NATURAL DISASTERS from 13.08 – 19.08. 2022 сlimate changе! flood

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NATURAL DISASTERS from 13.08 – 19.08. 2022 сlimate changе! flood
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable.
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About the Author: Climate Сhange


  1. Everybody can read… So, instead let the video run alone and say nothing, to repeat the obvious is ridiculous, place a music on the back instead

  2. Too much water, not enough water. Water on this planet is finite. It just changes places. Fires like that are largely a fact of expansion of housing and a failure to manage national forests here and in Europe.

    But let's not blame this on human generation of C02. The earth has always fluctuated wildly in geologic terms, something that humankind has zero control over.

    The economy destroying Green New Deal – disguised as the Inflation Reduction (creation) Act, is only making it worse, yet these dem-voting morons just keep eating it up. Now most dem voters have to choose between gas or groceries, a roof over their head or energy for cooling, soon for heating. American voters are just useful idiots. I hope Americans prove me wrong in November.

  3. 용오름이 아니고 나팔같아.나를 찾지 않고 팔았다. 하나님이 화난 이유예요. 하늘에 자연에 감사함을 잊고 산 죄인것 같아요.도망치고 산 나도 큰고통을 받았어요. 오해 와 편견.

  4. Climate changes everyday, for example Arizona was under the ocean millions years ago and so many other places on earth. Don't trying to misleading people.

  5. No such thing as Climate Change. The voice of this world aka Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4) calls it that but in reality, it is something far more scary. Read Deuteronomy 28. It is the wrath of our Maker. Why? Because mankind has disobeyed HIM and continues to disobey HIM. HE sends bad weather, famines, hail, holds back the rain, sends rain, winds, sends fires, pestilence, plagues, diseases, and sicknesses to wake us up and to turn back to HIM. And HE has the right to do whatever HE wants and however HE wants. Read Deuteronomy 28. Climate Change? No. HIS WRATH! The voice of this world does everything it can do in order to hide our Creator, and the voice of this world always gives the truth of what is going on a different name so people are blind to what is really going on! The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making people believe he doesn't exist.

  6. Our Heavenly Father and Shakyamuni Buddha rebirth as Jesus, create this world with the perfect moral, science, human etc but most of human is following devils, worship material life by all means, scientists ignore God while God gives it, other use their dirty bodies as porns, prostitute, divorce, sex before marriage, no talented & ethic leaders so how can we survive? etc all betray God, very painful, if someone robs all things or betray from you, can you accept that? So not only heavy storms, more earthquakes, floods and forest fires will happen around this world to wake up humans. None of chemical formulas or medicines for HIV or cancers etc any more.
    If God doesn’t do that, the same meaning as this world has no laws for corruption, drug dealers, crimes, prostitution & addiction is the leaders etc. We need to have a virtue & talent King to find out virtue & talent leaders with two parties to help each nation so we can save the world. Stop let prostitution, addiction, crime etc to vote, no way to find good leaders. China is suffering first because they put black magic all over the world. Next is USA, God will destroy all danger weapon areas, mental liberty statue in New York, no liberty of sex, porn, prostitution, divorce, sex before marriage, wars, addiction, corruption, dirty words etc. snakes & centipedes will fall down from the sky to New York.

    Please let more people know. We need to save kid futures in this world. Angel need to stay in Catholic temples, very immorality to have sex with angels who is 1-3 years old souls. If God doesn’t interfere, this world will incestuous. Just control sex by thinking that you lost your genitals. The whole world won’t have electricity in 10 days to see how scientists can explain, must follow God & save future kids on this earth because the world can’t exist full of crimes & social problems. Ask yourself, is this love teaching or bad teaching? Contact to Huesa for how to meditate.

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