Funny Videos 2022 | Instant Regret | Fails Of The Week | Fail Compilation 2022 | Fails | RandomFails
Welcome to Fun Time I make meme videos and funny fail videos as well as comp s of twitch clips. This video in particular is a girl fails compilation video, that I found in 2022. When I look for videos I try my best to find the most entertaining ones. I hope you enjoy this video. Subscribe if you like my videos 😀
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This video is for entertainment purposes only. My videos are not intended to bully/harass or offend anyone. The clips shown are funny, silly, they relieve stress and anxiety, create good vibes and make viewers laugh.
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This video is inspired by, Failarmy
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I can't believe that not one single person helped the drummer. What a bunch of jerks!
3:21 Jesus is sending you a message. 🙂 13:27 How click here for Gorilla butt.
3:36 They really didn’t think the design of the bike arena through, did they.
There are other people in this world and besides monkeys are never funny
This is really the stupidist bunch of vid segments I've seen yet on this channel.
@7:00 a new kind of street dance …….
6:39 What is happening? I don't get it. 😳
Loved the suicidal Jesus who hates drummers… Did their invisible friend get cross..?
03:56 The vessel the video was filmed from was in the wrong. You should give way to vessels approaching from starboard.
02:00 My deaf dog barks. Particularly when I let him out into the garden to go for a wee about 0530, and he finds a hedgehog. 🤦♂Of course then I have to go out into the garden to get him in, because I can't just tell him to shut up; he can't hear me. My neighbours must love him. I don't know what attracts hedgehog(s) to my garden, but Copper has alerted me to its/their presence three times in a fortnight.
That baseball commentator was hilarious!
7:05 what a bunch of fake bs, the Holy Ghost does not make you act like fool!
Dead dog gets all the ❤️❤️❤️
3:21 I can't believe nobody helped the drummer get the cross off him wtf
That lift is a genius use of space…
2:00 made me cry, maybe I am a bit sensible right now, but I am so glad that that pupper has a loving family! and then 03:14 made me lmao, that due was awesome
18:08 is not funny, is not smart, it is offensive and disrespectful to people that do have a condition
19:36 Coolest elevator ever, I'd have to take the stairs as I wouldn't fit, but still cool
Why even construct an elevator when one of that size defeats the purpose? A wheelchair user cannot use it.
15:35 what an absolute fucking mess, imagine if your woman went out looking like that. Also 19:28 its that wide because most people can easily fit in there. Most people are not feminists or americans
21:37 don't do drugs kids
6:43 when my friend gets rejected
very funny niggaf
11:35 – What is going on?
The only two boats in the ocean
@21:40 a liberal rock concert?
@6:50 there is no such thing as catching the Holy Spirit.
There’s two choices one just having a lack of self-control for the excitement and energy you’re feeling so you start flipping and flailing about or speaking in tongues for attention.
Two you’ve been possessed by a demon because that’s the only thing that does possessions in full body control is demons..
3:22 That's how scams always fall..
big fan bro
Hahaha the futa part was funny
3:30 was not very Christian. The guy just died and they didn't give a fart..
7.25 Idiocracy wasn't just a movie, it was a prophecy.
"Left nut right center of the shaft" and he got suspended for that. I get that it wasn't professional to say all that but that was hilarious though.
What do you think about the situation at 6:17 ? I find it so funny 😂😂😂
Haha haha God (if there was a god) says you guys suck bad
Jesus christ who looks at a kitchen fire and thinks 'hit it with a towel!!" Its amazing Darwinism hasn't claimed some of these people already
I remember doing that jumpscare 2:27 on my son when he was a toddler, if i ever put it on after that, just the music would send him bolting from the room in fear. 😂 He is 17 now, so shows how long that vids been around, over a decade.
Why the hell would you feed a wild animal pizza? That is one reason why bears get too close to people and get harmed/harm people.
~ The deaf dog, at the 2:00 mark, though…😍
2:49. Simply put the lid on the pot to extinguish the fire… it will run out of oxygen. How do you not know this? Jesus
3:15. LOL! This guy's a boss. Just hulking up at the bear lol.
3:32. Jesus Christ….
The guy who kicked the opposum…. L dude
That man is the only person in the world who is griling his franks inside the packaging.
10:19 That's brutal lol
6:38 this is NOT the Holy Spirit
Thanks for these videos. They are a cure to a bored day, bad day or make good day better. Big fan !
3:25 even Jesus had enough
The one with the opossum in the pool table had me and my wife crying
Cooking hot dogs in plastic? That’s gonna be extra cancer.