocross but…
From the start you can tell the distance is gonna be an issue.
Plus, it looks like he's still hitting gas while his buddy is loosing control in front of him.
That was a howl of 'I'm about to die.' That was a haunting noise. You lot know what I'm on about
Very good
3:07 Why is he cheering?
That one with the bear physically made me jump 😥😥
If the guy on the bike had been paying attention to the road it would have been straight into his goggles. Good thing he was taking a selfie lol
Favorite channel on YouTube <33
Awesome stuff! And no repeats! 🙂
Basszátok meg Bá, Mikzsa, Stefan, Vinsze
1:53 brasileiro: achou! Iti malia, iti malia fofura. Corre negada🤪✌️😁
the person goin up recording the damn bear should've died, glitch in the matrix. And ya gotta love the guy just screaming "yeaaah" "hell yeah" watching his fellow kayak friend drown…
6:26 that looks fun. 👍
As usual, all those images are 100% full pure Adrenaline ………🫣
Poor whale, it wouldn't have happened if they just backed off
1:22 How about seeing if anyone needs help? Naaah, I'll just keep filming… Welcome to the US! In Germany you could go to jail for that.
3:02 Fucking stupid screaming.
the legend says the guy at 5:44 still staggers in the desert saying "oh, I don't know!"
Bravo to the guy who saved the girl on her bike, put himself in harms way for that save!
They should sue the Airforce.
So much amazing hero dad energy at 4.58
? To all. I’m missing the clip with the collision between car and truck (first scene). Was it deleted? Thx