Sense of Danger explores the previously unexplained phenomenon of how animals around the world use their innate senses to predict approaching disasters. This film produces evidence from looking at major worldwide disasters, including the tsunami in Thailand and earthquakes in San Francisco and Turkey. It also looks at the 1975 earthquake in China, the only major earthquake in history predicted by animal instinct – which saved 200,000 lives.
Do our animal friends possess a special sense, well beyond human ability, that serves as an efficient early warning system in times of danger?
First Released in 2013. Content Provided by DCD Rights. Any queries, contact us at hello@littledotstudios.com
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#animals #naturaldisasters #disasters #education #science #technology #tsunami #hurricane #tornado #earthquake #biologicalprocess
2 summers ago in Dorval Quebec Montreal…above Dorval shopping center I saw 10'sof thousands of geese flying in circles very high in the clouds.
Possible a 6th sense.
From the time I was child, growing up in Michigan, I observed that when the birds fell silent, except for a Blue Jay calling frantically, a tornado was coming and it was time to go to the basement.
Excellent documentary 👏 Thank you for sharing this on you tube. I found it to be very informative. Cool 😎 Animals are amazing 👏 and they will warn ⚠️ us of dangers if we listen.
Sadly Americans instinct Are Useless when it comes to Voting.Always vote for the same Dangerous political party called Democrats 🤮
This may sound crazy but absolutely true. Whenever there will be an incoming earthquake I will hear this long tune like the sound of a tv without channel connection, called tinitus. I will hear it hours or days before the earthquake will happen. I can only hear it if the earthquake will struck near my location and it must be at least magnitude 4.3 or higher. I'll even get sick if the incoming earthquake magnitude will scale higher than magnitude 6.8. Since I was a kid, I always experience this and tested it several times if it's just coincidence but it never fails. That's why whenever I hear this tinitus, I know something big will be coming. Humans are animals too, hence, I believe that my experiences are related to what these animals experiences too. I read an article before where they mentioned that there are other people that experiences just like mine but I can't find the article anymore.
We humans have the capability to recognize these things also.
You know all every species all organisms on this planet communicate to each other that's how they know what's happening on the planet we were out of that league the millennia ago because we're too freaking greedy and we'll never change we just keep getting dummer
So most mainstream scientists once again trying to make things they dont understand like folly as apposed to what thier pushing, closed minds dont make good science.
I live in an eathquauck area, mostly are benine, but Some are heavier. Now I have a dog … I can tell when one is coming … because my dog behaviour changes and it's a warning sign for me to get ready.
Just like he will not let a few people aproach me and warns me.
Please listen to the animals, look at them, they are telling us things we have no sense for or lost.
My cat woke me twice.
Once he was running between my bed alongside an open window and the narrow balcony in the living room.
A coyote was in the gardens outside.
Another time I was I'llhad set a pot on stove to heat soup, but dropped into a deep sleep or maybe lost conscience. Cat woke me racing in strange excited way. Very glad for that companion.
Read once that pioneers would note that extra thick termite mounds or deeper than usual holes for burrowing animals were signs that coming winter would be very harsh.
See you guys over there should be nice to all animals including dogs don’t hurt them they take care of you guys
I remembered I told my uncle we going to have a storm on he said how you know on I say the fowls gone under the house bottom instead of thy tree
Animals are smarter then we give them credit for I love animals
Social animals as in those who are curious enough to interact with humans, why isnt there some sort of translation applications?
How is a parrot a half a world away on another continent supposed to be able to sense an earthquake? This may be kind of far fetched
Just before rain some red ants will grow wings and fly around. And you’ll also see a lot of them on the floors in your house.
Since I was a kid, I knew, from my own observation, that an earthquake was about to happen if dogs all around were constantly barking. I was once at a place where there was a donkey. After a strong earthquake, there were many aftershocks. We knew when one was coming because the donkey brayed (hee-hawed) loudly.
We lived in a 4th floor apartment, at one end of the building, next to a staircase that runs along the side of the building. My sisters and I used the stairs, rather than the elevator. We noticed our dog, a Cocker Spaniel, would consistently go to the door and wait, then a few seconds later, one of us would enter the apartment. So we did some experiments. The dog would sense it was one of us and go to the door from the moment we started to walk up the stairs. The dog wouldn't go to the door if it was someone else coming up the stairs,. When the dog passed, we got a cat instead. Amazingly, the cat exhibited the same behavior. So it seems they can detect minuscule vibrations and distinguish a frequency and pattern. Once they associated particular vibrations followed by one us coming in the door, then they knew it was us. If they can do that, it comes as no surprise that they would be able to detect an earthquake way before it hits.
I always listen to my doggo when it comes to my health. He has been pretty accurate in warning me to my blood sugar, blood pressure and heart rate going outside of his comfort zone with how my body smells and feels.
"mainstream scientist's reject that such predictions are possible…" and continue to turn a blind lil scientific eye. Mr Sheldrake nailed it
how narrow the mind of a scientist can be. . "the only thing I know is that I know nothing" socrates.
I believe a lot of what the animals react to is the high and low pressures of the atmosphere. The same way i get really good sleep and sleepiness when a rain is coming.
God speaks to us threw animals so when animals speak you better listen
Elephant stories amazing my dogs will tell you thunder storm is coming before it gets hear
Gen.9:2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
How can you watch for the odd animal behaviours when the amount of animal deterrents been used changes this.
Great video, thanx for sharing it.
Humans have countless day to day distractions that other animals don’t have, so they have a greater natural sense than humans. Because of our distractions we have lost that connection with nature.
Dogs can detect epileptic seizures up to 45 minutes before they occur.
Dogs and other animals are now trained to detect diseases.
The World is interconnected.
Physicists need to keep an open mind that is the only way we will learn.