In which John Green teaches you about the Progressive Era in the United States. In the late 19th and early 20th century in America, there was a sense that things could be improved upon. A sense that reforms should be enacted. A sense that progress should be made. As a result, we got the Progressive Era, which has very little to do with automobile insurance, but a little to do with automobiles. All this overlapped with the Gilded Age and is a little confusing, but here we have it. Basically, people were trying to solve some of the social problems that came with the benefits of industrial capitalism. To oversimplify, there was a competition between the corporations’ desire to keep wages low and workers’ desire to have a decent life. Improving food safety, reducing child labor, and unions were all on the agenda in the Progressive Era. While progress was being made, and people were becoming freer, these gains were not equally distributed. Jim Crow laws were put in place in the south, and immigrant rights were restricted as well. So once again on Crash Course, things aren’t so simple.
Hey teachers and students – Check out CommonLit’s free collection of reading passages and curriculum resources to learn more about the events of this episode. The Progressive Era was marked by rapid reactions to the Gilded Age: https://www.commonlit.org/texts/the-progressive-era
Literature such as The Jungle revealed the horrifying conditions of factory industries, one of several which were overhauled with new progressive regulations: https://www.commonlit.org/texts/excerpt-from-the-jungle
Introduction: The Progressive Era 00:00
The Progressive Era 1:06
Social Concerns of the Progressive Era 1:53
Mystery Document 2:48
The Jungle 4:04
Muckracking, Journalism, and Photography 4:22
Union Organizing 4:55
The Industrial Workers of the World 5:46
Mass Consumption Culture 6:29
The Labor Problem 7:39
Government Solutions to Social Problems 8:46
The Socialist Party 9:30
The 17th Amendment 10:17
Initiatives & Referendums 10:36
Voter Suppression & Jim Crow Laws 11:14
Plessy v. Ferguson 12:12
Booker T. Washington 12:46
W.E.B. DuBois 13:28
Credits 14:30
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This is so old, and it is… jarring.
Great Video, definitely have my subscription 👍
here from quaker oats and aunt jemima
For studying it is useless, but who is a history nerd like me finds this enterntaing.
Me: seeing all these AP comments
Also Me here before taking my junior yr history final: “Heyy…how y’all doing”
tumblr sucks
Who’s has notes
I'm doing this for my AP class and its the last day of school🤦🏻♀️
John Green's hands literally can't stop moving. lmao
ya'll way back from 2019 that wanted a good year and complained about that one… we have murder hornets
Who touched their noise to prove their literacy?
One of the most famed railroads when discussing is the Baltimore & Ohio aka the B&O which played a pivotal role in the US for years until it went bankrupt in the 1980s and taken by the modern CSX which uses most of it’s network.
Progressives are destroying the west. It’s an academic establishment agenda promoted by naive degenerates
I have 4 essays on this era due this week and we only have a week.. gotta love online express courses
What did any of you learn from this video? Please respond quickly I need an answer as soon as possible.
beef boner
I’d like to thank this video for getting me thru my reform prompt for my APUSH DBQ
Read the Progressive Era by Murray Rothbard. Actually the complete opposite, it was an era of the expansion of big government. Through government they could cartelize industry and through regulation could kill competition on the market. Granting subsidies and grants to business interests following the economic model of fascist Italy. The corporate fascism was the goal of the progressive era, the founding of the federal reserve gave ability to go to war, once big government established they were now able to perform The Rothschild Formula, that bring war and mercantilism.
1:43 Chinese Communist Party, no such thing as Chinese National communist party.
15 minutes till my Ap test 🤧
Out here 35 minutes before the APUSH test…
10 minutes… let’s get this bread
Did anyone else just.. not know this man wrote the fault in our stars…
if you see this, it’s too late…
2 hours till the exam.
I am watching this at twice speed…
Procrastination is great!
Who’s here cramming the day of the May 2020 exam.
no better place to be at 2 am, 8 hours before the exam 🙂
who else is staying up to study since the test is today
I have a APUS online exam in 10 hour.
Cramming on the day before the test. People tell me not to do it but I can't help myself
as a californian: hey!
Didn't bother to learn this when we reviewed it… and now the AP test is Friday…
Who is here before the 2020 Ap exam?
You know you've made it in life when you can guess the mystery document before he says it
As a potterhead I appreciate all the HP references.
Interesting. The contradiction still remains in part of schooling. School like a factory and a pedagogy, say, pro-freedom of mind.
please change your theme song i cant take it anymore
Please please please talk to Richard Wolff about socialism.
anyone else suffering from online history classes? lmao
John Green sure liked tumbles I wonder why
YESSS I GUESSED THE MYSTERY DOCUMENT CORRECTLY, i haven’t taken a US history class in 3 years 🥺
Who else is here cramming for the Online AP exam?🤪