Experts predict the Pearl River will crest at 35.5 feet on Monday. Officials say at least 100 homes in the area could be affected by floodwater (Aug. 29) (AP Video: Michael Goldberg)
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Strong Jackson
John described sin as “all unrighteousness” (1 John 5:17) and “the transgression of the law” (1 John 3:4). That is why the Lord said, “All men, everywhere, must repent” (Moses 6:57)
Conservative leadership and “deregulation” on display. If you’re thirsty right now, then you should vote blue next tie.
^^^^^^ Enhance Your Satisfaction … by Understanding Your Existence … EXISTNC
Hey Mississippi, instead of continuing to vote for Republicans who exist to give billionaires tax breaks while doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to improve your infrastructure, how about y'all try voting for Democrats for a change, who actually exist in order to IMPROVE your infrastructure! No? Well then, have fun drinking your shitwater!
𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗱
A few days ago, the papers warned that Europe is facing the worst drought in 500 years. They described the dry and hot weather and the fires that broke out all over the continent and spoke of an apocalypse. Today, they are reporting flooding in London and violent storms in France causing catastrophic flooding, where in some places, more than an inch of rain fell in less than 30 minutes, and in Paris, a storm with 65 mph wind gusts and nearly 2 inches of rain that fell in just 90 minutes flooded the Metro. Clearly, the climate has gone mad.
However, the climate did not go awry by itself, but because of our madness. Nature’s erratic behavior merely reflects our own agitation toward everything. Our growing narcissism drives us to treat everyone and everything with utter indifference to the needs of others. In fact, we even enjoy hurting others. We think that if we can use others and not see the consequences for our actions right away then there are no consequences, but there are very serious consequences for our wrongdoing toward others.
In the closed system that is the world we live in, everything we do affects everything else, and that effect returns to us like a boomerang. When we pour so much negativity into the system, it becomes dysfunctional, and this summer, we are experiencing this dysfunction through the smoldering heat waves and torrential rains. If we continue to flood the system with hatred and intolerance, we will not need nuclear weapons to wipe us out; plagues, natural disasters, fires, and floods will extinguish us long before we extinguish each other.
When the summer is gone, winter will come with its own perils, and lack of gas and power will wreak havoc in Europe. Eventually, we will have to accept that we cannot defeat nature; we cannot outsmart it. We will have to learn to be an integral part of nature, connected to each other and to nature. We will not survive otherwise.
Since the only element in nature that has bad intentions and an exploitative attitude toward others is us, we must begin to change our relationships. Our attitude toward the rest of nature stems from our attitude toward each other. Therefore, if we are considerate toward each other, we will be considerate toward nature. It turns out that the correction of our tormented planet begins with the correction of our broken ties with one another.
To mend them, we must put our heads together and discuss solutions on a global level. These solutions must be inclusive and take into account everyone's needs. At the same time, everyone must accept that they cannot receive more than is necessary, since they, too, must be considerate toward others.
To get such a global initiative off the ground, there needs to be an open discussion about it all over the global media. People must know that we really are running out of time, and unless we change now, it will be too late afterwards.
I do not know how to keep this move clean from politics and politicians, but it has to be a genuine effort to save humanity and the planet, not a ploy to take control of it. Perhaps a panel of scientists will be able to make this happen, but they, too, must work without ulterior motives.
I realize that this idea may sound naive, but I also realize that if we do not take global action to sincerely improve our connections, the approaching annihilation is certain and near.
Remove all EV vehicles
They could move this water west, where there is a drought an save time,money,in the future. By sending it west, apparently they have no room for it.
Mississippi must be stealing all that water from lake mead. One extreme to another people stop watching this trash news. Geographic changes are bound to happen in our lifetime…..what does it mean though. Earth has been changing for billions of years
Wow 35 feet !? What’s normal might help perspective.
The river giveth…
That is some great reporting there!
somebody forgot to tell all the rivers were having a "megadrought."
Father, I ask that you wrap your arms around our Brother’s and Sister’s in Mississippi tonight.. Please talk to them and bring guidance into their lives with your word.. Father, I ask that you please watch over them and protect them.. Father, I ask that you please dry these flood water or redirect them to prevent any damage.. Father, I ask that you please provide for any assistance or needs that they may have and I ask that you please bring blessings into their lives so that they may be a blessing for others.. In Jesus name.. I pray.. Amen!!!
Man this must be a climate change problem. Too bad I didn’t give the government more $ to prevent this. All my $ when to hunter Biden and Ukraine 😢
I bet y'all wish you had voted for a governor who ACTUALLY worried about the infrastructure BEFORE things got bad instead of concentrating on taking your rights away.
If u live in a flood zone …
Thank goodness Trump and the radical right that supports him agree climate change is just a hoax. Without that reassurance, those forced to rely on the evidence of our own senses might take what's happening before our own eyes to be a bad sign.
You can’t plan the weather!
Ban assault flooding!!!
Just pipe it over to Lake Powell …problem solved.
Gee, another climate-change denying red state getting washed away by another flood. Ha, ha….clearly mother nature doesn't like republicans. just pray more, that will fix everything…losers.
Building in a flood plain is a bad idea. Write that down. Memorize it.
Pakistan = 8
Mississippi = 7
? = 6
? = 5
? = 4
? = 3
? = 2
? = 1
You know with all the drought in other states you would think that they would come up with a plan in every state that in the event of flooding, a system be put in operation to harvest this resource.
MDMSSB wish everyone Happy New Year 2022.Lets work otogether to overcome the covid-19 trauma asap. Latest news sharing. J
"We support human Work life balance"
If anybody in our government had a brain and was really interested in environmental issues like water shortages / drought, they would have built up a few quaries along the length of the mississipi river's flood plains years ago, and pipe the overflow to the Mead Lake . The Mississipi river Floods every year, damage is done Every year, Lake Mead is drying up more and more Every year. Stupidity in our Government Grows every year, Wasteful spending grows in our government every year!! Get the Point???
I don't understand why we can't Collect some of this water that is flooding half of the country and bring it to lake Mead and the other half of the country that is experiencing extreme drought
Mississippi was low on water God's plan never is always on time but or the right amount but he gave you water
Got a friend over there who lost everything… except her kayak.
Think crazy.the Great Lakes becomes the most valuable fresh water supply on EARTH!!?science fiction??? I predicting it 200 years ahead of it's time..Let's see how humans can scew it up….🤕🤕🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
How are the states not declaring a state of emergency? Seems like this would be a legitimate way to use federal funding?
The Anacondas from Florida are moving faster to the south with these floods.
If u think about it a couple hundreds of thousands years ago probably happened to our ancestors wonder what they did to survive or did they? Maybe dats why most of our human history hasn’t been found
Don't you dare send them a dime of my tax dollars.
need a head count to be happy usa is dead
Wonder if anyone in the south was told about climate change in the past 40 years and how they have voted accordingly…
Grandma Pearl is upset