This place is absolutely terrifying. We captured real paranormal activity on camera inside of this historic haunted house that some have called the REAL “Haunted Hill House”. Get ready to see ghosts, possibly demons, contact with the other side and a whole lot more. You’re watching, THE PARANORMAL FILES.
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🎵 Colin’s music! (“Sun, Sand & Sadness”!) 🎵:
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Y’all will really enjoy this video. Thanks for all the support and love. I’m on my way to Salt Lake City right now to film the next UTAH series with Papa Spooks so… wish us luck!!!!
I love the mansion! The tour guide was fantastic. Your videos deserve awards! 💕👻🥇🏆🎖
Colin has so much CHARISMA. He was BORN to be famous. God bless
Cool equipment guys!!!
It would be cool to go to a nun convent. Meet good spirits?
I absolutely love that this is a mom and son thing. Love Mary ! Bless this family!
I love the mansion
I love the mansion
At around 1:17:00 there’s an orb across the screen and as it reaches one of the sensors, the sensor starts to flash
I love the mansion
Love the videos!!! ❤️
Kelly /Indiana
Racist ghosts
I LOVE THE MANSION!! Good luck Colin and Papa Spooks in Salt Lake city. Hope to see you in my area 1 day! Good ole northeast Tennessee!
Love you guys
Hey my mum when she was younger saw the demon run all around her room then jump from the ceiling and grab her face then in the morning would wake up with seeds on her mouth so could anyone explain what this was
The video was very interesting!! You got some great captures with your mom. It still is a cool video!! The lady giving the tour knew so much ! Wow!! I enjoyed it. The spirits come out when they want to. You just never know when they will or not!! Be safe!!
You guys make a great team! YOUR VIDEOS ARE AWESOME
The history tour was phenomenal and although the only strange thing was that white floating mist…this was still a great episode because you are still showcasing locations your viewers may never have heard about. And in true Colinesque fashion another beautiful outtro.. we love ❤️🔥 you too Kid Spooky, Queen Spooky, Papa and Mama Spooks👻❤️😍🤗
Outstanding investigation blessings 👻😱🙏😇🙏😱👻
I like the mansion. Sorry took so long to watch this but teaching during the week doesn't leave much time for anything else. But your my favorite weekend thing!
Wow epic
I wish you didn’t show suicide imagery in the videos for views. Other than that, good investigation.
I love the mansion
i can´t watch it. there´s an age restriction. now i´m sad 🥲
I love the mansion!
I Love The Mansion
7:34 female voice
7:57 – 7:58 another female voice
20:24 – 20:25 sounds like a young male saying "but" or "butt"
24:06 another whisper
28:08 whisper female either says "table" said like "tay-bull" or "thank you"
29:47 female whisper "help"
36:52 – 36:53 male voice "hey" (just after she was talking about her friend Joe)
43:08 voice whispers "just GO!"Mansion!
1:09:37 "yes" male whisper
1:10:45 whisper "not in awhile "
1:11:48 female whisper "no"(not glad they're visiting)
1:15:26 male whisper "the bills" ? Or "the pills" ??? Not sure
1:16:44 whispering kinda sounded like "hand on your head"
1:19:13 – 1:19:15 orb flies near ceiling towards Colin & Mary
Trenton neighbors of yours here! Excellent film Colin. Let's take a ride down route 95!
Colin you asked what you could do more of, I seriously think you do everything fine. Love the history at the beginning. Your doing an amazing job! I like how you ask questions, and your editing is super cool! Thank you!
Loved the lady who gave you the history of the home. I’m on my 3rd rewatch lol… love watching your channel 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
I love the mansion
Well I accidentally hit send on my comment and it wasn’t done, but now I can’t find it! So annoying!
Was just saying that since she claims to be a psychic medium that part where she’s talking about the unalived lady you can tell that room bothers her. That whole floor actually. let it run a bit bc I’m not sure exactly what time Just can tell it’s icky for her.
Bless her heart. ♥️
I don’t blame her either. Dealing with so many peoples energy can be extremely exhausting. But much respect for her for doing all she can to make the house as nice as she can with what she’s got.
It is a beautiful house and I love how much she knows about the house and I love that she is trying to make it close to the original design AND she knows how they would have wanted it and their different personalities. How cool!
Stay spooky!! 🦇
At 54:15 when we see the creepy doll if you look beside it there is a glass jar. That's from a local area dairy farm. They still sell their milk and it's available at a lot of stores in the area. Best milk I've had. It's cool to see something from back then still thriving today
I love the mansion!!!!
I love the mansion !!
y'all see a little girl figure @1:32:25??
They said ‘lights’. So don’t forget to put Eliza’s light back on.
This woman is bat shit crazy. I love her.
I am always amazed how every video you post, they get better and better every time! You are truly a talented person and a special soul! Your parents did well raising you and are very special people!
I love the mansion!
I love the Mantion
i love the mansion! 🥺
This is an amazing video!! You and Mama & Papa Spooks are really a great team!! When is Courtney coming back?? Thank you for all your hard work!!! Stay Spooky!! 👻🖤👻
Maby trying a evp recorder, or what about the room of the ‘grumpy’ man, messing with his clothes could maby have triggered a respond🤔 the mistlike thingy you captured where the catballs turned on was very awesome 👻. Can’t wait till the next video ✊🏻😍
Hey Colin fantastic film ! 🎥😌 I love seeing your parents in the film it’s really sweet. I found when u both read the bible verses I felt calm after them and it was really nice how u and your mom read them to the spirits ♥️. I hope u have a great weekend 😁 and stay spooky !! 👻
@ 19:50ish it could have been shadows from a tree blowing in the wind through the window but it was definitely a moving shadow on the floor and the door frame
I love the mansion , what a lovely lady , fantastic history tour , great episode, stay spooky , …Steve ,London