The Real Reason Tesla Developed The Megapack!

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The Real Reason Tesla Developed The Megapack!

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  1. So great to see practical (and green) solutions implemented quickly. Very important.
    Now the US Government REALLY, REALLY needs to put up the funds to ruggedize the electrical grid against both rolling blackouts and EMP/solar-flare attacks (perfectly practical and not expensive on the amalgamated budget).
    Then the US would have a vastly increased probability of withstanding many natural and other disasters without scenarios like occurred in Texas a while back.
    It is now obvious that the rapidly increasing frequency of unseasonal and extreme weather events due to climate change is a SERIOUS challenge. We need (globally) to ensure we insure our collective future against this trend.

  2. Your article is focused on 'peaker' power and grid regulation. While this is an important economic contributor, it is not the key reason holding up widespread use of renewable power. You must determine the % availability you require from an electric grid.
    (eg. %99, %99.9, %99.999)
    You must estimate the amount of storage needed to cover the worst case outage profiles.
    (for example how often will the wind calm for say 1 week. It is once per 1 year, one in 50 years or 1 in century etc).

    Most countries face weather events when the wind does not blow or the sun is cloudy for up to 4 or 5 days. Therefore for a %100 renewable system, the grid must contain sufficient storage to sustain a 4 -5 day outage if we are to dispense with all fossil fuel back-up. Else we raise our costs by duplicating generation.

    I cannot see anyway of using todays best Megapak technology to bridge a 24 hour outage at anything but a colossal cost. The idea is simply risible.
    The implication of this is that fossil fuel generation to back up solar and wind results in unnecessarily high energy costs.
    If we want to reduce costs we need to phase out all public wind and solar generation and use a more rational and cost-effective way to generate electricity.

  3. 3:12 "…all rain is poison now in case you haven't heard…": My body just went into convulsions. It's been drinking rainwater for nearly 20 years now…unfiltered and untreated in any way. Should I call 911?

  4. The problem that I see is that you make the terrible case for the peeker plant but the batteries in the Megapack don't just appear from thin air or by magic. You have to dig up all the materials to the make the batteries from the ground and use electricity to make them. So, is one really better than the other?

  5. Thanks for this piece in particular – it’s a big help to be able to explain Tesla’s mission with clear, concise summaries like this one. Good work.

  6. Just wait until these billions of hazardous material batteries enter the environment and ground water. You thought plastic was bad. We humans had a nice run though.

  7. Thanks for the technical description of peaker plants. I always thought the main utility had a simple standby generator, but now know better. To replace a peaker plant, a solar (or wind) farm and mega pack is needed.

  8. FBI We QUITE We KNOW TRUMP Will FIRE US. World is recycling on Auto God created it that way so we could follow his laws without worrying about saving the world God's decision when it will end. Elon, Trump work together love everyone 1 REPENT 2 LOVE 3 FORGIVE instantly13 laws. Doctors guess. fear not pray. TRUMP back. stop buying it feeds Biden and democrats cut them off not buying is the only way. election too slow. we have power to get what we want.

  9. Not understanding the Megapack "Upgrades" 30% more power, 64% more weight, 100% more price.
    Are they changing the Chemistry? (edit – yup I posted question before finishing the video)
    Doesn't the Software Throttle the Output as required, why would you need to have separate units for 0.8MW or 1.9MW output? Or is the "Duration" line there for people who have no idea what they are looking at, but still curious?

  10. CO2 is plant fertilizer and necessary to keep plants & trees alive. CO2 is not a greenhouse gas in fact it is heavier than air and immediately sinks to the ground where plants and trees can remove from the atmosphere and store the carbon so it can be used later.. earth's atmosphere currently has only 403ppm at ground level which is barely enough to keep trees alive. In fact anyone growing plants commercially needs to release huge amounts of CO2 into the growing rooms in order to get plants to grow at their best and healthiest. They grow faster taller, stronger, and more productive. Many plants grow best with CO2 levels of 1500ppm .. before the great meteor impacts on earth the ice core samples show much higher CO2 levels and huge plants and trees, animals and humans were not just bigger too but lived much longer than we do today.. heck not just bigger plants but even the milipedes and dragonfly wings were 6 foot.. think of the giants in the olden times and people living hundreds of years.. so yeah We need more CO2 and they know this or their solution wouldn't just be a tax on humanity.. what a scam. If co2 was any real problem we would all be planting trees not paying a tax to the rich elite for breathing "their" air.. fuck them

