I doubt it happens but a Arkham Knight skin for Red Hood in Gotham Knights would be fire. Dez Caught It.
#redhood #gothamknights #arkhamknight #batman #thebatman
I doubt it happens but a Arkham Knight skin for Red Hood in Gotham Knights would be fire. Dez Caught It.
#redhood #gothamknights #arkhamknight #batman #thebatman
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“How about you go to hell”
Fucking badass
"Man, this is the easiest job ever! Nothing ever happens."
Found the thug that just moved to Gotham City.
Non lethal armor piercing bullets. Yeah.
I wish red hood was lethal in Gotham knights, it would of made him more awesome. It dosen't seem like him to go non-lethal especially for batman
He will probably fight like that, but he has knock out rounds in his guns and won’t kill, bc they switched it up where red hood would be good after Bruce died, more of a hero than anti hero
This version of red hood is my favorite in terms of design
Tbh Red hood needs his own game. Something like either sleeping dogs but with more gun-kata moves and stealth or like the 2005 punisher game. No batfam members to slow him down just pure violence.
Didnt he have some sort of mystical BS mario mushroom he used to boost his jump in the showcase? Couple that with non-lethal bullets and overall huge pay to win danger of that game and I think we are looking at another Marvel Avengers situation. I hope that I am wrong, but its not looking good so far.
Love how the ai in this game is terrible aswell as in another goty spiderman and we just acting like the flaws in these games compared to GK are unfathomable
I like his combat but I can never really get the combat for the game so I'm not sure
Make redhood like batman in synderverse he don't really kill some intentionally more like oh it is wat it is like oh well dead you know wat I mean
I just want him to actually fight and not just be a gunslinger and a walking tank. He should be more quick and agile.
In Gotham Knights. I wish the Red Hood’s model was the same it was in Arkham Knight
0:46 the flick of the wrist
What I hate about gotham knights is the fact that Jason doesn't kill the whole pint of the red hood (not really) is the fact that's he's batman who has no moral code
It’s like Batman just said screw it and started using guns
I only have one major problem with red hood from Gotham knights. Which is that mystic jump crap. Would have been better to give him rocket boots or something like that
i really hope the guy who was playing as red hood was just really bad
Red Hood kicks ass he rules
Honestly his fighting style is pretty nice, just a bit to boring
Yea there's zero chance Gotham knights will compare with this
Don’t worry, we all know he won’t
Legally speaking, they can't do this because Rocksteady owns this gameplay
On god his guns are op af and that neck crack is amazing
Would be dope if he did fight like this in Gotham knights but i doubt it’ll happen tbh
I wouldn’t hold my breath. But I think he’ll be good though.
It won't be, unfortunately. Red Hood's melee attacks will be slow, and he'll be punching with his guns in hand. The game is all about weapons, so they show at least swap out the guns for brass knuckles. However, they won't so the experience with Jason will be very disappointing and the furthest from realistic or immersive. That's just my opinion, at least. There's also the annoying fact the devs made Jason into just another Robin or Nightwing by going with the "all life is sacred" way of fighting crime. All because the devs and game studios believe every playable protagonist should never ever kill.
Unfortunately it doesn’t even look like it will come close to this
I know it’s from the DLC so yeah but I wouldn’t want it to be like Arkham combat. I would like it so that you could tell they took some inspiration but they made their own distinct Gotham Knights combat. I hope they did more with the guns too
Is this the same title from a older video? Or just a reupload im only curious also i love how the guys say “ call me a waste of space yeah right” than jason just calls them waste of space
Red hood in Gotham knights be like: non-lethally drops you off a 5 story building
Red Hood/Arkham Knight is the only exception in the rule about boss getting weaker when he becomes playable character.
Yeah regardless I love him and his style 👍
imagine red hood in mortal Kombat