Spiritually Fortifying Our Lives | Brother Chidananda | 2022 SRF World Convocation

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Brother Chidananda, president and spiritual head of SRF/YSS, will give a special talk at the close of the 2022 SRF World Convocation. As all who have joined together for this special week look to hold onto the many blessings that come from absorbing hearts and minds in the soul-joy, divine fellowship, and wisdom that flows from Paramahansa Yogananda’s “how-to-live” teachings, Brother Chidananda will speak about the tremendous spiritual strength that enters our lives — and the world — when we attend Convocation, and when each day with sincerity and receptivity we put into practice the universal techniques and principles of the Kriya Yoga path.

This video is part of the 2022 SRF World Convocation, a free weeklong program of online classes on Paramahansa Yogananda’s “how-to-live” teachings and meditation techniques, guided group meditations and kirtans (devotional chanting), virtual pilgrimage tours to the ashrams where Yogananda lived and communed with the Divine, and more.

To experience all the aspects of this special program, register for free: https://convocation.yogananda.org

To learn about the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons, the home-study course created by Paramahansa Yogananda to teach the science of meditation and the art of balanced spiritual living: https://srflessons.org

Read Yogananda’s introductory SRF Lesson here: https://flipbooks.yogananda.org/15791/30007/index.html?_ga=2.197567023.1048694945.1628108949-1183494259.1619123830

Yogananda’s spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi recently celebrated its 75th year of publication — the complete edition is published by SRF: https://bookstore.yogananda-srf.org/product/autobiography-of-a-yogi-srf


If you would like to support the spiritual and humanitarian work of SRF, please click on this link: https://donatesrf.org


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About Subtitles/closed captions: 

We are happy to provide quality subtitles in several languages. If no captioning is yet available in your language, please check back soon.

Los subtítulos en español estarán disponibles pronto. Además, estamos preparando una versión de alta calidad de estos subtítulos, que estará disponible poco después de la Convención.

Untertitel in Deutsch werden in Kürze verfügbar sein. Außerdem erstellen wir derzeit eine qualitativ hochwertige Version dieser Untertitel, die kurz nach der Convocation verfügbar sein wird.

I sottotitoli in italiano saranno presto disponibili. Ne stiamo predisponendo una versione di elevata qualità che sarà pronta a breve dopo il termine della Convocazione.

As legendas em português estarão disponíveis em breve. Também estamos trabalhando atualmente numa versão em alta qualidade dessas legendas, a qual estará disponível logo após a Convocação.

Les sous-titres en français seront disponibles bientôt. Nous travaillons également sur une version haute qualité de ces sous-titres qui sera disponible peu après la Convocation.





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About the Author: Self-Realization Fellowship


  1. This was my first convocation, though I have watched previous videos from previous years. I completely immersed myself in it thanks to the app. Absolutely life-changing. As I continue with my lessons with guidance from God and guru I truly feel my life transforming. Many many thanks to all of you!!!


  3. I replayed the last 20 minutes over and over again and each time as I repeatedly meditated, I dived deeper and deeper to be able to fully absorb this heavenly magnificent prayer. My heartfelt thanks to Swami Chidananda.

  4. Thank you so much, dear Bro. Chidananda! You touched our hearts and souls, through your uplifting talk. 😀 We are so thankful to you, and all of those whom you guide for the countless hours of labor that went into planning and executing this event. It is an enormous, annual achievement. You should feel so elated that you all did it once again!! Namaste, Much Respect, Many Blessings…IDF, Rev. Kat Katsanis-Semel 😇

  5. Jai Guru. President Br. Chidananda ji and all monks and nuns, please accept my house humble gratitude on so beautiful and elevating lectures, kirtana and meditations. Congratulations to the organizers for such wonderful accomplishment.

    I just wish and pray that this goes on and on.

    Jai Guru Dev.

  6. Brother Chidananda, you have done an exemplary job leading Self-Realization Fellowship in the last years. The revised digital and paper lessons, website and streamed talks are very much appreciated. Brother Chidananda is highly evolved and we are extremely fortunate to benefit from his presence.

