This New Zealand climber survived an 80-foot fall from Yosemite’s Half Dome that broke ‘nearly every major bone in her body’
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I dont feel bad for her. she choose to climb knowing the risks.
yup, that sounds about right for US healthcare.. fleece as much money as possible from those who are not in your insurance scam.. I mean scheme 🙄🙄🙄
if you miss a clip in you keep going to the next one, going down is the worst thing you can do
If this doesn't make Americans strive for health care reform, I don't know what will. We deserve affordable healthcare.
A very good friend of mine suffered an eerily similar accident mountain climbing. Broke ribs, his spine in different places, fractured his skull, the list goes on.
He went through a year of surgery and physical therapy but as we're French, he didn't PAY ONE CENT FOR HIS TREATMENT.
The narration is way too fast.
Does the hospital can collect the payment if she is back to NZ? She doesn’t need US credit score in the future and I don’t think govt will extradite her just for this type of case (what do I know?) . If the worst scenario is she can’t ever visit US again after bailing , it wouldn’t such a big lost , would it ?
You can thank your local Republican for her absolutely insane medical bills.
On average, it's much cheaper to have an accident flying a wingsuit.
New Zealand, like most first world countries has universal medical care. We do not. If she were from the U.S. she would be in debt for the rest of her life. As it is, she'll have some hefty bill to pay
for the U.S. part of her rescue. I hope she will be able to continue to climb and maybe slow down and hike Yosemite trails. Also, she should read Mark & Mike's adventure climbing Half Dome. Mark is a paraplegic who with the help of Mike climbd Half Dome & El Capitan. Mike climbed every pitch twice: once to set pitons & once with Mark. It was amazing to watch them.
That's the United Snakes for you..
Well, good for her. She elected to do this so it must be what brought her happiness.
1 million in medical bills….. I'd be making sure to stop in Canada for a quick assisted suicide after that one because quality of life at that point is gone and gone for the next century. Good luck paying the empires bills. Its a trap!!!!
Why is the narrator talking 100 miles an hour ?
She probably wishing she didn’t survive when she saw that American hospital bill
"BREAKING NEWS" USA is making a 500+billion dollar flying cruise ship so tourists can enjoy the skies 🤣💸
Must've broke a mirror for some luck like this
😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣I have to laugh. No one told you to climb that mountain😂🤣😂🤣
Welcome to the club.
stupid as stupid gets…
I am so thankful that Mother Nature installed a healthy dose of respect for heights. My body hurts just thinking about what this lady endured.
And to think there are actually people out there that would recover from this…and then go do it AGAIN. Smh..🙄🤦🏽♂️
What a stupid hobby
I don’t feel bad at all
Go to the soup line, go to the beach and help clean, volunteer at a school, 100 things you could do that benefit other people. This is the price she paid for extreme selfishness…..
Mixed emotions here.
I feel sorry for her pain.
Horrified for her predicament.
Admiration for her for doing something I would've never done.
Going to visit her gofundme.
Thoughts And Prayers for this woman!
Socialism works in New Zealand because they only have 5 million people…….and that's 5 million people who WORK HARD, STAY OUT OF JAIL AND PAY THEIR BILLS. We have 330 million people along with a skyrocket crime rate, millions committing Disability Fraud and accumulating debt. Socialism would be a DISASTER here.
Wish her a speedy recovery
Bet she won't do that again…
And yet people still continue to rock climbing even after hearing all the news
Pure stupid. Keep your feet on the ground and you won't fall to far
Will she actually be responsible for any of the $1 million? There's no debtor's prison to begin with and she's not a US resident so there's no "credit rating" for her to worry about.
I am not surprised she is able to crack jokes 24 hours after… She is probably stuffed with opioids and benzos from head to toe…
I'm staying grounded..
There too many people who have not seen even 10% of the land they already start climbing walls just the dumbest of them all.
That’s the biggest fall from skipping an anchor bolt that I have ever heard of… did they mean she didn’t clip in to like 5 or 6?! Any climbers have anything on this? I’ll go looking the internet but I am curious, was this Trad or what the heck because 80ft is a very, very far fall for simply “missing a bolt”…