Floods caused by heavy rains have submerged at least a third of Pakistan. The government says man-made climate change is to …
Floods caused by heavy rains have submerged at least a third of Pakistan. The government says man-made climate change is to …
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What impact has the lack of infrastructure though.
“my country contributes less than 1% to CO2” ignores the tech benefits all countries enjoy today from centuries of fossil fuel burning. where do you think satellites that give you GPS, modern mass production and farming, etc came from? Do you think Pakistan in 1300 AD could have supported a population of 220 million? if we went back to the middle ages literally 90% of the world would starve off and die
Thanks so much Maskoffweb for the awesome amount
Thanks so much Maskoffweb for the awesome amount
10 billion USD to fill in the pocket of the corrupt politicians
Main Quest: Stop climate change (optional: Reverse climate change)
Humanity: Does side quests
I am biased, but, man, really good report!
Stop producing missiles, explosives and weapons of war. I hope UN can help resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and end the war, it will greatly lessen global warming, destruction of lives and the environment.
I'm no time traveler, but i don't think you'll fix this by 2015.
Sorry for the damage made by the flood. But they are selling wrong medicine. Zero emissions will not stop the floods and draughts. Addressing and selling books will not solve the problem.
Do not use more of the wrong tools, first find out effective means, then use them.
Yes, there are inequities, especially in population growth. While the population of Pakistan has more than quadrupled, in the last fifty years, the populations of western Europe and the United States would have dropped, if not for immigration. When populations increase, beyond finite food production ability, there will be problems. Climate change induced disasters exacerbate the problem, just as unfettered population growth exacerbates climate change.
Well the country has total history of 75 years… 03:53
Just never forget what corruption and terrorism can do to your country.
Save your time. Inequality. Inequity. Discrimination. Bigotry. Racism. Marginalization. Exploitation. Colonialism. Hegemony. There I saved you twelve minutes.
Actually, more than homes and businesses, the greatest problem is the loss of agriculture, because lots of countries are suffering from climate in terms of their agriculture, so don't have any spare to export. Last week, the U.N. Said there are now 27 countries that used to export food, who are not any longer.
Yes: Pakistan is under water, and there is a drought in Somalia that is causing a famine, and taking the lives of many children. People in Afghanistan, Yemman, even Lebanon & Argentina can't afford to feed themselves: in the latter, thousands of people, many children, spend their days rummaging through the waste tips in order to find something edible for their family or scraps of material to sell. I'm no expert and probably there are dozens of other countries in a similar plight, but here in the West we declare a cost of living crisis – for ourselves. And of global aid, do you now what percentage is being spent on Ukraine? 20%. We chose to fund war rather then to feed the starving millions. I'm not alone in feeling that it's an indictment on humanity that we let our fellow human beings die for want of food. And today, here in the UK, which is one of the richest economies on Earth, we are even allowing our own neighbours go hungry, and have for a long time accepted the rising tide of homelessness that our selfish economic policies have helped to produce. America leads the world into this ditch of hopeless selfishness in an economic system that is destroying the Earth – has destroyed the Earth. Dear God help us destroy the system that is destroying the Earth.
Yeah, sure. Start with the countries with the highest emissions of CO2 most per capita of population. The top 3 countries are Qatar , Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. One thing is for sure. You will never , ever hear anyone making any demands upon these countries to lower emissions and we all know why that is the case. its all very simple. we either all pinch in and make an effort or we forget the whole thing but I guess kissing Arab hairy oily a**es are more important.
As usual, the poor pay the price. Billions up on billions have been spent on weapons to aid ukraine…. but pakistan won't see a cent. Billions are spent on space travel, yet the people of Pakistan won't survive this.
Every consumer is to blame. Climate Change is such an ignorant name. The climate is always changing.
that 'new normal' phrase is so devious,, it's not like an accident that took us by surprise
Only way to stop climate change is to get rid of the people.
𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗱
A few days ago, the papers warned that Europe is facing the worst drought in 500 years. They described the dry and hot weather and the fires that broke out all over the continent and spoke of an apocalypse. Today, they are reporting flooding in London and violent storms in France causing catastrophic flooding, where in some places, more than an inch of rain fell in less than 30 minutes, and in Paris, a storm with 65 mph wind gusts and nearly 2 inches of rain that fell in just 90 minutes flooded the Metro. Clearly, the climate has gone mad.
