#top10animalswiththemostunusualmatingtactics #strangeanimalmating #weirdanimalmatingrituals #animalcourtship
Have you ever wondered about the strange and unusual mating tactics of animals? perhaps the mating rituals?!
When I was researching weird animal mating rituals and tactics I was overwhelmed! mating rituals are the norm for animals – strange unusual weird mating rituals are the norm!
Human dating rituals may often seem strange, and not-at-all productive. But the next time you’re wondering if you should wait three days to call be thankful you aren’t worried about being your love interests dinner…. not all unusual animal mating is vicious, but it’s quite shocking how the female in the majority of cases I have looked at are the dominant carnivorous player!
I have always been interested in animal courtship and weird unusual mating rituals……I find it fascinating and hope you do to 🙂 if you like the video please do let me know.
You can learn more about top 10 animals with the most unusual mating tactics by watching my video
-weird animal mating rituals
-unusual mating rituals
-bizarre animal mating rituals
0:52 Praying mantis
1:44 Giraffe
2:34 Snail
3:43 Pufferfish
4:25 Hangingfly
5:07 Argonaut octopus
6:05 Angler fish
6:57 Honeybee
7:26 Peacock spider
7:54 Hooded seal
Our Yt channel has other similar videos concerning weird animal behaviour!
Please check them out : http://www.youtube.com/AnimalEducate
If you were trying to find more details about weird animal mating rituals or unusual mating rituals did this video aid? Comment below and let me know what else I can help you with or information on top 10 animals with the most unusual mating tactics.
Be sure to visit our website for more animal educational videos. 👉 https://lupine-media.co.uk/animal-educate/
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Hangingfly image on flower
“Hangingfly” by John Tann is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Hangingfly just hanging
“Hangingfly just hanging” by John Tann is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Hangingfly close up
“Hangingfly 0009” by jack_246 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Hangingfly eating
“Hangingfly_4970” by LindaRo2011 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Hangingfly mating
Article – research argonaut
Argonaugt blue background
Video argonaut
Size ruler argonaut
Video 2 argonaut
Angler fish sketch
Angler fish sketch 2 side profile
Male and female angler fish https://www.zmescience.com/other/feature-post/remarkably-bizarre-deep-sea-creatures-freak-show/
Drone bee image in flight
Drone bee organ
Close up peacock spider
Drone and queen mating
Peacock spider image 1
Peacock spider uncurl
“_MG_2347 peacock spider peacock spider Maratus sarahae” by Jurgen Otto is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Peacock spider waving and close up
“_MG_0380 peacock spider Maratus splendens” by Jurgen Otto is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Giraffe tasing urine
Hooded seal
Snail love dart
Snails mating
Snails mating photo
Sketch painting peacock spider
Angler fish side profile
Hooded seal
Praying mantis mating
feel sorry for the puffer fish doing all that work and relying on nothing else coming across and ruinning his chances
It would be great to live in a world without hunting.
Brilliant well done 👍.
The puffer fish pattern is so cool, I wonder how do they actually make the pattern? Also interesting how most of the males are smaller and less significant than they are with mammals.