Bambi pranced into theaters 80 years ago today! He’s been near and deer to fans’ hearts ever since.
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80 years of Bambi. How cute.
One of my favorite Disney movies ever, unbelievable how it's 80 years old!
Ah yes Bambi
my actual very first movie i ever seen on Kstw channel 11 back in 1978 i was 2 years old on mom's zenith floor model tv analog rabbit ears tv reception it was ghosty and staticy but i just looved this movie and flower is my favorite character of this movie it is all true i truly remember this golden treasure, and was so awesome to see it on tv back then later on channel 13 kcpq 13 showed a lot of awesome classic DISNEY movies back on good real free analog tv i miss that Bambi always have a special place in my heart always.
Bambi was my first movie I've seen at my grandparents house ❤️🦌🦉🐇🦨. Can't wait to watch this movie this Sunday on the 21st. For it's 80th anniversary ❤️🍿🎉😍🦌🦉🐇🦨
A truly moving and beloved work😍When I look at it as an adult, I cry when I remember the harshness and beauty of nature, and the emotions that I can only experience when I was a child😢
Aww yay!
You know I really hope to see the Phantom blot make a return someday Maybe in a new Mickey Mouse cartoon or the next Disney movie Because he was my favorite Disney Bad guy in the comics And the cartoons So I hope we get to see the Phantom blot again Someday in the future
Everyone like Bambi. But Bambi doesn't have short film.
Please, make Incredible Christmas Holiday Movie after Incredible 3 Movie.
One of my favorite movies as a kid.
Never forget his moms death! Gave me emotional damage! 😭😭
They didn’t show any footage of how I really felt about this movie
We need movies like this
Happy 80th Anniversary Of Disney's Bambi
Happy 80 Anniversary Bambi🎉🥳
Wait so all this time Bambi was a boy? My childhood is indeed crushed.
80 years on and this doesn't disappoint. Love Bambi
How about a 4K ultra hd release to celebrate.
Congratulations 👍 🎊 👏 💐 🥳!!!
Cute Movie.
Childhood Memories .
80 years!!
80 YEARS!!!
80 years of Bambi.
I'm so very, very extremely proud of this movie.
Gotta love this movie everyday.
Bambi is 80 years old now.
Bambi just turned 80 years old today.
Happy 80th!!!
Happy 80th Anniversary, Bambi!!!
Bambi could be me
I saw a trailer of that on one of my dvds probably the new edvance of it or something
It’s old
Oh yeah
Awww I love this movie !!!
How adorable n cute🖤🖤
Great memories watching it🖤🖤
Love is a song that never ends.
Happy 80th anniversary Bambi
In January 2020, Disney has started developing a live-action/CGI remake of Bambi just months before the COVID virus started
Funny thing, today’s my birthday too. But every year, I start my birthday by watching the movie that I share a birthday with. Happy 80th Birthday, Bambi!
Happy 80th Birthday Bambi!
I absolutely love Bambi. Always have and always will! 😃