  7. To my wife and I this has absolutely been the best Convocation yet! How is it possible that it just gets better and better every year? Thank you to Brother Chidanandaji, to all the monastics who shared their inspiration, to the kirtan groups, and to the many unseen devotees behind the scenes who helped to make this most blessed event possible. Now we will start rewatching and reliving it all over again and again and again. We never want it to end! 😃Jai Guru! 🙏

  8. First of all, god and guru bless you, it is very sad that we have to wait for another whole year to flooding of blessings, but I will wait.

  9. Well, this just wrapped a golden bow around the gift of convocation week with our world family. Br. Chidananda, you offered a great view of our current worldly cycles and how we, as devotees, can maintain on this path of joy, peace and service to the world. I am so grateful for the techniques, the routine of deepening and ever new joy.

  10. Maravillosa semana de renovación espiritual. Felicitaciones a todos por el excelente trabajo realizado armando esta perfecta entrega a la obra de SRF.

  11. Your light is very necessary in this universe, you are capable of achieving incredible things and any dream you set for yourself. I wish you much love, health and success on your way, Namaste 🌈💛💚🌼💙❤🌈

  12. Is it allowed to share this special video from our President to our relatives non SRF members?
    It is so strong that for me is vital. But can others use it?

  13. Thank you so much dear president swami chidanandaji and all the monks for wonderful speeches, meditations, and thanks to volunteers who are behind all these programs. Jaiguru. 🙏🙏🙏

  14. My Heart felt gratitude to the many Monastics and volunteers who made this amazing Convocation possible. what a blissful week! Thankyou! Thankyou!

  15. Thank you for this absolutely extraordinary, astoundingly magnificent talk!
    I will replay it again and again and again and share it with any and all as a boost to the meditation efforts of those who I believe to be even mildly receptive.
    The love of God and Guru shines brilliantly through Brotherji and is perfect fuel for the sincere devotee on this amazing and astounding journey on the Royal Highway to the Infinite.
    What a wondrous and matchless gift to be on this SRF Path and, once again, I cannot thank you enough.
    Jai Guru Jai!!

  16. I didn't 'attend' the full week but now I can attend anytime that I want and need. I can't express enough gratitude for holding this on line. Thank you thank you and blessings to devotees world wide. I truly feel this is my real family and love you all. Jai Guru

  17. Thank you sooooo much swamiji Chidanandji and all the monastics and volunteers .My heartfelt gratitude for such a wonderfu uplifting and blissful convocation .Jai Guru

  18. Brother Chidananda, from the moment you said "I have nothing further to add," your talk took off on a parabolic trajectory of blessings, insight and cosmic intelligence. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such an inspiring and uplifting closure to a stellar Convocation week.

  19. I feel it was significant to hear Brother talk about the part that spiritual people have to play in these outwardly difficult times, using our ever-increasing spirituality to make the world a better place and to help it transition. Thank you so much, Brother. The world has been on the wrong course, and may we all find the understanding, the fortitude, and the selflessness to set it right through the blessings and grace of the great masters and our own Divine Mother.

  20. The gift of the Convocation App 2022, the power to take it with us, revisit it often and remain spiritually charged is a live miracle. It's a visible blessing from the invisible Gurus. Jai Guru🙏

  21. Adding my sincere thanks, respect and immense gratitude for being registered for Convocation 2022. The app worked seamlessly and was an amazing doorway to spiritual treasures. The classes and topics were like manna from the heavens. Surrendering to God's will, offer my ardent prayers for all the afflicted people of the world. May they be freed. Jai Guru

  22. Convocation 2022 has been a life transforming experience of this lifetime. All i feel is it had not ended but i am also sure what we gained in this year's convocation will continue to grow and uplift us ahead.. Heartfelt Gratitude to Guruji's monastic family and every single hand who worked behind the scene to make it possible for us! THANK YOU! Already started waiting for convocation 2023.Jai Guru!

  23. Brother Chiddanandaji, Thank you for your generosity of Spirit! Your meditations this week were deeply rich, uplifting, and purifying. ❤️‍🔥 Jai Guru! Jai Ma! ❤️‍🔥

  24. Brother Chidananda ji maharaj Pranams.Am at a loss for words to describe your closing speech.have received mountains of inspiration from this Classic.God bless.Heartfelt thanks t u,all the monastics for their inspirational talks and t all volunteers for this wonderfully conducted convocation.Thank u,thank u,thank u.

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