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I friended you
I joined the crainer Army
Please please please!
I am a fan of your videos and jelly and slogo
Amazing good job my fav YouTuber🎊🎊🤗🤗
You should play rainbow friends
can u plz play resort tycoon it is a long tycoon and I am not evan done yet so ya thankyou
Look at jelly and slogos content and then crainer I think crainer wanted to go his own way in my opinion
Why didn't you take the cat it's my favorite animal I'm unsubing to you
I LOVE your videos Crainer your my Favorite!!!!
You need to get the inf backpack because you are earning way more but your backpack is small.
We need to hire people🧓
More wheat farming simulator
Please play rainbow friends
can you please make a video
love your vids
Play robo simulator its about robots
Crainer we need to know what happened with you josh and jelly please we need to know the truth
Crainer please can you play sonic movie experience
please make a video on super power simulator
Crainer… It's not a hoe it's a Scythe. Lol
DAY 1 can you and your friends try to get a military truck in to te school in brookhaven RP
Crainer play clicker party simulator it has you a secret pet
I think of another meaning when crainer says hoe
Crainer do a vid explaining why you left slogo and jelly
love it thx for all the time you spend to make us happy thx
Crainer who should play with this YouTuber liger it would be a great duo
👇 like so crainer can see
Crainer can you please accept my friend request
Please can you play taxiboss plz
Are you the devil
God damn
Don’t cry,
Down from Casa grande
Get ya pen and paper rdy crainer
Play a real game
Like really
Keep on keeping on with the good vids bro good one
Mr crainer I am a big fan
What's his user
i jond crainer grop