DOTA 2 ASTER vs ENTITY – FIGHT for TOP 4! – PGL ARLINGTON MAJOR 2022 Dota 2 Highlights 2022 Tournament – LB Round 3 Playoff #dota2 #dpc
Watch Live PGL Dota 2 Arlington Major 2022: https://www.twitch.tv/pgl_dota2 – Commentary by SUNSfan & Jenkins
That game one by entity I can assume has poor to no team communication at all, always overlapping ultimates and skills , like bh and grip, bh and wyvern ult.
Damn the miscommunication in game one. WW uses winters curse as soon as egnima uses black whole just wasting both of those ults and losing any chances they had of winning that match.
28:18 this play, if only doom could ult brew, but got tossed out instead
As long as Aster won't pick Phoenix and Naga combo they can be unstoppable.
Game3 Aster’s team fight potential is insane. They got heavily distracted in early game but managed to come back and stick to their game in the end. Gg.
They really needed to doom the brew instead of bristle. But catching brew before he ult is proving hard to execute
Very satisfying seeing gets destroyed this self-proclaimed best carry on these Arlington Major. LOL #bunchofnoobs
Good job
wtf with first game entity draft???????? no carry pick xDDDDDD
Can anyone tell me what is Saberlight doing at 30:17? Literally no gain from blinking into enemy, being almost dead already. He had used all resources, so maybe just wanted to suicide, buyback and come back full?
Stormstormer's Tiny just terrorizing Dazzle game 3 all game long, every fight starts with Dazz getting rocked
Bane is the hardest counter to bristleback. Used to dummy Armadons with my mid Succubus.
The guy who lives in Texas named himself FISHMAN!
GG great dota from both teams !! i hope finals would be more hype than this !!
Those miss-communication on game one is deadly for EE
man i dont care who wins. this is pure dota
good job
rooting for entity to qualify for TI goodluck!
Nice teamfight so entertaining 🔥🔥
Maybe a Silver-Edge for tiny rather than upgraded dagger for Game 3? Still WP for entity. Great game
ez arcanas
8:44 Wyvern curse didn't taunt Ori for like 5 seconds?????
Nub saberlight
nice lotus
"Nice Tiny" lool
why are they calling him siamese cat? is it his nickname?