However, the climate did not go awry by itself, but because of our madness. Nature’s erratic behavior merely reflects our own agitation toward everything. Our growing narcissism drives us to treat everyone and everything with utter indifference to the needs of others. In fact, we even enjoy hurting others. We think that if we can use others and not see the consequences for our actions right away then there are no consequences, but there are very serious consequences for our wrongdoing toward others.
In the closed system that is the world we live in, everything we do affects everything else, and that effect returns to us like a boomerang. When we pour so much negativity into the system, it becomes dysfunctional, and this summer, we are experiencing this dysfunction through the smoldering heat waves and torrential rains. If we continue to flood the system with hatred and intolerance, we will not need nuclear weapons to wipe us out; plagues, natural disasters, fires, and floods will extinguish us long before we extinguish each other.
When the summer is gone, winter will come with its own perils, and lack of gas and power will wreak havoc in Europe. Eventually, we will have to accept that we cannot defeat nature; we cannot outsmart it. We will have to learn to be an integral part of nature, connected to each other and to nature. We will not survive otherwise.
Since the only element in nature that has bad intentions and an exploitative attitude toward others is us, we must begin to change our relationships. Our attitude toward the rest of nature stems from our attitude toward each other. Therefore, if we are considerate toward each other, we will be considerate toward nature. It turns out that the correction of our tormented planet begins with the correction of our broken ties with one another.
To mend them, we must put our heads together and discuss solutions on a global level. These solutions must be inclusive and take into account everyone's needs. At the same time, everyone must accept that they cannot receive more than is necessary, since they, too, must be considerate toward others.
To get such a global initiative off the ground, there needs to be an open discussion about it all over the global media. People must know that we really are running out of time, and unless we change now, it will be too late afterwards.
I do not know how to keep this move clean from politics and politicians, but it has to be a genuine effort to save humanity and the planet, not a ploy to take control of it. Perhaps a panel of scientists will be able to make this happen, but they, too, must work without ulterior motives.
I realize that this idea may sound naive, but I also realize that if we do not take global action to sincerely improve our connections, the approaching annihilation is certain and near.
Let's face it: some people are just waiting, hoping, and praying to die. Others are doing the exact same things in order to live.
Unfortunately, there's really no purpose to life or death, so… do whatever you like. 🙄
There have always been floods and droughts. Does that mean that Climate Change has been happening for all of human history? Why does the rest of the world need to pay for people living in regions with poor weather? Be it feast or famine, people are just never satisfied with what they have. The problem is not with the climate but with the people.
Thinking how to terra-form Mars, while Mars-forming earth at relentless pace….
Sad, wishing them a speedy recovery.
Acts of war by mostly US fascist Oil Companies pollution. Dig into who these Corps. "donate" to. It's the US fascist Party.
The notion that there is a "climate crisis" is narrative. There is no climate crisis.The floods in Pakistan is not due to "climate change", but a weather event.
This is no argument that Pakistan is no a large emitter, the state needs to work on preparedness, mitigation, hazard identification, and building capacity of communities and local admin. Where is the recovery plan?
One more large section of agricultural land has been wiped out for at least one season, for the world.
Everything is labelled as Climate Crisis ,using terms like climate catastrophe.
What did the Climate Minister did to stop this flooding ?
When did Pakistan stop using fossil fuels? Don’t they also use plastics and non-recyclable goods? How is global warming not also your fault? Fools pointing blame elsewhere… look inwards first.
To relieve the situation, Australian government is issuing more fossil fuel project permits.
Fighting climate change will help but this will be an issue for thousands of years, so they need to address those other issues like poverty
Overpopulation isn't also helping the situation.
More than 80% global emissions are due to the developed nations while developing countries like Pakistan are the most vulnerable to Climate change.
The world must step up before it's too late, and climate change has really getting worse.
Well, duh! Ya think?
The Pakistán authorities just Talk and do Nothing. 💥Amazing.
The oligarchs in the USA China and Russia don't care about the well being of everyone on earth
Explain why governments are destroying small farms then.
stop using climate change as an explanation for everything