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About the Author: Quarantinetv


  1. Was he hit with a poison dart or something? Why the fuck is he drooling like that and what happened to his body?? He can’t wiggle out of that?

    Very confused.

  2. My kids dad would’ve pulled up with a stick and let it HIT! Why tf did he abuse that child. Makes me think he was trying to rape her

  3. Now that there my friends is what we here in London, England call a
    right proper father. I must admit, I absolutely admire this father's restraint. I'd have stomped that paedo's head until all you could see were his shoulders.
    PS Anyone know whatever happened to the freak on ground?
    I really hope that little child was ok after all this. I know how difficult it can be for kids who are abused at such a young age and believe me, what that stinking bastard did to that little girl was 100%child abuse.

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