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While preparing to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse, don’t forget that sometimes Disasters only last a few days. Especially when it comes to Natural Disasters, have items together ahead that you’d take on a long weekend trip makes life much easier.

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Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission.


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About the Author: SensiblePrepper


  1. Just a tip for those who don’t know. You don’t don’t need cell service for the GPS to work because it goes off satellite not cell towers you only need the cell service to load the map and terrain but if the map already loaded when you had signal it shouldn’t go away when you lose signal and it will always show you’re location from the satellite even if the map doesn’t load at all and will still show what direction you’re moving. I mean old car GPS’s didn’t need a cell signal to work so why should your phone’s GPS need one to work?

  2. I think of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers lol. I live not far from Sevierville and Gatlinburg, have you ever been to Smoky Mountain Knife Works? I love that place lol

  3. can you make a video on how to safely store gasoline for emergency situations. I like in the area where Hurricane Michael just went though and it was rough getting fuel though it's better now. I am thinking about trying to get a 30-50 gallon tank that I can fill up and use to keep my vechiles filled. I currently have 6 5 gallon gas cans and I can say I hate dealing with them. So I was just looking for any insight you have that would help. Thank you so much

  4. I can guarantee that the rich elites and friend's family will be safe.IN a disaster.people on a kill anyone that is handicapped will be dead.people on wellfair will be dead.all elderly people will be dead.It's just how people are.and corrupt government are.being ready is great..stash stuff everywhere.good boots shoes a might have to hike out.

  5. If you have a vaccum sealer you can seal up enough under garments to last awhile without taking up much space. then just leave them until you need them you won't have to hunt for them in hurry and protects them from the elements'

  6. I keep a trolley bag, that's a bag on wheels, in my closest at all times. It has clothing, and personal care items in it. This way all I have to do is grab my folder of important information, and I'm ready to go.

  7. Love your vids. I have just found out that an exellent youtuber and person Needs help after a serious accident. His channel is INTENSE ANGLER and his name is John. if there is any way the Community can help him it would be great. If you can do Nothing , can you put the word out please. I am just a sub of his and this request in no way comes from John. Thanks

  8. My family learned hard. Tried to be cheap and invite both extended families to a house too small to hold them so they could do everything once (food, trips, etc.). And then Florence hit. Supplies that could have kept us safe through the storm were exhausted, and stores were emptied fast and gas strained. We also had to deal with older ones, their needs and a pet. Sometimes people are so stubborn and stupid, but thankful everyone is safe

  9. being from Soflo when i decided to enter the prepping world i based my stuff around solving problems that occur after storms, i found battery backups that could recharge my phone a few times without needing to recharged themselves a worthy investment. the one i have now is water tight and has a solar panel that can help with power levels it only cost $25, it kept my s6 going for a week. anyway food for thought

  10. In the trunk of my car are three bags, one is what I call survival car bag (quite large) and its purpose is surviving an incident with the car like an accident or break down. Another bag is what I call my clothes bag – it a 2 changes of clothes raincoats, hats, gloves, bivvys, ponchos and everything I can think of for coverage solutions. My last bag is a medical first aid bag which I packed myself and it has as many first aid items as it can hold. These stay in the car at all times.

  11. One small item I always add to any bag I make or carry is a set of nail clippers in my first aid area. Can you imagine in a long-term situation being in the woods without it. You have to take care of your hands and feet or you're done

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