Near Death Experience guest 568 is Janice Callahan who encountered Jesus and 3 angels in heaven during her NDE Experience in 2018.
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Interesting how after she talks about the people she loved had passed that you hear whistling after 41:42 🤔
My brother passed from a possible overdose we tried everything to help him wish he had her experience or something that could turn him around maybe though this will change someone else’s life though 🙏
Amazing experience! Thank you.
Bless your heart! ❤️
I read and heard so many NDE accounts that I rarely listen to them anymore, but what I do love is the positive messages at the end. I almost always fast forward to that. This one I loved.
I really enjoyed this podcast, thank you jeff
Life is so funny that it's not even funny. I had just started to listen to another interview of Jeff with a guy who was mostly talking about the Bible. As a former Christian myself, in my former ilfe, the other guest's interview should have been easily the one that to me would have been more deep and meaningful.
Interestingly enough, I felt too much dogma that I could finish the interview. I moved on to this one and although with a tinge of religion, I felt more at home. I hope all humans can be free to choose their respective paths without society pressuring anyone to adhere to any groups. If we all respect each other, honor each other and ultimately hopefully love each other, how beautiful could that be?
"I am responsible for what I see.
I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve.
And everything that seems to happen to me
I ask for, and receive as I have asked."
I love your questions
I can relate, I love to hear recovering addicts stories. A lot of people think that addicts can’t have spiritual awakenings. That it’s just drug psychosis, which does happen obviously but that’s definitely not always the case, I was told I agreed to come here and become an addict so that I would know the struggles and that they could experience life through the eyes of an addict. Addiction is doing a drug that you don’t want to do but you keep doing anyway, no matter the cost. Thank you for sharing your story, it takes a lot of courage and thanks Jeff for showing people that drug addicts can have spiritual awakenings
So very beautiful and soothing to the soul.
A wonderful interview; questions and answers flowing like a healing river. it was like a balm pouring over me 😇🌿🌳🦒🐘🐬🌸🌎🌧🌈
Do not jump of tall bridges & do not do drugs. Very similar things.
I wish I knew the greater Picture 😥
Beautiful ❤️
Did Janice provide her FB or Contact Info? Thx 🙏🏻
Thank you both for this fascinating and inspiring interview.
"He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me."….Jesus Christ….Matthew chapter 10
Powerful….I love the joy immernating from you. Jesus is indeed love ❤️
we project: we only see through our own lens and heart condition…..she saw everyone as child-like because that is what she herself had become
I REALLY enjoyed this, but when Jeff asked Janice about those of us that are grieving.. I don't understand what she meant by "one size fits all". I know the saying of course, but I don't understand what SHE meant by it. Anyone that can help please jump in and it would be greatly appreciated.
she said she felt HEAT come upon her and burn her from the inside out (minute 17) this is called the refiners fire! the holy spirit within is a consuming fire which will heat up the body until it is refined and blackened and dead and then you walk blindly by faith; so many do not experience this refiners fire…some experience it only a little….little faith….little heat….little humbling…..but when a person is filled with faith to the full, they will be crucified from the inside out by holy fire! we are to be living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God….Romans 12 she said she felt fear again after feeling the heat….."the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom",,,,proverbs
im in hell…..i am going to die…..i keep passing out…..cant take a deep breath…..i cant think straight….can hardly sleep or eat…..i feel bitter and horrible in my body…..the pain is immense…..the chains of pain are overwhelming…..somehow i created some allergy to rice, potatoes, bread, and many other foods-every time i eat i feel horrible and my eyes fill with blurriness and i have an allergic reaction and i cannot think straight and my reality is skewed and i cant make a decision and i dont know what to do…..i am so anxious in my body…..i am ready to take my life: can someone give me advice and the most painless way to end their life?!
Great story, just say, “No.”
I had a dream the other day
…I was playing checkers with an angel . I said -"Tell me a story"
the angel said – "I only have one story."
I found this hard to believe , given that an angel is billions of year old etc…
then the angel said – "God is love…"
I smiled and nodded, then we continued to play checkers.
cool dream! – made me feel very blessed.
This one is sooooooo beautiful! I relate to Janice! Thank you, Jeff, for this incredible post!🙏🏻😅♥️♥️♥️
I had something so hurtful deep inside my soul just happen to me a month ago. Listening to this beautiful lady with a cute laugh has reminded me to learn my lessons and let it go…move on. It seems the harder it hurts, the more you learn. I needed to change my life and the people in it. It took a very hard kick to do so. I know my changes are here.
I felt a deeper connection to God and Jesus listening to this experience. 💙
Excellent !!!
jeff i love the way you allow your guests to tell their stories befor you start asking inciteful questions. thank you, and prraise to you Lord Jesus Christ!
This is a beautiful testimony! I hope it touches someone’s life like it did mine! God bless you! Thanks for sharing!
Ehhh. Doesn’t resonate and feels exaggerated.
I find it sad that her bf wasn't interested in her experience. She told her story very well and I'm glad she got to come back to change her life around and raise her children xx
Really interesting that Janice describes the love she experienced in the presence of God to be like a ‘substance’. With any addiction, kicking the habit requires something to fill that hole. It sounds like this blissful love that she brought back was the ‘thing’ she needed. Wonderful NDE.
this was one of the most beautiful testimonies