Near Death Experiences (NDE's) & Shared Death Experiences (SDE's) – William Peters

Near Death Experiences (NDE's) & Shared Death Experiences (SDE's) - William Peters
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Near-death experience podcast guest 554 is William Peters Worlds leading authority on SDEs, founder of the Shared Crossing Project and global leader in shared death studies and end-of-life phenomenon. During this podcast we talked about his 2 near death experiences and shared death experiences

William Peters, M.Ed, MFT, is the founder of the Shared Crossing Project whose mission is to positively transform relationships to death and dying through education and raising awareness about shared crossings and their healing benefits. As the director of the Shared Crossing Research Initiative (SCRI), William and his team collect and study extraordinary end-of-life experiences (shared crossings). William is a global leader in shared death studies and end-of-life phenomenon. He has developed methods to facilitate the shared death experience and to assist experiencers in meaningfully integrating their experiences. William is a psychotherapist at the Family Therapy Institute of Santa Barbara where he specializes in end-of-life counseling as a means toward psycho-spiritual evolution. He served as a hospice worker with Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco. His work is informed by his two NDEs and a variety of shared crossings. William has presented at the American Academy of Hospice andPalliative Medicine’s Annual Conference. William’s work has appeared in the American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and in Omega – Journal of Death Studies. William’s book entitled At Heaven’s Door:  What Shared Journeys to the Afterlife Teach About Dying Well and Living Better, published by Simon & Schuster.

William’s Websites

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About the Author: JeffMara Podcast


  1. This is interesting. I have taken William's course, but I'm just now hearing him, or noticing, his mentioning the Conductor. I had a lot of interesting communications and intuitions about my friend's death just before he passed. I have often wondered where these communications and insights came from. Were they from him retroactively or telepathically communicatimg with me? My guides? God? I don't know. But this idea of the Conductor is intriguing.

  2. Long story but I prearranged a communication sign with a friend who was a agnostic and adamant that when we die it is simply that the lights go out. Period. He promised that if there was a sole he would come back and knock 3 times on my window. This person had never been to my house and generally knew where I lived. When his girlfriend called to say he had passed nothing happened. Then a few weeks later just as I was waking up one morning, I woke up to 3 definite knocks on my bedroom window.

  3. A mystical catholic 🤡 blasphemy
    -Paul the apostle. This is all heresy. True spiritual Christianity can only be found in the Bible. Not the Catholic Bible with their Apocrapha non inspired texts. Get a John MacArthur NASB Bible 🙌 ⛪️

  4. Interviewing an NDEer should expose some of their backstory before going into the event. At least asking 'did you have premonition or foreboding of what would occur' and 'what were your afterlife beliefs and spirituality before the occurrence of the event'

  5. I feel so lucky or blessed that I can watch these podcasts, it gives me hope when I hear what happens to all these people that share with us. We can’t just die for nothing like many people want to believe.

  6. Jeff and Mara, you have IMPROVED the field of "interviews"
    … *( by providing a format of listening, , ,*( , instead of the common approach of arguing, being dismissive or playing devil's advocate that I've always disliked) you are respectful, polite and kind to your guests♥️♥️

  7. He is amazing. Absolutely loved this interview. ❤️. I agree with talking to your loved ones about giving a sign.

    I’m the same kind of Catholic as he is 😀.

    Thank you Jeff and Mara ❤️🙏🙏🙏

  8. I hung onto every word William said. I was exhilarated to hear about pets in SDEs. I was wondering about that just before he talked about it. Thank you for the great work you are doing, William. Thank you Jeff, for providing us with this gift. Blessings to you both.

  9. In 2019 I started reading near death experiences and went from an atheist to a believer in a matter of days. I asked the universe for a sign. While I was watching the movie Jim and Andy, my phone, which was sitting next to me face up with nothing touching the screen, turned itself on and autonomously started a Google search on the words "maybe I'm on the right track," which Jim says when he describes the pod of dolphins breaking the surface in Miami as he contemplated taking the role of Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon. I was blown away at the time (but remembered to take a screenshot). It catapulted my belief into the stratosphere.

    Fast forward to now. Time carries in, I'm caring for my dying mother, and watching a show on ADC's. I pause the show and think to myself, I wonder if the message "maybe I'm on the right track" a couple years ago was from my dead brother whose name is also Jim. He suffered paranoid schizophrenia and killed himself 33 years ago. I start the show again. Ten seconds later William is talking about large groups of marine animals like whales and dolphins appearing as signs from deceased people. As Jim Carrey experienced in the movie right when he said "maybe I'm on the right track." Wow. I think my dead brother is watching over me from heaven. And had been since he passed. I think my dead grandparents are as well. And Jesus. We are all being watched over all the time, and we are being taken through the experiences we need to have, and we are being taught the lessons we need to know.

    Thanks for another great podcast, Jeff! Thank you, William!

  10. So that means that our "natural state" is our spirit who we are in heaven, but our human physical state is not the "norm" and is only temporary. Who we really are is Eternal Beings from Heaven. And this life is temporary exitance. That is probably why it felt normal for him to be out of body

  11. Wonderful Soul Information—-it resonates with me and my own personal experiences that can't be explained by materialistic world view (science)…as always, deep thanks

  12. The souls who conduct others across to the afterlife are called 'psychopomps'. In my almost 70years, I have met one other of these incarnates. We met at a workshop/ training for death doulas.

  13. I recently read At Heaven's Door and enjoyed it. My library had a copy. 🙂 All these stories are incredibly comforting. I appreciate you, Jeff, and this channel as much as you appreciate your guests!

  14. Virtual realities, that we can create today, are compellingly convincing. These created worlds, that we can experience, are being adapted and will evolve to become even more convincing.
    At least we know that virtual realities are creations that have a creator(s).

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