Uniform Circular Motion: Crash Course Physics #7

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Did you know that centrifugal force isn’t really a thing? I mean, it’s a thing, it’s just not real. In fact, physicists call it a “Fictitious Force.” Mind blown yet? To explore this idea further, this week Shini sits down with us to discuss centripetal force, centrifugal force, and a few other bits of physics to help us understand Uniform Circular motion.


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  1. I like the video so much! Can i used this video in my educational video for my class? I will be making an educational video but i don’t have any skills in making animations but don’t worry i will not claim this video as if i’m the one who made this. I will give credits of course to your channel. Please answer me. Thank you. By the way i am from Philippines. 😊

  2. This is a really good video on circular motion.
    If any of yall wanna see some content about circular motion as it relates to universal gravitation . Follow me on insta @fully_fermionic

  3. Why does the calculation work for a= v^2 / r but not for a= v/t or rather: what time do if have to use that this equation works out in this example?

  4. is the centripedal force equal to the acceleration of the spinning riders, or is it something different entirely? also, does increasing acceleration also increase the magnitude of the velocity or is it only the direction that affects it?

  5. There is a major difference between the NASA study and a normal test on how many G forces one can withstand. Under normal circumstances, a normal person would pass out from 6 G's in about 30 seconds or 8 G's in about 10 seconds. Perhaps the NASA study used a G-Suit to increase tolerance, but 10 G's otherwise is not good.

  6. How is the human centrifuge pulling you in when the force from the motor to spin you would by how I understand it be grater then the normal force the ride/walls is exerting to keep you in is why you feel stuck? I'm hung up on that. Knowledge is power just trying to learn.

  7. Not sure if anyone will read this but I have one question left: If the human centrifuge pull people inwards, why is it so hard for the person themselves to move inwards towards the center? Is it because while they are being pulled towards the center their momentum is still going around in a circle so they aren't actually fighting a force pushing them out, but around? Very confusing concept

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