  11. amazing how this is moving forward given all of the forces of evil are against this technology….whole new world is starting before out eyes. this makes Tesla a money machine

  12. In the near future they will probably put a unit in space that will be like a large sail. It will collect sunlight and send it back to earth using microwave, or a tethered cable.

  13. Again I’ll say this is why we should still have the infrastructure to be able to use both fossil fuels or natural gas but with much investment in capturing the co2 & methane that basically nothing is released but the energy made!! Why’ll also having the green energy infrastructure like Solar & wind!! Which will be better used when some kinda deal can be made between Musk with his solar products and the home building industry that can set up all future homes to be built with the solar roof and the normal gear but not the gear for an electric car!! Those with those electric cars can then afford to have that gear installed!! This deal needs to get done when smart leadership like the last 4 years before 1/20/21 sadly with these kind of democratic leadership they won’t want to make this happen because they rather enjoy taking much more in taxes so this kind of idea won’t happen because to many people enjoy the $ the get in this type of home price’s!! With the right & Smart leadership this plan can get done!! & with having every roof being a solar roof!! Then it will largely benefit everyone especially those in the middle to lower class who can save much money of there electric bills as well as selling energy. Also with lower taxes and no inflation and the prices of goods and gasoline down to there all time lows we will be better off then how we have been in the passed!! Lastly as for other energy sources we should have better designed windmills & be made in the USA safer and better & cleaner!! Along with access to Nuclear energy also!! Along with water damns geothermal energy!!! And then when we figure out the technology needed then we can have large scale solar platforms in space capturing true solar energy that can be transmitted down to earth!!!

  14. One more step closer to green as we can get technology!!!! Go Tesla Go!!!! Hey, you there on the sidelines. When are you going to get started? There's plenty of business out here for you too.

  15. HEY!! Just think if a "mini commune" got together on a piece of "cheap land " with no services and a bunch of "tiny homes" with adventurous and hard working members, with residents "way smarter than me'!! They could power the whole community with wind and solar!! They could power water creation and filtering along with "electrical incineration of human waste"!! Just think of the instant affordable scaling that could take place!! Affordable land within commute of a small or medium sized city!! All travel would be sustained with power created by the residents and their EV's, which would act as further storage of the off-grid power supply!! Something to ponder!! GIDDYUP!!

  16. Peeker power plants are generally natural gas turbines driving a generator. They are relatively inexpensive to construct, inexpensive to operate (natural gas bing relatively cheap until late), very responsive (turbines react in seconds not minutes or hours) and have relatively clean exhaust (just CO2).

    Renewables are cheap to implement initially. As renewables become predominant energy storage becomes essential. The size and scope of the energy storage element is what will drive up the cost of a green power system.

    Green energy is the direction we must go both domestically and globally. Tesla’s power packs are a great solution available at the right time.

  17. Seems odd Tesla is building the mega pack factory in California instead of Texas.
    Would be curious to hear the real story of the Nevada factory, definitely hasn't expanded like initially planned. Seems workers dont want to live there or some kind serious underlying issue

  18. Your whole video is misleading. Combine cycle natural gas plant produces energy and the tesla mega pack does not. Even though a mega pack is efficient but only when energy is already produce. 15 years warranty is not very long a combiny cycle plant last up to 80 years or more producing energy…. what about the contamination generated by extracting the lithium and other rare earth mineral used to produce batteries systems and solar panels that contaminates more than any fossil fuel power plant.

    Like you said the mega pack pulls already existing power from the grid which comes either from nuclear or gas power plant in the case of texas….

    When that mega is able to produce energy let me know.

    And by the way combine cycle gas plants use to be at 24 % efficiency now they are upward 45 to 54 % way more than solar and wind

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