Check out our #new #funny #fails #compilation: BAD DAY? Better Watch This 🤣 Try Not To Laugh Funny Videos | Fails of the Month
Can you hold your laugh while watching these clips? 🙂 Mix of best and funniest animal & babies & human fails. We bet you will lose this laugh challenge and hopefully gonna make your day. What is your favorite clip? 🙂 Hope you like our compilation, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos!
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➞WHAT COULD GO WRONG!: https://youtu.be/5o29I4aX2QI
➞BAD DAY ? Better Watch This.. 🔥😂: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uBQHKNWAYU
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Outro Music:
Lensko – Let’s Go! [NCS Release]
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#funnyvideo #Trynottolaugh #Video2022
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# Stay safe ❤
Really these women are so stupid or these videos are only the tricks with actress?
Some people should step on a scale,before doing anything or something
5:51 bro that’s my aunt
So where are the funny videos ??
And that's exactly what needed to happen…
To that abomination they referred to as, a "pizza"…🤠
The thing I learn from these videos is that overweight people should not attempt anything.
What I just don't get…like the guy falling upsidedown headfirst to his waist in de mud….and the "friend" just keeps filming….the stupid axxhole in most cases is the one filming.
00:55 That lady decapitated that poor 🦩
06:12 walk your dog stupid
5:48 The fastest "going underground" trip
I love the guy going head-first into the mud pit I couldn't stop laughing
So funny
The dad so kind and calm after the kid runs into the tv!
Stinky feet Pencil
تذكرون هذا البرنامج الخاص الذي قبل شوي🥰💕❤️👠👠🙏✋
1:01 did the decapitated head of the inflatable swan quack like a duck upon it's death!??….🤪😜
4:05 Please give a minute of a quite to the kid that ended up on the bottom of the ocean.
Saved the buggy but the baby drowned.
3:30 West Virginia 2013 competitor died during race. He drowned after failing to scale the wall. No one noticed him not coming up from the mud. But this one was funny
3:20 was she not flipping out bcuz the camera was on. Bcuz the little girl was scared when it happened and surprised she wasn’t mad.
fatties vs gravity
I can't support my weight ♪
0:45 are you ok buddy? 😂. That was some drop off!
Do you want to review my videos?
Do you want to review my videos?
Do you want to review my videos?
2:22 IS THIS SOME KIND OF PROPHETIC CHANNEL – This shows we can aid Ukraine more and more until they become AMERICAN !!!
3:22 the way the girl says "sorry, sorry" and the way the mom made a face makes me wonder how she would have reacted without the video..
Кайф бро 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
This just hurts my soul
2:40 love watching fat people fall lmao
Lol y is everyone so uncoordinated
I love this channel 👏🏽👏🏽
Where do you get those invisible selfie sticks?
@3.29…now that was funny