The Brigade Assembles! The Weekly Roll MEGA Compilation

The Brigade Assembles! The Weekly Roll MEGA Compilation
Spread The Viralist

Surprise! I’m not dead! I know, I know it’s a shock to me too. Don’t worry though, new dubs are coming. I just thought I’d kick things off with a celebration of the Weekly Roll. Issue 1 to 101 to be precise.

#DnD #Theweeklyroll

These comics were made by the very talented CME_T ( Please check out their comic at

Klara the warlock was voiced by the amazing Alpaca Alix!

I have Twitter and Instagram btw, check them out below

And if anyone wants be be an absolute legend they can support me on Patreon!

If anyone wants to recommend Dungeons and Dragons, general fantasy, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k or just other good webcomics to me go ahead! I’ll ask for creator permission then dub em.
Also, please do like, subscribe and comment, it really helps me out.


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About the Author: 56 Scratch


  1. A great compilation og a great comics from a Great chanel, what else do an adventurer need for happiness ?! Anyhow, thanks 56 Scratch and luck on a new job, I soon will be in the same situation, so I know how it feels. Hope to see more uploads though

  2. Weekly roll is honestly the serie I’m the most invested in. That and the giant dragon girl who just act cute with the knight that couldn’t slay her… and the knight with his orc chieftain lady…

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