Continuation of the “Near Death Experiences are not funny” series. Only funny because no one dies… allegedly.
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🎥 My camera: http://leonlush.com/camera (Amazon – Commissions earned)
🎤 My microphone: http://leonlush.com/mic (Amazon – Commissions earned)
📹 The rest: http://leonlush.com/gear (Amazon – Commissions earned)
🖥 Software: Final Cut Pro, Motion 5, Logic Pro X, Photoshop
🎧 Listen to my music
Spotify: http://leonlush.com/Spotify
iTunes: http://leonlush.com/iTunes
📬 PO BOX (If you wanna send me stuff) Leon Lush PO Box 3956 Peabody, MA 01961, USA
📩 If you’d like to get in touch for any reason (ideas, criticism or just to say hi) hit me up at hello@leonlush.com and I’ll do my best to reply. For business inquiries please use the email in the About section.
Thanks for watching, liking and sharing. I appreciate ya!
Visit Denver a few times a year, and they have remarkably strange infrastructure with the roads. There’s roads with street parking on each side, and they’re supposed to be two lane roads, but if it works out the side mirrors Of your vehicle are basically touching the parked cars and the car driving in the other lane. Not all of Denver but mostly the back streets it’s wild AF
I live close to there where the Sam Rayburn Tollway sign fell!
Palms be sweety AF
Jo misses lush looking fine ass he’ll respect 👌🏻
DAAAAAMN!!! You guys are looking SEXY AF!!! I haven’t been on YouTube much in a while, I’ve greatly cut back on internet usage the past few months, and every time I check in with you guys you look better and better! Not to say you didn’t already look great before lol, but you guys are killin it! Much love to the whole fam!
Pretty normal over here for our locals to catch snakes, by hand too… If they don't, it could kill their animals/potentially harm their children. "Reptile Handlers" are also not available. And they eat most of the snakes they catch.
Ok. Guess I’m “the worst”….lend me your ear to how I just barely didn’t get hit in my car by a train. There is a track in the richest part of my city. Train comes, everyone sits and waits, traffic builds, train goes by, traffic is backed up a bit because the next light is somewhat close after the tracks. Then another train comes. I am stuck with a line of cars in front of me bumper to bumper. The gates go down around me and nowhere to move to. Honking and screaming hoping everyone would just all move up one more inch or so. No way to back up either. Nothing. I was so angry I just accepted it. Didn’t even get out of the car. Just before I die the car ahead moves up just enough for me to squeeze in diagonally. So, lesson is don’t stop on the tracks…ever. Even if u just had a train. And if it happens, get out of the car. Don’t just say f it:)
Hey Leon, not an NDE, but check out the person who DROVE thought the Braintree Mall to get to an Apple store.
Look, somebody gotta just say it straight up. On the health and fitness front, you AND the waifu are straight killin it right now. Y'all lookin good. I'm happy for you both. Good for you. Stay Lushous.
Wtf are those windshield wipers?
The lush fam be lookin’ so lean they gon disappear
Unbelievable how good Mrs. Lush looks! she's making me want to go out for a jog tonight and eat some damn chicken and veggies!
In the first clip of the video I believe a person actually did fie
I thought the last vid was a lil cruel ngl
I'm in the market for whoever built that trailer that flipped a car like a champ!
I love you leon but you were dead wrong about the semis lmao. They take much much longer to stop compared to an average truck or car. That’s why it’s so dangerous to cut one off bc they take so long to slow down. They also run the risk of the brakes overheating and then failing so they can’t really rapidly brake for extended periods of time.
Damn. youse guys got in shape. Nice work.
Damn y’all are lookin great.
At least skateboarders know they're doing crazy shit and don't try and guilt trip you like some motorcycle riders do. There'll be riding a wheely at 60 miles an hour down a side street and then act like it's the other person's fault when they get into an accident.
That first one reminds me of a very, very disturbing video I saw some years ago. Let's just say the 'N' was missing.
Mrs Lush reminds me of Lara Croft.
IMAGINE that tire flying at you on like I-95 holy shit ik y’all understand💀
Like 93 and 95 with no orange line
Your palms may be sweaty, but are your knees weak? Are your arms heavy?
Had the same experience in Denver twice that happened. Locals are just used to it.
6:38 you can see the guy hop out of the crane
Wow! Mrs. Lush is looking 🔥🔥🔥 Both of you are looking so good! Hard work and dedication really does pay off. Much love to you both 💚
Apologies Mr lush, but Mrs lush is looking very beautiful. Actually I did not need to apologise for that but I did because I'm British.
Mrs. Lush looks amazing!! 💪💪
Hey so I watch this channel with my girlfriend all the time, but I subbed today and am commenting today for the first time because my significant other has a comment/ question for Mrs. Lush. What is is that you do to your hair before videos? She said that it looks almost wet sometimes. like you would get out of the shower and possible use a moisturizing product for it or something? The point is she keeps bringing it up to me, and so now I've finally gone ahead and just asked for her. What is it that you do to your hair before most shows? Also to Mr. Lush, ear cheese = gross 😛
Mrs. Lush’s tony hawk got me so good lmaooo. Always great to see Mrs. Lush invite Leon on her channel ❤️
That spinning line around your face can screen is SUPER distracting
Gleaming the cube. 80s Christian slarer.