4 HORRIFYING Things Seen on Dark Roads and Other True Horror Stories

4 HORRIFYING Things Seen on Dark Roads and Other True Horror Stories
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From scary night drive stories to horrifying wrong turn stories, today’s episode will scare you away from those car keys for a while!

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0:00 INTRO
0:45 GPS Route Recalculating from Sean D.
5:21 Uber Escape from Anonymous
10:56 Snake-Man on Dead Man’s Pass from C.Philly100
16:04 I’m Glad I Didn’t Accept That Ride from Kingly

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About the Author: Darkness Prevails


  1. I've heard "​Hime-Anole" is an interesting Manga & it was made into a Live Action movie in Japan under the same name. It starts out as a Rom/Com where a shy kind of loveable loser character has his eyes on a waitress at the local cafΓ©. Eventually they fall in love & then the genre of the film & manga switches into slasher horror as her unstable Ex reenters the picture. Think "When Harry Met Sally, & Then They Met Jason," which I feel is a good addition to the slasher horror genre as sometimes the audience is laughing along too much with Freddy Kruger killing more dumb teens & not empathizing with the victims at all.

  2. If you like mystery, supernatural, horor , psychological, historical and gender bender, I recomended yuureitou manga from mangaka Tarou Nogizaka, its sooo good omg, the art so beautifully stunning , character, plot that keep u hook up, the mystery that keep u wanting more and more, setting in 50's japan about serial killer, haunted clock tower, opium field, etc ..my description don't do justice, u have to read it ❀️, I hope u enjoy it like I do 🀭

  3. E wysocki 15238 48 train currently in motel 6 room 125 beechem drive at lorish Rd ; crafton pgh pa 15205 Aug 23 2022 hi darkness prevails how are you doing ? Loved the dark highway stories the last two are the best ; the one about the Ulta highway near an old native American reservation why build a highway there it would be haunted propably a skin walker or crawler the second last one the two women who saw the skin walker or crawler near the garbage disposer.; Scary ; we had a haunted highway on route 28 in harmervilke my father told me about this one time in the 39s when he was I guess 15 or 16 maybe back there they drove at a young age ; well he went with his two brothers I think mike and Francis when they lived at home along with his close friend from the steel mill we ;LL call him Jim ; in his old model t Ford ; they decided to drive around harmervilke to check the highway ghost highway Mary it was said somebody hit her and never stopped back in the 1900 s she died on the highway ; well it's said after midnight you see her walking along this highway that leads to Pennsylvania turn pike you get to the toll booth either you go to Ohio or Monroeville after you pay the toll ; this is where you see her ; they saw her hurry up turn around and never gave her a ride ; it said she disappears after you pick her up ; so stay safe in pennsylvania God bless you πŸ˜€

  4. if you want to read manga, can you specify which genre you are interested in?
    here are some from the top of my list
    angel densetsu (gag-manga), Terra Formars, Ajin, Area D , Shamo, I"s, Green World, Gunnm, Dragon Zakura, Jin, Buyuden, Btoom
    Ares, Dead Days, The Breaker 1 & 2, (3 not yet completed)
    Noblesse, Girls of the Wild, Hive,

  5. Man that story about dead man pass really got my attention quick I drive truck and I go over cabbage And dead man pass quite frequently. I have never drove over it during the night but I did have a breakdown and had to stay the night at the rest area. I'm taking a load to idaho falls and I will literally be going over that pass tomorrow

  6. I recommend ether Vineland saga or even Sakamoto days I like both series Vinland saga has a anime and season 2 is coming out in Jan while there is rumors that Sakamoto days is getting an anime soon

  7. Wow…

    You read the ENTIRE manga… Bleach??? Dang! How long did that take?? My favorite has always been Blood+ but that one is super hard to find now. InuYasha is pretty cool though.

  8. If anyone breaks down, just FYI do not recommend siphoning fuel from an abandoned motor as the fuel deteriorates with time. Cheers Darkness 🍻

  9. Another great mix of stories! Been a long time listener. Appreciate your work! Trying to get back into reading manga myself. Huge comic book reader now but in middle school and highschool it was all mangas. Not sure if you are reading online or picking em up but if you can get your hands on a series called saber marionette j. It wa one of my favorite mangas growing up.

  10. Read Jojos Bizarre Adventure or Attack on Titan hands down the most well developed characters worth emotionally investing yourself Into both thought provoking and show both beauty and dark sides of humanity ❀️❀️❀️ them

  11. Well if you are just getting into Manga I recommend these 5 in no particular order.

    Solo Leveling (Korean)
    Black Clover
    Fairy Tail
    Death Note
    Code Geauss

    This list varies widely between genres so it will depend on your preferences but each are very good in their own way.

  12. Any manga by Junji Ito is a good manga for you to read. Also, Akira Toriyama's "SandLand" and Yuriko Akase's "Sazan & Comet Girl" are pretty fun reads, too. Though, the last two aren't horror related, I still think they're worth recommending.

  13. After using a ouija board for about a month straight I was having really weird things happen around my house like hearing random screams and growls people getting scratched and 8ft tall shadow figure and it seamed like we were even getting sort of addicted to using it started off using it with 3 people and quickly became 10 or more people every day and our personalities started changing to be more negative so I buried the ouija board in the woods under 3ft of dirt and rocks and when I came home from work the next day the same ouija board was covered in dirt sitting on my door step.

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